Fateful Night

1455 Words
Hella and I are on the bubbles pre-drinking and giggling at our matching gold sequinned dresses. We had messaged Zoe to go gold too. We were meeting up with her later than usual at the club, apparently the bouncy bear wolf was going to meet a girl and Zoe wanted to check her out. We have a few shots of the fae liquor to send us on our merry way to the club. The night was going to plan the club is full and energised, the DJ is on form and the shots are flowing. We had been on the dance floor all night. Hella was having a lovely time with a fae she’s fond of and for the first time ever Zoe was dancing with someone, a rather attractive moon witch and she looked like she was having the time of her life. I was happily dancing by myself enjoying the music and then I felt it, felt him, before I had a chance to react arms went around me and I was pulled back against a hard body. His face buried in my hair inhaling deeply, I could feel his tense body begin to relax thinking he had found his mate and all would be well now. My body tensed just as his relaxed, panic building inside me. I looked to Hella for help but she wasn’t paying attention too wrapped up in her fae. I couldn’t look to Zoe for help and I couldn’t use my magic it would only escalate the situation in an entirely worse direction. Help! His strong firm hands turned me in his hold never giving me the opportunity to bolt. I dared to look up at his eyes full of love and relief making me feel even sadder for what I could never have. Instinct made me reach out, touch his cheek as I had before, he leaned in enjoying the connection. I couldn’t make myself move away, I couldn’t look away, I was firmly captured in his spell. He seemed to be too. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity. The spell was broken by loud excited shrieking that seemed to vibrate above the DJ. I looked for the source and found Zoe beside us clapping her hands together beside us excitedly squealing “no way, no actual freaking way” Realisation hits me like a a freight train, how did I miss it they look so much alike no wonder I was drawn to her, he is her brother! He looks from her to me shock and confusion at her actions “Mates! My brother and my friend! Mates! Best news ever!” She sounds so genuinely happy. I shake myself into action and I know in this moment they’re not expecting it, I take my opportunity as his grip had loosened at Zoe’s interruption, I turn and run, stealthily bobbing around people taking a convoluted route through the crowd to make me harder to follow. I notice a staff entrance and manage to dive through just before it clicks closed and weave my way through corridors and out a back door as fast as I can. I make it out into the alley, checking I’m alone I turn to keep running when from nowhere a hand clamps down on my arm. I turn in a panic but it’s Hella, I’ve never been so relieved to see her, I almost fall to the ground, her from hold keeping me in place “Lilith what in hells name is going on?” I can barely get the words out “ My mate is Zoe’s brother he’s in there!” Without even a word she portals us and just like that we’re safely back in my room. I take a big deep breath and feel like my lungs are filling for the first time “dark lord Hella that was just too close!” She folds her arms across her chest posture stiff and face stern “I’m not one for I told you so’s and I mean I do like her but we were playing with fire and you of all people know the consequences of that” At that exact moment my phone lights up, it makes me jump my nerves still on edge, Zoe’s name on the screen, we share a look, next thing I know both our phones are piles of dust “well one problem solved” declares Hella “At least she thinks we’re human and has no idea we’re across the block” I nod at least there’s that “But how do we hide now? She knows everywhere we go except home and she’ll know our scent now” Hella raises an eyebrow at me in a are you for real expression, “simple spell work my love, I will hide us from her and then we just need to find some cool new places to hang out and stick with the other demons! She won’t be looking where they are orrrrrrr I could just wipe her memory?” I shake my head “no use he knows now and you’ll never get to him” reluctantly she seems to agree “okay we stick to demon hang outs then and I do the spells and we hope for the best” she confirms. I just know this is not going to end well. Leo I freeze for a moment in shock as she runs from me once again, my wolf tries to push through and take control but I push him back, the last thing i need is to terrify her with a six foot raging wolf hunting her down and trying to mark her as he pounces. What is it with this girl and running away. Zoe turning to run after her snaps me into action, she shouts out “Lili” into the crowd and now I finally know my precious mates name, Lili, it’s perfect just like her. I charge into the crowd after Zoe and her, my little mate is fast and hard to follow, still no scent and I only felt her when I was right next to her by coincidence. I had been looking for Zoe to say goodbye as I was leaving the club. I catch sight of her disappear through a staff doorway but by the time I reach it it’s security locked. I slam my fist against it in frustration, getting disapproving looks from people around me, I could care less I just want my mate. There’s no way through without revealing what I am to a bunch of humans and the consequences of that are too steep. A full minute which feels like a year passes before the door opens form the inside, I barge straight through pushing the staff member aside ignoring their shouts of protest, I mind link the others to head in this direction. I pause for a moment using my heightened senses to to figure out which way she would have went, taking in all the signs and footprints on the ground and I realise there’s an exit route. I use all my speed to get there and out into the alley, I stop. There is no sign in either direction up or down the alley, the others pile out the door at my back. How can she be gone again this is a disaster! I sink to my knees and my wolf and I roar in anger loss and despair, I see the intensity taking the others to their knees and the look of shared pain on their faces. They’ve lost their Luna, their Queen too they roar with me. Zoe eventually places a soothing hand on my shoulder “it’ll be okay brother, she is my friend, I probably just spooked her when I was talking about mates, she’s human she won’t understand but we’ll help her, it’ll be okay” I look up at her hopefully and she gives me a reassuring smile “see I’ll phone her and we can sort this right out!” She takes out her phone and calls, I hear it start to ring and then nothing, it just dies, I see Zoe’s face drop. She tries the call again and this time nothing at all happens, no ringing, it’s just a dead tone “what the hell!” Zoe exclaims. I have a truly horrible feeling my mate is lost to me, why would the moon goddess do this to me twice, what am I being punished for? How can I rule with no mate and no heirs. My wolf and I look to the moon and again roar in anguish at our loss.
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