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No, I don't have any guarantee, but I've faith in myself and the love Granny has for us. They both stayed silent in their small house, which has 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a hall, a dining area a lawn outside, parking area for a car, though they hadn't had any for many years. Emma thought to give an ad for paying guest accommodation, so they could earn some money to use for the household. Cody went back to school after a week, on his bicycle. Emma also has been on leave for a week for both the cafe and pub. Luckily both the managers understood her situation and didn't trouble her during this tough time, they also told, her the would not cut any money as a sign of their empathy. The cafe would be open from 7.30 in the morning and till 9 pm, and Emma would start her shift from 8.30, as the owner has given the privilege for the workers to have flexible hours but they should finish their 8 hours shift, without any interruption in the workflow. If someone is willing to come by 7.30 and leave early, they will continue like that, so there won't be any issue with serving the customers. By luck, Emma, got a chance to work under such amazing propriety who understands worker needs. This cafe, 'Joyful Bakes' has a large franchise across the country, and even in Clarg City, where Emma stays has a total of 10 cafes, which are running super awesome. The speciality of this Cafe is croissants and their latte coffee, toffees, blueberry muffins. The croissants filled with blueberry, mulberry, and raspberry jams are one of their hits along with their pistachio paste Croissants. Every year on the anniversary of their Cafe, they will get gifts from this cafe with their specialties and also a good bonus. Emma started working here 2 years ago and she is looking forward to the 3rd year. This year is so special, as this cafe is going to be completing its 10-year anniversary since it started, and they are all invited to a high-end banquet hall, where they will get to meet all the colleagues of different branches, and also their chairman. When Emma reached the cafe, surprisingly, today, all the staff are present at the Cafe more than their assorted time. Wilson, who used to arrive at 9, today, came earlier than 30 minutes, and looked so tense. Hey, Wil! What happened to you? Why are you looking so tense? Emma, just gets back to work and don't get any diversion, our chairman is here. and talking with our manager. It is very rare to come to a chairman directly to the franchise. Everyone is saying, it is for inspection. Oh, I see. Where is the Chairman now? In Manager's cabin for 1 hour. He came early in the morning, and after the chef messaged me, I came immediately. Chill, Will! They just came to check on me, you do your work, I do mine. No! I ate a pistachio croissant two days back, as one customer ordered by left without touching it. I felt tempted and thought no one would know as it was already paid by the customer. I'm scared that the Manager would say that as a complaint about me. First thing, what you did is not punishable, and secondly, you didn't waste that food. In general rule, we should not resell the leftovers of any customer, but if it is untouched, what would you do? Don't worry, I'll speak for you. Thank you, Emma. You are always sweet. Here take your order for table no 15, that lady is waiting for this. Wow, a blueberry croissant and a latte coffee! Nice combination. Emma went to her table enthusiastically, and was surprised to see a very beautiful and elegant lady who was reading a magazine. She has adorned her neck with a beautiful 2 layover pearl necklace, pearl studs engrossed with diamonds around, a huge diamond wedding ring, and a costly watch. I wish I could have her pearl necklace at least, my brother's operation would be sorted. She is so elegant, classy, and rich, wow, what a combination. Excuse me, Mam. Your order here, is 'Blueberry Crossiant and a latte coffee medium.' Is there anything else you would like to have? The lady looked at Emma's face and observed her, which made her uncomfortable and scared. 'Mam! Is there anything else, you would like to have?' Yes. Can you tell me why you suggested your colleague, what he did is not wrong? I apologize for overhearing you, but you might be too loud, or my table is too near, but I heard everything. Emma felt embarrassed at the lady's words, she felt like digging a hole and going inside. What she said was not wrong, but she felt too embarrassed that someone had overheard their conversation and asked directly, she wondered why this lady was too interested in it. I'm sorry, Mam. May I ask why you are so interested in it? I'm because I want to know whether the order you got for me is a fresh one or someone else's? Emma felt awkward but tried her best to explain, as she was scared, that the situation would escalate by this lady, and then she might lose her job along with Will. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, we never serve the left over of others even though it is left untouched. We either give to the poor, or we distribute in ourselves after the shift is over with our Manager's permission. My colleague made a mistake by eating it without our Manager's permission, that's all. Don't you think is wrong, Miss? Um. I'm Emma. Yes, Ms. Emma. It is completely wrong, I agree. But it is already done and his first mistake, so we can excuse that as he is a very hardworking and diligent worker here. Don't you think it would make him misunderstand and continue to do that? Emma wondered where is this conversation going on actually, but she still replied politely, 'If someone is considering your empathy and kindness for granted, then you should change your way of handling things with them.' Mam, if there is nothing else to order, I'll go ahead with my work. Enjoy your breakfast! Emma left from there as fast as she could, and she felt so relaxed after coming from that lady. --- I'm telling you, that younger brother of your dead wife, is crossing the limits. He is splurging your money on alcohol, pubs, and women as well. Why don't you stop him? Mom! I know what I'm doing and he will change for good. Just give him some time. When will he change? The more you show your weakness towards him, the more rebellious he is becoming. Don't you see that?
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