
CEO's Temporary Girlfriend

kickass heroine
office/work place
enimies to lovers

Emma! Emma! Where are you?

Cody is shouting for her sister, as he is so tense to see a tall and muscular man with so many bodyguards around their house. He is very protective of his sister, but still, he is a young kid, not yet ready to face the business tycoon Marcus Connor.

Marcus Connor is a talented expert in the business world and is considered a business tycoon by many in the media and business world. No one would dare to cross this multi-millionaire, but Emma did.

Emma is a free-spirited girl, who loves to be happy always. In her life, her only goal is to earn money for her brother's operation. She never thought her one suggestion to a kind lady, would end up with her life in a question mark.

But Emma is ready to do anything for her brother, Cody. She agreed to become a Temporary Girlfriend to Marcus.

She felt attracted, secure, and warmth from his affection and care. But she knew, as a temporary girlfriend, she was not allowed to love him but felt happy as he never intended to marry anyone, which meant they could continue the act.

Tracy doesn't want anyone in Marcus' life, as she is afraid that if a new life begins in Marcus' life, he will forget about them. She tried to kill Emma many times, but always she was rescued by Marcus.

Emma comes to know that, her parents are the murderers of Marcus's wife and child, who are dead.

What punishment would Emma face because of her parent's mistakes? Will Marcus and Emma have a happy ending?

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Emma! Do you think we will have good tips tonight? I don't know, Ginny! But I hope to grab a few thousand dollars so I can take Cody to a nearby park, which he has been asking me for so long. You are working so hard my dear, I hope you will have good days soon. There are no good days for me Ginny, but I believe in Karma. Maybe I'm not as good as you think, that's why my parents left us. Dear, don't be sad, I'm sure, your prince charming will come and get you out of this misery. You please stop watching those stupid dramas. There are no such things in real life. I just want my brother to have an operation soon and we both stay happy and healthy forever. Hey, you two! Stop chit-chatting and go to VIP, room 1 to serve. Linda shouted at Emma and Ginny, who were in the kitchen cleaning some stuff. Linda is the manager of all the waitresses in this pub, and she is the one who assigns the workers to each room. This pub is safe compared to other pubs that encourage s*x and other illicit things. Here the people only come to enjoy, have fun, drink, and do some office-related stuff. Emma joined here to earn more money, one year back. Till now, she hasn't faced any indecent behavior or rude customers. Perhaps is too sweet and efficient in her work, people are polite to her, and even the manager has promoted her to serve the VIPs within 3 months of she joined. Because of this reason only, many people are safe in this pub, as it has very strict rules, regarding nudity, s****l stuff, and drugs. It is also one of the reasons Emma showed interest in working here, as it would get her 1000$ a month and also very good tips from the customers. Emma and Ginny have both colleagues, friends, and neighbors since their school time. Ginny's father died when she was a kid, which put a stop to her studies. Emma's parents abandoned both children when they were too young to enjoy their adult free life. They scavenged all the money left by Emma's grandfather for them, which left Emma, Cody, and her grandmother Lena, to suffer in poverty. Since then, all 3 of them have taken care of each other. Emma made sure to help her grandmother, Lena in helping to take care of her brother who is just 7 years old. Emma started working two jobs after she came to know about her brother's heart disease, which can be cured only after doing operation, which costs her millions. Lena, her grandmother tried everything she could by asking relatives, and banks but no one helped them, and her health started to decline because of her age and worrying about both her grandkids. During the day time, Emma works at a cafe as a waitress and at night time, from 7 pm to 12 pm she works in this pub. She stopped studying long back along with Ginny, and they started working since then together. As they entered the VIP room, it was filled with a lot of smoke and alcohol, with young boys and girls chilling over there. The VIP room is special, as no one can see what's happening inside, they can do whatever they want and it is not possible to stop even the manager. The owner of this pub is very powerful and doesn't tolerate such things, hence, the people who work there have the liberty to report to the manager if they come across anyone not following their pub rules. Ginny and Emma, felt embarrassed and blushed looking at the couples kissing each other in the same room, without any privacy. Hey, they do an orgy so openly, should we report it to Linda? They are just kissing, and they would say the same if our manager came. It will be another issue to handle. Let's just serve our drinks and stuff here, and move out quickly, Emma murmured slowly. While they were leaving from there, a young man, who is handsome of all, came forward and took Emma's hand. He is the handsome, rich, and young master of an influential family, no one dares to say no to this boy. Excuse me, Sir. Please take your hand. Emma shouted at him loud enough. Andrew, leave her, if your brother-in-law finds that you did wrong again, he will punish you this time. His friend, Jacob, tried to warn him. Andrew got so angry hearing that, and he became more solitary to get hold of Emma, shouting, that his brother-in-law couldn't do anything to him and this girl would be mine tonight. Linda came with a bodyguard just in time, to handle the situation, young master Andrew, your brother-in-law came looking for you. Please go to VIP room 3. Andrew dropped Emma's hand immediately, he was shivering his name, which Emma felt amazed to see. Just a few minutes back he had boasted to all his friends, and now he shivering so hard. She wanted to know more about this mysterious brother-in-law who had such power. Whoever it was, she felt thankful in her heart and left from there along with Ginny. Andrew went to the VIP room 3, and he never came back to spend time with his friends. Everyone from the party understood what might happen to Andrew, so they left soon from the pub back to their home. Around 12.30 midnight, Emma and Ginny were about to leave the pub, at the same time, Andrew and his brother-in-law were leaving. Emma had seen Andrew with a sour face, whereas his brother-in-law's back profile was only visible. She couldn't manage to see him, for some unknown reason, she felt sad about it. --- Hey, Cody! Why did you come here? I told you to take care of grandmother right? Emma! Grandma is no more. She died! Emma and Ginny are shocked to hear that. They ran to their home on their 2 wheeler bike, while Cody tagged along on another bike.

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