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Joyce! I'm sorry for being late. I got stuck up in the traffic. It's okay, Tracy. I'm habitual to your reasons anyway, Joyce responded mockingly. Tracy understood her underlying words, but she wanted to be polite with Joyce, as their family business still relied on her son-in-law. Her husband has become old, while her son is good for nothing in his life. Oh, you are having blueberry, I'll order the same then. Tracy tried to change the topic. Joyce, who was sipping her coffee, kept her cup down, and looked at Tracy, 'No matter, how many times you copy what I do, you can't copy my elegance and dignity. It should be in your blood, I believe you don't have that.' Tracy was embarrassed and fuming with anger, as she insulted her in front of everyone, she could see some were trying to control their laugh who sat nearby their table. Joyce stood up and left from there saying, 'Enjoy your breakfast here, I'll meet my son now.' Um.. I'll also come, I've done my breakfast already, she tagged along Joyce and went to meet her son-in-law. After they came to the parking lot, 20 minutes, later Joyce, son came and greeted Tracy with respect. You still haven't changed a bit my dear, son-in-law. I hope my son can follow your footsteps as well. Recently, our company has been declining and all the investors are backing out. I'm afraid we would lose the company and go bankrupt. Joyce was tired of her antics since the beginning and said, ' I'll wait in the car. You finish your talk and come fast.' She didn't spare a look at Tracy and got inside their car. Aunt Tracy, please ask him, to join my company as a Junior first. He will slowly learn things, till then I'll take over your company and handle things. Tracy didn't like this idea at all. She wants to make her son, the Chairman sooner with the help of his son-in-law. But she couldn't say no, as he wouldn't help anymore if she didn't obey. She looked at him and said awkwardly, ' I'll speak with him and ask him to meet you. He will only listen to you and this boy has long gone out of our hands since his sister died.' The man got sad hearing her words, he didn't say anything afterward and got in the car. Tracy smirked at him, 'You keep loving my daughter and I'll keep using you for money. You can't marry any women and you can't forget your dead wife. Then only, we Grime's will enjoy the luxurious life under your protection.' I have told you many times, to not encourage these people, and they are using your kindness. There has to be a limit to everything we do, even with kindness. Mom, please. It is just that her son is like that, but they are good people. They lost their daughter because of me, and should I stay silent when they are in trouble? For heaven's sake, how many times, I have to tell you, she died in an accident, not because of you. Why don't you listen to me once? That boy is wasting all his money and also splurging your money as well. This is no good thing at all. They are taking everything for granted because you are kind-hearted and you are still loving their daughter. Mom, I don't want to talk on this topic anymore. I'm going to the pub and meet him today and will be late home. Joyce sighed and felt helpless in this situation. She remembered Emma's words, indeed that girl is true, if someone is taking advantage of them, we have to change ourselves to handle them instead of trying to change them. I don't have any hope for Tracy's son, who is a spoiled brat. I've to think of something else to handle them before it goes out of hand. --- Hey! Where is that waitress that came to serve our room that day? Andrew asked Linda for Emma. I'm sorry, young master, she is not here today. She has been on leave for so long, no update yet. Andrew thought, she got scared and left this job. He felt a sense of power when people get scared of him. Alright, send the other girl that came along with her that day. Young Master, you are forgetting that this is not a regular pub that would provide girls. And from here on, our Boss specifically said to send that only men waiters, will serve you, whenever you do a party here. Do you dare to warn me now? Andrew got very angry with Linda and tried to threaten her. Linda has been in this kind of job for 10 years and earlier, she used to be a lady bodyguard for celebrities. She left that job as has lost interest after working for so long, and this job made her fascinated because it made her helpful to the girls who need protection working here. You can't threaten me, I'm only following my Boss's orders who is paying me, Linda said those words very confidently by looking straight into his eyes. Jacob tried to control Andrew and warned him, your brother-in-law will come in any moment, don't create a ruckus now. Fcuk! Stop threatening me using his name. I'll show you who I am one day and you, Linda, I'll make you pay for the insult you did for me today. Jacob and Andrew were about you leave from there, but stopped hearing some loud cheerful laughs from behind. He turned around and was shocked to see Emma and Ginny all cheerful and bubbly. Linda thought these two got in very bad timing, but she acted cool to control the situation. Oh, you are back. 'How are you doing?' I am okay and back to work mode. Wow! I'm glad to see you again, Ms. Excuse me? May I know you? Emma has forgotten about him, as she is not in the mood to think other stuff, from the day her Granny died. But, she can understand that this person is not a good guy from his looks. He is too lustful towards me and Ginny and it felt like a chill in her body, too dangerous. Girls, you may go now, Room 2, is asking for drinks, go and serve there. Okay, Linda! Emma and Ginny left from there. Emma is still worried about this guy and feels like a bad omen in her life. --- Since you said that I am not allowed to have any woman at my service, then I order you to bring those two girls to serve for my brother-in-law. He can take the service, right? Linda is shocked and is scared to say no, as the service is for his brother-in-law, the business tycoon. Yes, young master, I'll arrange it right away. Andrew didn't like that she agreed because of his brother-in-law, but still, he felt a sense of superiority over them. We will be waiting in room number 3, as usual order which my brother-in-law would take regularly.
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