Chapter 5

1493 Words
Galassia It's been two years since my life changed for the better. It took a while but I've gotten used to my powers, my wolf, and my fairy. So much has changed since then and I now have my very own pack of misfits. Somehow I can tell when someone is a supernatural being and if they are a rogue and why. It's been a really helpful gift to have. When the property beside mine was put up for sale, I bought it so that we could expand. I had already bought the last place on our strip of road when it went up for sale. Once both properties were in my name we built a few different Packhouses with them being big enough to house many people. I also had the protection barrier and the fence moved out to protect all of the property. I now owned about four hundred acres. We now have three big pack houses on my property so that we have enough room for everyone. And we're working on building a hospital. The one Packhouse has all of the amenities in it for everyone to use, while the others are just for sleeping. Packhouses B and C have the most people staying in them. Packhouse A has a huge cafeteria and kitchen for everyone to eat in. It also has a game room/ bowling alley, theater, gym, library, and an indoor-outdoor pool. We also have a basketball court outside. Most of the ones that I have rescued have kids so we also have a daycare center and a small school. I also started up a few businesses as well so that I have more money for the pack. I still paint and sell my paintings but I now own the gallery because the owner was ready to retire. She was also a lower-level fairy and recognized me for what I truly was after I shifted. After that, I also bought out a clothing store, coffee shop, bakery, and restaurant that had closed down. We reopened them and after a makeover, they're doing fantastic. Next with the help of a couple of the older people who joined my pack, we opened up a bar and a construction company. I even went back to College and took classes in construction and architecture so that I could run the company better and even design houses and other buildings. I just graduated with a degree in both. I have an ideatic memory so I all had to do was read the books and I knew just about everything that I needed to know. The only things that I wasn't able to learn from the books were life experiences that the professor had learned from on the job and shared with us. I even got it set up so that anyone that wanted to go to college to learn a trade to help the pack, would be able to. I also took a few classes on the side to learn how to bartend. In Maine you only have to be eighteen to bartend, so I wanted to learn. I wanted to be able to do any of the jobs should I need to fill in for someone. The ones who worked the bar were all in their younger twenty's and a wide array of people came to it every day. We even had our usual who were in every day. And business was doing well. Every business was doing fantastic and we were making very good profits. I even invested some money and made a lot off of it for us. I was putting all of my degrees to work and spent most of my time in my office at home. Every one of our businesses has the pack crest and logo on it as well as GMMP. The logo is a picture of Galaxy howling at the moon from a side profile of her so that you can't see the moons on her head. The pack has seen them but is sworn to secrecy since they swore an oath to me as their Alpha. The GMMP is the initials for our pack, it stands for Galaxy's Moon Misfits Pack. We named it that because we are all misfits and we're all different species. We have Wolves, Fairies, Bears, Vampires, Lions, Witches, Mermaids, and Foxes. I used a part of my powers and built a section of Packhouse A into the ground for the vampires. The older ones could be outside for the most part during the day, except for when the sun was high. The younger ones couldn't, So I used the earth to help me build an extra basement for them to have somewhere to go when we were first building Packhouse A. Most of the people in my pack were all kicked out of their packs for the wrong reasons. And some of them it was even because their mates rejected them because they wanted a stronger mate. Some were even abused because they were omegas and treated like slaves. So with the help of my new pack, we spread the word to make sure that everyone knew that anyone could join the pack. Provided that they didn't kill someone, rape someone or abuse someone. I didn't want anyone joining my pack that would abuse my family. With the help of the witches and the fairies, I was able to learn how to better use my powers. None of them had ever met or heard of a Tribrid before. So they had never seen powers like mine before, but they did their best to teach me how to do the spells and enchantments. I even learned how to make potions. We started a garden to grow our food and herbs. We had a huge garden with a wide array of food. We also had cows, pigs, and chickens. We tried to self-sustain as much as possible. Everyone tried to contribute somehow, if they were able they worked at the jobs in town on the pack grounds. Either in the gardens or with the animals. We even had a few of the older ladies who worked in the daycare and some who cooked in the kitchens. It was a well-run pack and we were even trying to get recognition from the council. They were due here in a few days and then we would see if we would get it or not. The best thing about the pack was that they all loved Mali, Sheldon, and Shelby. They treated them as if they were just regular members of the pack. I even saw Sheldon riding around on one of the Bears giving hell to a buzzard that tried to take off with Shelby. When he went from trying to get her, to getting Mali, I used my powers and sent him away. I was in my office in my house doing paperwork. During the day when I'm in the house, I leave the main doors open with just my screen doors closed. I was working on paperwork and going over what each of the businesses made this week. I also had the payroll to do for each business. I was deep into the paperwork when my phone rang. "Hello," I said into the receiver. The voice on the other side sounded like an older male. "Hello, this is Councilmen Reed, I'm calling for Alpha Stone. Can you get him on the phone please?" "Hello Councilmen Reed, this is Alpha Stone speaking, how can I help you?" I asked him. This condescending asshole pissed me off right off the bat. I wanted to reach through the phone and rip his balls off when he said "There is no way that Alpha Stone is some little girl. Go get your Alpha and put him on the phone. When I talk to him I'll tell him about your disrespect and see to it that you are properly punished, young lady." "I'm sorry to bust your big ass bubbly but I AM Alpha Stone," I said as I released my aura. "I am the one who started this pack, It's my property that we all live on. I sent a request about the pack to the senior member of the council. Is that you because if so then you should know who the Alpha is of MY pack" I said with a growl as Galaxy and I joined our voices together. He started stuttering and then said "The council will be at your pack at nine am in the morning" and then he hung up. Oh yippie, if that's what I'm going to have to deal with, I think that I'd rather stay a loan pack. I wont put up with their bullshit that's for sure. Or their sexiest views that only men can lean a pack. The council will find out tomorrow that I don't play around, especially when it comes to my family.
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