
The Galaxy Wolf: The Lost Tribrid

age gap
kickass heroine
magical world
another world
love at the first sight

Galassia has just turned 18 and has been on her own for as long as she can remember. Having grown up in foster care, she was often bullied and ignored. Being a very smart kid, she graduated from high school at 12 and college at 15. The other kids used to bully her because she was so smart. She often had to run off and hide from them to keep from being beaten. The first time that she hid in the woods an oak tree that she named Oakley helped to hide her. Over the years Oakley would either hide her in its branches or inside of trunk. She spent so much time there that she made friends with a mouse and a squirrel. When the orphanage that she grew up in was put up for sale and the kids moved to another location. She uses the money that she's saved to buy it, so she doesn't have to leave her friends. When she turns 16 she changes and receives powers that she had no idea existed. What will happen when she turns 18 and finds so much more? Come along on the journey with Galassia as she discovers who she is.

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Galassia Dreams become a reality when you work to make them one. They don't just happen by magic and they don't happen by giving up. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Get up and prove them wrong. If you get knocked down, get right back up again. You can do anything that you set your mind to, you just got to believe in yourself. When I was little I used to dream of miracles, of a white night (or in my case my parents) to swoop in and save me. But that never happened. I never had a savior, all I ever had were bullies. When I was born I was left at the doorstep of an orphanage. All I had was the clothes that were on me and a black and purple swirled blanket with my name on the corner of it. It had yellow dots on it and reminded me of the galaxy. The only other thing on me was a note with my name and the date of my birth. The woman who found me said that they didn't think my birth date was right because I was awfully small to have been born when the paper said I was. But they figured that I was a preemie and that my parents just couldn't handle the stress of that. Growing up they tried many times to adopt me but for some reason no one ever wanted me. And at times it even felt like I was looked over, as if I wasn't even there, at least to the adults. I was always a good kid, I was quiet and I studied all the time. I was super smart and even graduated from high school early. I was twelve when I graduated and because of that I always got picked on and bullied by the other kids. It used to make me so mad but because I was so much smaller than them there was nothing that I could do about it. So I would run and hide from them. The bullies made it so that I didn't have friends. And the ones that started as my friends ended up being adopted and never seen again. Don't get me wrong I was happy for them because they finally had a family. But It always made me wonder what was wrong with me that no one wanted to adopt me. Behind the orphanage house that we lived in was a forest. We were always told to stay away from it because it wasn't safe to be in. But. I used to run and hide in it to get away from my bullies. I had a tree that I would always hide in. At the time I didn't know how It did it but somehow there were always steps on the tree for me to run up. But after I ran up them they would disappear so that no one could follow me. When I got to the top the branches of that tree those closest to it would be woven together to make a place for me to sit or lay. I worked on schoolwork many days up there. The leaves on the trees would overlap and make a roof to protect me from the sun. I would hear the bullies running through the forest trying to find me but they never did find my hiding spot. I always found it funny when they would run back and forth trying to find out how the little shrimp managed to outrun them. They never did find me or find out about my tree and I used to hide in it a lot over the years. They got into trouble many times for being in the forest but I never did because they never found me. Oakley was my friend and although we couldn't speak to each other we understood each other. I never did understand how I was able to do it but I was always able to commune with him. If it was raining and I was being chased by the bullies, I would always whisper that I needed a dry place to hide. And when I would get close to Oakley there would be an opening in the bottom of the tree for me to climb into. It would seal back up so that no one knew that I was there. I was able to breathe and even had room to stretch out inside of there. At times it was like my own little house. I had even left an old sleeping bag, my blanket, a pillow, and a flashlight in there. And no matter what, when I had to hide in there, they were always right where I left them. I never understood it growing up. I didn't realize that something was wrong with the fact that I could commune with a tree. It was just how it was, and he became my only friend, at least until I found a few others. When I turned fifteen I had been in my senior year of college. I still used the tree to hide and still no one could find me. That year I had made a few new friends, they were animals but friends nonetheless. At first, it started with a baby mouse that I found and nursed back to health inside my tree. I fed him, took care of him, and watched him grow up. I found a baby name book at the used book store and bought it so that I could come up with a name for him. I went through many before I decided on Malachi, Malachi Mouse. Not long after that I found a squirrel that had fallen out of a tree and broke its leg. I took her back to my tree and nursed her back to health. She had a boy squirrel that would come to check on her. I had to have Oakley leave a small opening towards the top where no one could see it or be able to hear anything inside the tree. That way he had a way to get in. I named them Shelby and Sheldon, I don't know why but when I saw the names for them all it just felt right. I can't explain it but It was like something was telling me that those were their names. I would spend as much time out there as I could. The woman who ran the orphanage didn't pay any attention to the older kids. So most of the time they didn't even know if we were home or not. I got a job that summer working at an ice cream place and saved up all of my money. Every bit of it I would stick in an old jar and hide it inside of my little home in Oakley. Before that, I did odd jobs for different people to make money. I saved up every bit of money that I made so that one day I could escape from these people. Not only did I work there but I also helped the owners out with the paperwork. I was in college for bachelor's degrees in Business Administration, Accounting, and Art. I used two of my degrees at the ice cream shop. With me getting paid extra from there, for the extra work that I was doing. I was able to save up a good bit of money. I also painted and I would take my paintings to the local art gallery and sell them to make money. What no one realized was that I had gotten emancipated from the state. I was legally an adult in the eyes of the state now. So I was able to go to the bank with my paperwork and set up a checking account. I also rented a small studio right on the edge of town. It was close to Oakley. Eventually, the woman who ran the orphanage found out that I was emancipated and she wouldn't be getting a check for me anymore. She was pissed off over it but she had more things to worry about. I used the studio to paint my pictures in but I also had a bed in there to sleep on. I used one side for a little home and the other side to paint. Thanks to the art gallery and its curator, I sold many of my paintings that summer. And I made a good amount of money. I then learned how to invest my money and in no time at all I had a very good nest egg. That was the summer that my life started changing. I just didn't know how much it would change. I couldn't wait to see what the future would hold. I just hoped that It would get even better for me. Who knows maybe one day it will.

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