Chapter 6

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Galassia The next day Asia was up early with the pack and they were training. Some of the older ones who had been a part of a pack once upon a time still knew how to train the best ways. So they lead the training. I had taken some self-defense classes as well as boxing and MMA years ago, I passed on my knowledge as well. Between us, we were able to teach everyone and everyone that was old enough trained. I wanted my pack to be able to defend themselves should something happen. So every day we would train for two hours in the morning, from five to seven, and two hours at night, seven to nine. We all trained together and the vampires even trained with us. They showed us how to take down their kind. So that if something happened and an evil one attacked us we could defend ourselves. Each species had a day that they would teach us about them. We knew what each other's weaknesses were and how to defend against an attack. I also picked out a Beta, Delta, and Gamma to ensure we had a proper pack. My beta is Tyler, Delta is Caleb and my Gamma is Baxter. One of the first people that I brought into my pack was a girl named Oceana. I met her in my last year of college when I was fifteen. She became my best friend and when she was having problems with her family I moved her in with me. It wasn't long after I turned sixteen that she got ahold of me. After she explained what happened I went to her right away. She said that she didn't know how she would get out when she was locked in her room. She had hidden the phone so her stepdad didn't know about it. I figured that she would freak out when I poofed into her room to get her out but she didn't. She just took it in stride and with a sweep of my hand everything that she had was packed up. She said that she didn't know why her family was always abusive to her. But she finally learned tonight that she was adopted and that's why she was treated differently. So I took her out of there and brought her back home. I soon learned that she was part mermaid and part fairy. Like me, she also didn't know about her other sides until she changed on her birthday. But she only changed into her fairy. It wasn't until a few nights later that she had a chance to soak in the tub and changed into a mermaid. She's doing so much better now and is even mated to my Gamma, Baxter. She also helps me around the house a lot. She pretty much does the job of a Luna for the time being. She orders food and supplies that we need for the kitchen and the pack. She also helps out anywhere else that she can. It's a big help because it frees me up to take care of all of the paperwork that I seem to always have. I swear that this stack seems to be never-ending. After training I head back to my house and my room to get a shower. After a nice hot shower, I grab clothes to get dressed for the day. Since the Council is coming today I grabbed a pantsuit, my bra and thong, and a pair of five-inch stilettos. The pantsuit is black and has wide-leg pants, a white spaghetti-strapped s**t, a white short sleeve button-up blouse, and a black jacket. My stilettos are red. I added some makeup and put my hair up in a bun with a few pieces curled around my face. I was dressed like a boss and I was going to show these old asshole just who the Alpha is. When I was ready I left my bedroom and shut and locked my door. I kept all of the doors in my house shut and locked most of the time. Especially if there were outsiders in here and most of the time they weren't. It was very rare for me to let them into my home and today wouldn't be one of those days. I went to the kitchen and Oceana was in there already and had a plate of food and a cup of coffee ready for me. "I love you so much right now, do you know that? I think that I will keep you and Baxter will just have to fend for himself" I told her. She started to laugh and said "He'd never survive without me. I honestly don't know how he made it so long on his own. I swear some days he makes me wonder about him. But at the same time, we're good for each other." "That you are, you both balance each other out. I can't wait until you guys have kids. I want to know what a water bear will look like" I joked with her. We ate our food and joked around and she said that the guys should be in soon. After training this morning they ran the perimeter of the pack. They wanted to make sure that everything would be ok. Especially with our guests coming. Of course, said guests couldn't find us until I let them be aware of where we were. Even with their witch, they wouldn't be able to trace us. My spells were strong and had been tested. So we knew that unless I gave express permission then you couldn't find the pack. When I was done eating I rinsed my plate off and put it into the dishwasher. Then I made another cup of coffee and headed into my office. The main door into my office is right by the front door. So I opened the front door and then my office and went in and sat down. I had a bigger office in the pack house but I used this one for most things. When I didn't want strangers in my house I used the office at the Packhouse. I worked in my office until eight forty-five and then, Oceana and I locked the house up. Mali jumped onto my shoulder and I grabbed Oceana's hand and poofed us to the Packhouse. When we got there she went to the kitchen to see to it that refreshments were made and I headed to my office. My office was off to the left of the main door in the Packhouse and the one here was huge. I brought my laptop with me so that I would have access to all of the files that I needed. If there was something at the house that I needed I could easily get it to me. Five minutes until nine I let the council be able to find the pack and a few minutes later they were driving through the gate and pulling up. All they could see was the one Packhouse. I didn't want them to be able to see anything else until I deemed them trustworthy. I got up and headed out onto the porch to wait for them. Soon Tyler, Caleb, and Baxter were stepping up behind me in formation. Tyler to my right, Caleb to my left, and Baxter right behind me. Where he would usually protect the Luna, he protects me. Or at least he tries to and when we have company that is what his job is. When the SUV finally stopped and parked it sat and ran for a few minutes before it finally shut off. When the doors opened up on it I was surprised to see three men and two women get out of it. I could tell instantly who the leader was just by his I'm better than you attitude. This must be the asshole that I spoke to last night. He stepped up and said "Hello, we're the council of the wolf packs for the kingdom. We got notice from you Alpha that asked us to come and make this an official Pack. Where is he at? Does he not know that it's rude not to greet his guests himself." He smirked right at me when he said this trying to get a rise out of me. I stayed quiet for a few minutes before I answered him. Before I did I could hear Ty in a mind link with us all." This guy is a condescending jackass and he has me pissed off already. How dare he disrespect you like that." "Calm down Ty, it's ok, I'll deal with this asshole." Out loud I said "You must be Mr. Reed, the one that I spoke to last night. I'm pretty sure that I told you on the phone and I know that I put it in my application paper that I AM THE ALPHA." I said as I let my aura out. I made them all drop to their knees in front of me. It didn't affect my members anymore, once we established a link they could withstand so much of it. I wasn't even at my full power and I had them all on their knees. I eased it up and then said "Now let's get introduced, shall we? My name is Galassia Skye Stone and I'm the Alpha of the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack. Behind me is my Beta Tyler, my Delta Caleb, and my Gamma Baxter. Now it's your turn" I said with my arms crossed over my chest. One of the women stepped forward and said "Hello Alpha Stone, my name is Cleo and this is Simone. The men with us are John, Harald, and you know Greg. Please accept my apology on his behalf. He's a sexist asshole who doesn't belong on the council and only got on it because he's somehow related to the king. Or so he says, personally I don't believe it." "It's nice to meet you Cleo and everyone else except the sexist pig. Please come inside to my office and well finish this conversation." After we were all in my office we all sat down on the couches in the sitting area of my office. I sat down in my comfy chair that I had and asked "Now why do you think that he's lying about being related to the King." "I am part witch and part wolf and I grew up in the kingdom and with the King himself. Because my father was the Beta to the king and my mother, being full full-blooded witch, was a healer for the kingdom. I knew the King and his family really well, and I also knew their family. I never once saw him around the castle or the King's family. I don't know how he got on the council but he's not the head of it nor is he the boss. He just does what the boss tells him to do" she said while giving him dirty looks. "Huh, interesting, who is the boss then?" I asked her. "I am and it pisses him off that he has to listen to me." I chuckled and then said "Ok then since you are the boss, onto business. I applied to make my pack an honest pack. I don't want my people, any of my people to be considered rogues anymore." "How many people do you have here and are they all wolves?" Simone asked. "Right now we have about two hundred and fifty people here. And no they are not all wolves. Living here all together as a pack, I have wolves, fairies, bears, vampires, lions witches, mermaids, and foxes. Hence the name Galaxy Moon Misfit Pack. We are all misfits, all kicked out of our various packs for nothing more than stupid s**t. A few have been rejected by fated mates and then made to leave. Some are omegas that were being abused, and some didn't even know what they were until they shifted for the first time. This property is one that I grew up on, kind of." I then explained my story to the council and how we got our pack started. They had questions to ask and I answered each one the best that I could. The last question that Cleo asked me was "If others wanted to join your pack would you let them? And I'm talking about someone of a different species. You have a lot of different ones here but would you let others join in? Like say, centaurs, dragons, fawns, and any others." "Of course, It doesn't matter what species that anyone is. If they need a safe place to call home then this is the place for them to be. We will take anyone in that needs us." "I grant your application and approve it for this to become a real pack. We need to walk the perimeter barefoot and set it in. Then you will be all set. I'll even get in touch with some packs to help you build up alliances. I also know some people who could use this pack and will send them your way. With your permission of course." "That's fine with me, send them this way, and when I feel them get close, as long as they don't feel like a threat. Then I'll let them find us and let them in. And I would appreciate that, even getting a list of names to call and numbers would be a huge help. I'm ready to walk the perimeter whenever you are." My Beta and Delta stayed with the other council members while Cleo and I as well as Baxter walked the perimeter of the property. When we were done they left with the promise of sending those people our way. And getting me some alliances. I could finally breathe once they left. My pack would no longer be rogues, we would finally be a genuine pack.
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