Chapter 13

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Galassia When the meeting was over, Drac walked over to me and in a low voice said "I'd like to get to know you better. And I'd like to introduce you to our brother if you're up for it. But with all the Alphas here, it's probably better if we go elsewhere to talk." "I'd like to meet him and get to know you both better. You can come back to our hotel if you'd like and we can talk there. They make some pretty good burgers with the works and a s**t load of sides to go with them as well. We can get dinner ordered into my suit and talk. I got the penthouse suit so that there would be room for all of us, so there would be plenty of room." "That works for us. Let me grab a few of our warriors to go with us, and we'll follow you back. I also have to get Dion to come with us, and I'll have my Delta stay here with the rest of my warriors to keep an eye on them. Give me ten minutes, and I'll meet you by the front door", Drac said. "That works for me because I imagine that my Beta will want to stay here and spend time with his mate. I'll meet you there." We walked away from each other and I went over to Ty. "Hey, I'm sure that you want to spend time with your mate. Keep some of the warriors here with you and spend as much time as you need to with her. I'll be fine for the night if you want to stay with her as well", I told him. "Yeah, that's not happening, I can't just leave you alone and unprotected. I know that you have Baxter and Oceana with you as well. But it's my job to make sure that you are safe and protected. I can't just leave you alone" he said. I could tell that he was conflicted, so I sent him a mind link. "Hey, look at me. I won't be alone, OK. I can't say it out loud yet, but the reason that I was late for lunch earlier, is because I met my brother. My biological brother, he's the Alpha of the Wolf Moon Pack. He is part fairy as well and understands everything that Mali says. His Beta Dion is also my brother. I have five brothers all together. Drac and Dion will be going back to the hotel with me so that we can get to know each other better. I'll be safe and well protected, I promise. After I was kidnapped as a baby, and they were not able to find me, trust me, I don't think that they'll let me out of their sight for a while. So go and be with your mate and spend time with her family. Find out if they want to come with her as well. It's up to them and I can talk to Saxon about it. Now go, just let me know later if you are spending the night here or not" I said. "OK, fine, I'll go, but if you need me you link me immediately, OK. Have fun getting to know your brothers, they are great guys. I knew them both years ago before everything happened with my pack. At one time, I was close to them because all of our parents were friends. I remember when you were born and then went missing. I can't believe I didn't realize it before, because you look just like your mom. You're tiny like her as well. I'll be back at the hotel tonight. If you need me before, then call me or link me" Ty said. Afterward, he took off to split the warriors up and then go spend time with his mate. I started towards the door when Saxon yelled at me. I looked at Baxter and Oceana and said "You two head towards the door, I'll meet you there." "Yes Alpha, well be waiting," Baxter said, and then headed for the door. I turned around and walked back towards where Saxon was standing. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I'll leave Devan and his, whatever the f**k she is, in the dungeons for the night. We can deal with them tomorrow. I'll also get ahold of the council and my dad and let them know what he did. My dad may want to come here to talk to him and then go to your pack and talk to the old Alpha about it all" he said. "That's fine if he wants to come to my pack tomorrow after talking to Devan. It's a two-hour drive from here to there, but I can teleport him there and back, and it won't take long at all. And waiting until morning works for me. I don't think that I could deal with either of them tonight. I would end up killing them both, just because she ran her mouth about Mali" I said. "I don't blame you for that at all. He's a cute little thing and seems like he's really close to you. Is he OK?" He asked me. "He's fine, he ate too much and is now asleep in my pocket. And yes, we are very close. I found him as a baby, nursed him back to health, and raised him. If I hadn't found him when I did that day, he'd be dead. Not long after that, I found Shelby. She had fallen and broken her leg. Sheldon was always close by and would check on her. They were the only friends that I had for the longest time. Now I have a family and I just found out that my biological family actually wanted me. That they didn't just throw me away, It's a lot" I said. "Your family are good people. I've known them my whole life. Dad was friends with not only your parents but your Beta's Alpha and Luna, and his parents. We used to spend a lot of time together when we were kids and then one day Ty stopped coming around. We got word that their pack had been attacked by rogues and no one made it. All this time we thought that they had died. I even went out to check the pack myself and it was a ghost town. Now that I think about it though, it had to be a witch that made it seem that way. I'll have to look into it so that they don't try to escape" he said. "Come on, well go out there now, and I'll fix it so that no one but me can get them out of there. And then I'm heading back to the hotel for the night to get to know my brothers better", I told him. "I don't like you staying in a human town at the hotel. I have room on my floor if you want to stay there. I'm sure that we can find places for all of your warriors. I'm going to have to build extra bunkhouses now to be able to hold everyone from now on." "It's OK, I'll be fine at the hotel for the next two days. I can protect us and I keep humans away from us. And I know that you probably need time to come to terms with the fact that you just met your mate. And learned that you also have two other mates as well. We'll teleport down to the dungeons, and I'll secure them, and then I'm heading out for the night. I'll be back tomorrow though." That's what we did too. I teleported us both down to the dungeons and set a spell on the whole building so that no one with bad intentions could enter it. I also put another spell on it to keep anyone from trying to use magic to get them out. I also snuck a spell in there that will put anyone who tries to do either of those things into a cell. If someone ends up in a cell from trying, then I'll know immediately. When that was done, I teleported us back to the conference room and then headed to the front of the house. Saxon walked with me to the front door and my people as well as my brothers and their people were all waiting for us. Saxon took a breath and let it out. Then he said "I guess that I'll see you all in the morning. If you need me, call me immediately please, and I'll be right there. Have a good night you guys, and I'll see you in the morning." As he walked away he looked back at me, and he seemed torn and conflicted. I knew that he was having a hard time trying to accept the mate bond. Especially since his first mate rejected him. I took a breath and let it out and then looked back at everyone that was waiting for me. "Ok, I've had enough excitement from here for today. Let's head back to the hotel, order room service, and rest for the night. My warriors, if you haven't noticed yet, The Wolf Moon Pack has a few members going back with us. I'll explain why on the way. Please be nice to them. Now let's go, please. Drac are you going to follow behind us?" I asked him. "Yeah, We'll be right behind you all. I'm trying to get ahold of my parents, so I'm going to try to call them again on the way. We'll see you there" he said. We loaded up into our vehicles and made our way towards the hotel. Mali managed to crawl from my jacket pocket to his cage, stretched out on his little bed and was right back to sleep. I just chuckled at him and shook my head. The poor thing put himself into a food coma. It didn't take long, and we were at the hotel. I shut the little door on the cage and then picked it up. After we got out of the SUV, we waited for my brothers to pull in behind us. Once they pulled in and got out, we headed inside and up to the penthouse. We had to take a couple of elevators to get us all up to the top floor. My people all had two keys, one for our personal doors in the penthouse and one just for the elevator. You couldn't get onto our floor without it. When the elevator stopped, we got off and walked straight into the living area of the penthouse. I walked over to the couch and sat Mali's cage down on the coffee table before I sat down on the couch. I opened up his little door and then kicked off my shoes. I was sick of the damn things, my feet were killing me. Drac came over and sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. Dion was giving us funny looks and finally said "Your mate is going to kick your ass if you're cheating on her. Why are we here? Because if you get me in trouble with my mate because of whatever that is, I'll kick your ass. The last thing that I need right now is to deal with both of our hormonal mates." "Aw, Drac, you didn't say that you had a mate. I kind of didn't think you had one, since I didn't see one with you" I said. "Yeah, we've been together for a few years now. She's pregnant and about to give birth to our second baby. We have a little boy who is two, and now we have another baby due any day now. Still don't know what we're having, because they just won't cooperate with us. Dion also has a mate, as you heard, and he's about to be a daddy for the first time. His baby is a little boy as well. So far, all the babies born in any part of our family have been boys. All except for you that is." "Aww, I have a bunch of little nephews running around. I can't wait to meet them. How many babies are there so far?" I asked him. "Rowen has two boys, I have one boy and a baby on the way, and Dion has just the one on the way. Velanis and Valan have yet to meet their mate or mates yet", he started saying. "Wait a minute, wait one f*****g minute, nephews, what? What the hell is going on? Why are you talking to her like she's our long-lost sis... f**k! No way, no way, are you? Is she? WHAT?" I think that we broke Dion. I looked at Drac and said, "I guess that you didn't fill him in on the way?" "No, I didn't get a chance to. He spent the whole ride over here on the phone with his mate. And I was trying to get ahold of our parents. They must be in the fairy realm because I can't reach them. I have Valan going to them to tell them that I need them both here. They are the King and Queen of the fairy realm. My other dad used to be the Alpha of our pack until I got old enough to take over. Our oldest brother Rowen will be the next fairy king when mom and dad decide to step down", he told me. I was shocked that our parents were the King and Queen of the fairies. I kind of guessed that one of our dads was an Alpha, but I never would've guessed that I was an honest-to-goddess princess. That was weird to think about. I looked up at Dion, and he was standing there staring at me with his mouth open and just pointing at me. I looked at Drac and said "Umm, I think that we broke Dion. He's not moving. Do you think that he's breathing? It doesn't look like he's breathing" I said. Mali woke up about that time and came out of his cage. He started to squeak away, and I started to laugh. Finally, Dion looked down and said "Hey, I'm not broken, and why am I the least favorite brother already? You haven't even met the others yet. I'm sure that they will get on your nerves more than I will." Mali just shook his little hand and squeaked again. "You'll get used to them all, Mali, they can be a pain in the ass, but they're our brothers. And now you are our little brother as well." He squeaked back at him as he went back towards his cage. He looked at me and I knew what he wanted, so I grabbed the little blanket and covered his cage up for him. Dion had finally sat down after I introduced everyone to each other. He asked me "What is with the blanket on the cage?" "He's changing his clothes and if there are people other than me in the room, he won't change in front of them. He's a very picky mouse, but he loves his clothes. I'm always making new outfits for him." I took my jacket off and laid it on the back of the couch. At the same time that Mali came out of his cage, there was a big poof and then four people showed up in the living room. "Drac, Valan just came to the kingdom to get us and said that you needed us as soon as possible. What's wrong? Are you OK? You're not hurt, are you? Is your brother OK? WHY are you NOT answering me?" She yelled at him. He stood up and said "Mom, calm down, we're both fine. That's not why I needed him to come get you. I told the little asshole that it was important, but to tell you that we are fine. I'm going to kick his ass" As he was talking to her, Mali came over to me and I picked him up and held him to me. I knew that he could sense my anxiety, and he was trying to calm me down. I missed half of what Drac was saying to them, but Dion came over and stood in front of me and whispered to me "Just breathe. It's going to be OK." I nodded and then stood up. I heard Drac finally yell out "Mom just give me a damn minute to explain, please. I have someone that you need to meet. Galassia, come and meet my parents. Sorry, I should say come meet our parents. Mom and Dad's, I'd like for you to officially meet your daughter again. This is Alpha Stone or Galassia, Galassia our Mom Poppyara, and our Dads Spryn and Gavin." As he said that, they all looked at me and their jaws dropped open, and they just stared at me. I put Mali on my shoulder and then stepped up to Drac with Dion on the other side of me. I was looking down, but I took a deep breath and then looked up at them. When I did, it was like looking in a mirror. I looked just like my mom but could see some of my dads in myself as well. Poppyara took a deep breath and when she let it out she fainted. Oh, s**t, the first meeting with my parents and I already caused my mom to faint. What else can go wrong?
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