Chapter 12

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Galassia To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I can also guess now as to why he kept staring at me when we first came in and sat down. While it creeped me out because I didn't know who he was, he was trying to figure out who I was to him. I'm sure that his wolf could feel the connection between us. I know that Galaxy could feel it with his wolf. She just couldn't figure out why he felt so familiar to her. I guess now we may know why that is. After a couple of minutes, he took a deep breath and then said "It's a long story and I don't want you missing lunch, but the gist of it is this. My mom and dad have five boys. There's my oldest brother, Rowen, myself, Dionysius, Velanis, and Valan. The last of the boys are twins, and they thought that they would be the last kids that they ever had. There are reasons for that, but a few years later, when the twins were three, mom found out that she was pregnant again. And this time, surprise, surprise, it was a beautiful baby girl with hair and eyes like the galaxy. She was beautiful, and she was our whole world. I was ten when mom had her and I can remember carrying her everywhere. I was so wrapped around her little finger when she was just hours old. Our dads were the same way. There was a prophecy that was about a Tribrid and what the birth of her would cause. It caused a lot of uproar because people thought that things were just fine the way that they were. When she was a little over three months old, we woke up one morning and..." He was getting choked up and had to stop for a minute. Saxon and I stayed quiet and Mali got back on my shoulder and was cuddled up to me. "What a lot of people didn't know is that my mom is a fairy/witch hybrid, one of my dads is a fairy and the other is a wolf. Us boys only took after one when it came to being able to shift. For example, I'm a wolf, but I can commune with animals. Two of my brothers are the same, but they have different fairy powers. The oldest brother and the youngest are the only two fairies, but they also have a wolf sense. Their hearing, eyesight, and smell are all those of wolves. It was prophesized that the only daughter would be able to shift into a wolf, and a fairy, and have witch powers. She'd also have all the advantages that come with all three species as well. It's said that she and her mates will rule over all species, essentially being the Queen and King's of all. When my little princess was a little over three months old, we woke up one morning, and she was gone. Just gone, and we couldn't find her. We searched everywhere for her and brought in my mom's family on her mother's side to help look for her. Whoever took her had put a very powerful spell on her to hide her. We looked for years with no such luck. Hell, we still get leads and go hunt them down just to come up empty-handed. When I first saw you this morning, I got this feeling that I knew you from somewhere. But when your little Mali came out of your pocket and was threatening to chew holes in that w***e socks and to poop on her as well as everything else that he came up with. I just knew that you had to have some fairy in you. What made me think that you are my long-lost missing sister though, is when your eyes changed and swirled like the galaxy. I looked into those eyes every day for three months and I knew then that you're my sister. I can't believe that after all of this time, I finally found you. Can I, can I hug you, please?" I was choked up but nodded my head yes. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly, and then he lost it. He was crying so hard and it made me cry as well. Poor little Mali was patting us both and squeaking away, trying to calm us both down. I laughed at how he was talking to us and trying to calm us both down. I finally said "We're OK Mali, I promise. We just found each other again after being apart for a long time." He got really excited over having a brother because he said that Drac would be his brother as well. He kept squeaking away so fast that I had trouble understanding him. "Yes, little man, I'll be your brother as well, and you'll also have four other brothers. I agree, I'm starving as well. Let's go get lunch, and then we can continue all of this later after the meetings are done" Drac said. "I agree, I'm hungry also," I said. "Come on, the kitchen staff was making tacos with all the fixings for lunch. I made sure that they left plenty behind for the three of us. I even had them make a tiny plate for Mali. I think they even made cheesecakes for dessert", Saxon said. At the mention of tacos, Mali was ready to go. "All you had to do was mention tacos, and he's there for it. We love tacos and eat them all the time", I said, with a laugh. I released the spell off of the room, and then we headed out and went to the dining room. "By the way, our younger brother is with me. Dion is my Beta. I didn't have him stay back because I wanted to make sure that you were who I thought that you were. He was six when you were born, so he remembers you more than what the twins do. But there's not a lot that he remembers. Now that I know, he'll be excited to have you back as well. I'm going to need permission to call our parents and tell them. They will want to know and will probably be here the minute that I tell them. Mom can teleport from place to place", Drac said. "I can as well. It's useful when I need to get somewhere fast. I also have my pack hidden so no one with bad intentions will ever be able to find it. You can let them know, I want to meet them." When we got to the dining room, we split up and went to our separate tables to sit with our packs. I sat down with my pack and a few of the kitchen staff came out and brought us plates. The omega that brought my plate to me also had a little plate for Mali. As she sat them down in front of me, Ty sniffed the air and then growled out "Mate." She squeaked out and backed up, but I don't know if it was because of Ty claiming she was his mate. Or because Mali came off of my shoulder and onto the table to eat. Ty stood up and approached her and said "Hello, beautiful, my name is Tyler, and I'm the Beta of the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack. What is your name beautiful?" She was stuttering and looking towards another table. I heard the growl and then saw that asshole Devon come stomping our way. Before he could get to us, I froze him to his spot. Then I looked at the girl and said "My name is Alpha Stone, but you can call me Assia. After all, you are now my Beta's mate and will be working with me. What is your name?" I asked her. When she was still hesitant about answering me, I said "Don't worry he won't bother you." "My name is Tally, and I'm an omega. That Alpha over there was my mate, and he rejected me last night. I accepted and rejected him back because his Luna threatened to kill me if I didn't." I looked over at Saxon, and he nodded and then had his warriors come forward and grab Devan and his w***e both. Before they left, I spelled them to walk to the dungeons or the warriors without any problems. The spell would release them once they were in the dungeons and safely locked away. I then looked back at Tally and said "You're safe now, neither one of them will ever harm you again. My Beta will protect you and love you the way that you deserve to be loved. Your mates may have rejected you both, but this is the way that the goddess has made it up to you both. You both deserve to be loved and treated with respect. Congratulations you guys." I was so happy that Ty had finally found his mate and would be happy now. Saxon went over to her and said "Tally take the rest of the day off and spend it with your mate. Don't worry about anything. I let the kitchen manager know. We'll talk about your transfer to the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack later." "Thank you, Alpha" she whispered. "Ty, if you're done eating then you can go spend time with your mate until the next meeting time. I'll link you when we head back in. Mali, if you put your little paws on my tacos we're going to have problems little man", I said as I turned to glare at him. Everyone laughed when I turned around to look down at him, and he was trying to still my food. He started to squeak away at me and I lifted my eyebrows at him. Then said "Seriously, how the hell are you still hungry? Some days I wonder if you're a little pig and not a mouse." Ty was laughing at him and said "Take it easy Mali, you don't want what happened last time to happen again. I'll be back in time for the meeting Alpha." He took Tally's hand, and they walked away together. I was so happy for both of them, after what their first mates did to them, they deserved to be happy. Ty was starting to give up hope that he would ever meet his second chance mate. I smiled at them as they walked away and then tucked into my tacos before Mali tried to steal them again. I ate two plates and when I was done I asked my warriors how the training was going. My head, Warrior Reed, said "The Bluemoon warriors have an excellent training program going on. I've found a few places where they need to work though. But some of the other packs that trained today really need some work. Especially the warriors from the Dark Moon Pack. They couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. If they had to go up against anyone in a fight they'd be screwed, badly." "The rightful Alpha will be back in place soon, and he can decide what to do with his pack. In the meantime, try to give them some tips. I'll have Ty go talk to them. That was his original pack, so they may listen to him. I don't think that he'll go back to that pack to be Alpha, especially after what they did to him, but I know that he doesn't want to see anything happen to them." When lunch was over, we split back up, and the ranks of the packs headed back into the office. Mali was draped across my shoulder acting like a little drama queen because he ate way too much after I told him not to. I was almost back into the conference room when Ty came running up to me. He delivered his mate to her parent's home and met her family. Her mom was going to help her pack her things up so that she could move back to our pack. We got settled back into the meeting and finished covering everything that we didn't get to this morning. Without the troublemaker in the room, things went so much faster for us. When the meeting was finally over, Drac told me that he sent a text to our parents but hadn't heard back from them yet. He said that he may have gone to the fairy kingdom. I couldn't wait to meet my family, but I was nervous at the same time. In the meantime, I had another brother here that I could meet. Wish me luck, because I think that I'll need it.
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