Chapter 14

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Galassia "Mom", all three boys yelled, at the same time as both of our dads yelled out "Poppy." The taller one of the guys that was supposed to be my dads, I think his name was Gavin. He caught her and picked her up before she had the chance to fall and hit the floor. I was close to a panic attack from her falling. I don't want anything to happen to her just because of me. "Calm down Assia, she just had it sprung on her that her daughter is alive and in front of her. Our mothers have missed you, well us, very much. She's looked for us all of these years, she's just overwhelmed. Give her a few minutes and she'll be fine. Vie is talking to Momma Sky right now and proving that we are who we say that we are. It would help if you calmed down, though, before we end up in another country because you had a panic attack. You do remember what happened the last time, right? When we ended up in the tombs of Egypt", Galaxy said as she tried to calm me down. But it really wasn't working. Drac noticed me having a panic attack, and he touched my arm at the same time that I teleported and landed us in Paris, France. "Well, that's a nifty trick, but I wasn't planning on popping into Paris anytime soon. Do you think that we can get some macarons, crêpes, and croissants while we are here? They taste better than the ones that we can get from home. Mom used to pop over and get some, but it's been a while. Come on, my treat, and don't worry. I'm sure that they know what happened. It used to happen to mom all the time when us kids were little. The first time that she glitched when she found out that she was pregnant with you, she said that she had gone to London. We're pretty sure that she went elsewhere, the same as the day that she had you as well. She was so excited to find out that she was pregnant, and it was a girl this time. Our dads, the boys and I were all nervous because now we would have a perfect little princess to protect. We couldn't wait to be able to watch you grow up and be the big protectors, scaring all the boys away. Everyone in the family will love you, trust me, I already do." "But your mom took one look at me and then fainted when she saw me. I felt so bad that I had caused her to pass out like that. Is she ok? You should be with her, but instead, I had a panic attack that caused me to glitch and you to go with me. Word of advice, please don't touch me when I panic because it's hard to tell where the hell we end up. I got lucky this time. Right after I shifted for the first time, I had a panic attack, glitched, and ended up in the tombs in Egypt. Not fun, that was not fun at all. Those damn things are so freaking haunted" I said with a shiver. "It's OK, I don't mind glitching with you, I'll even protect you from ghosts. Just try to make sure that we don't end up somewhere gross or hot like hell" he said as a joke. And with as straight of a face as I could make, I looked at him and said "Oh, no I can't go back there anymore. I glitched to hell once and Haydes got so pissed off at me, he threatened to lock me away in purgatory. Apparently, he doesn't like the idea of me moving in, or taking over. I told him he needed to install an air-conditioner because it was way too hot for my ass to be down there for any length of time. I asked where Persephone was. I figured that I could hang out with her because he's so damn grumpy, but apparently she wasn't there and hadn't been for a long time." He just stood there with his mouth wide open for a long time before he finally said "You're f*****g with me, right? You have to be f*****g with me." I laughed and finally said "Yeah, I'm just messing with you. I've never actually been to hell, but I have been to Arizona and their summer feels like hell. Come on, let's get your food and then get back to my hotel. I'm sure that everyone is wondering where we are. And I think that I'm ready to meet our parents." After we grabbed the stuff that Drac wanted, we also found a coffee shop, grabbed a cold brew of coffee, and got Drac an espresso. Mali was hanging out in Drac's pocket because I didn't have one. I had taken my shoes and jacket off at the hotel but was able to conjure a pair of ballet flats. Now I wasn't walking around Paris like a crazy lady, barefoot and holding my pet mouse. When we got our stuff, we went to a secluded area. After making sure that there were no cameras and that we were alone, I transported us back to the hotel. Thankfully, my pack was now used to my glitches and me just disappearing. Panic attacks weren't the only things that would make me glitch. When we got back into the room, Poppy was awake and sitting on the couch with her husbands. It's still weird to say, my Mom and Dads. Drac sat the stuff he got down and then handed me Mali. I cuddled him up to my chest and held onto him. Oceana looked at me with her hands on her hips and said "So you glitched again and this freaking time you glitched to Paris, and don't take me with you. You took your brother with you. That's just not fair. And you brought back food." "That's all for him. When we first got there, he started to ramble about the food that he was wanting. I told him that he was lucky this time because the first time that I glitched I ended up in Egypt in the tombs that are haunted. Then I told him about the time that I ended up in hell and got to hang out with Haydes." Drac just glared at me and then said "You're not funny at all, she really had me going there for a minute. I thought that she really did glitch down there, and she went and pissed off the king of hell." "I mean, it's not impossible, I'm sure that at one point I'll end up glitching there. He'll probably bane me when he meets me and I start talking to Cererus and getting into all kinds of trouble with him. That would actually be fun as hell. Could you see me riding around on the king of hell's dog like it's a horse but with multiple heads? Yeah, we'd definitely be getting into some trouble, but it would be fun." "You need a leash. In the meantime, I'd like to once again introduce you to our parents. These are Poppyara, Spryn, and Gavin. Mom and Dads' this is your daughter, Galassia or Assia. She is the Alpha of the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack. Assia, our parents. Oh! And this asshole that came with them is our oldest brother, Rowen. The little guy that she is hanging on to there is Mali, he's her friend and our new brother. I claimed him when I heard everything that he said he was going to do to the fake Alpha's Luna earlier today. He is very funny and creative" Drac said. As my parents walked up to me, I sat my coffee down and Mali climbed onto my shoulder to watch them. When they got close, Poppyara opened up her arms and said "If you don't mind, I'd really like to hug you right now." I wasn't able to say anything, so I just nodded my head. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly to her. She was a few inches taller than me but was still tiny. Soon Spryn and Gavin had their arms around us as well, and then the boys. So it ended up being one giant group hug with Mali yelling about social distancing. He's not really crazy about too many people being very close to him. It freaks him out some, and he will let you know about it. Even if you don't understand a damn word that he's saying. Finally, everyone started to let go of us and back up a little bit. Poppyara kept ahold of my hands and said "Come on, come sit down with me, we have so much to catch up on." I grabbed my coffee and followed her over to the couch. When we sat down, she was on one side of me with Spryn on the other side of her and Gavin on the other side of me. Mali crawled down into my lap and then started to b***h to me about his damn ball. I forgot to grab it, so after I summoned one from home for him, he got into it and shut the little door. I sat down on the floor, and he started to run all over the room. After sitting still for so long today, he had lots of energy to run off, so more power to him. Maybe he'll settle down and sleep tonight. "You are so grown up now, I can't believe that we lost eighteen years of your life. I missed your first shifts and showing you have to use your witch and fairy sides. It looks like you have those down though, for the most part, anyway" she said with a giggle. I laughed and said "Yeah, the glitching thing happens on occasion. But other than that, I've always been in tune with nature and animals, so learning my fairy side was easy. Learning the witch side kind of was as well. All I have to do is think of something and it happens. I don't have to say a spell or do a potion or anything." She wanted to know about my life, so I told them all about my life growing up and how I made it to where I now was. My mom is a crier, and she cried a lot, especially when I told her about the bullying. She was happy that Oakley was there to hide and protect me though. She said that it was him knowing who his princess was and doing his job. But he also went even further by becoming my friend. At one point, we ordered room service for all of us and to make it easier for the staff, we all ordered burgers with the works and a s**t load of sides. At the end of the night, I was exhausted but so happy that I got to meet my parents for the first time. What was even better was the fact that they really did want me and tried to find me. Hell, Mom said that she was still following a lead and had people still looking. She followed that up by saying that she'd have to call them back so that they'd know that I had been found. They promised to come to my pack to visit after the Alpha summit was over. That way we can spend more time together. I would also have to take a trip to the Fairy Realm to be introduced as the fairy princess. Because of me being kidnapped, they weren't able to do the traditional swearing-in that they do for royals. So we have to do it now. I was really nervous about that, but thankfully I didn't glitch when they told me. That will come on the day of the ceremony. Let's just hope that it doesn't happen when I'm already dressed or on stage. And if it does, I don't end up somewhere nasty or dirty. You just never know with me. I landed in the ocean once, so anything is possible.

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