Chapter 8

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Galassia The next couple of weeks flew by and before I knew it, it was time to head out for the Alpha summit. I was busy trying to pack my bag all the while Mali was squeaking away at me. He was telling me all of the reasons that he should be going with me. I was arguing with him because I wanted him here where it was safe for him to be. While I was arguing with him I got my bag out and then started getting my clothes out. I grabbed bras, panties, socks, pants, shirts, hoodies, nightclothes, and training clothes. I folded it all up and put it on one side of my suitcase. I also stuck my clutch in there as well. On the other side of my suitcase, I packed up my shoes. I had my tennis shoes, ballet flats, and four pairs of stilettos. I zipped it up and went to pack my toiletries bag. I got everything that I needed packed up into it and also packed my jewelry and put it in it as well. I also packed up hair things and the stuff that I would need to do my hair with for the ball. I sat both bags by the door and then grabbed a garment bag to put my three pantsuits into. I had my dress in a separate bag. I took them in and hung them on the coat rack by the door. I was still arguing with Mali and I finally gave in right as Oceana came through the door. "Fine, but the first time that we have problems I'll send your ass back home. Quick, fast, and In a hurry, capeash." "Are you two still arguing?" Oceana asked me. "Yes, he's determined that he's going with me, for protection. I finally gave in and he's going, but if something happens look for him to show up. I'll be poofing his little ass to you." She started laughing and said, "I'll tell Caleb to keep an eye out for him, because knowing him, he'll be back here the first day." "Truth, he's such a rotten little s**t," I said. She busted out laughing and said, "Is he seriously packing a little bag right now?" "Yes, he has his own dresser. I found him some cute doll clothes and fixed them so that they fit him. I also made him some clothes, even a little suit. I also found a toy dresser, a little closet, and a suitcase for him to put his clothes in. All he needs is shoes, other than that, he's the most stylish little mouse that I know." She just shook her head at me and said "You are nuts but I love you. Did you get everything packed up and ready to go? Even your dress and the stuff to get ready for the ball." "Unfortunately, yes, although why I'm taking my s**t to do my hair is beside me. You'll probably end up having you do my hair. You know that I'm no good at that s**t. If it was up to me It would be in a messy bun or down" I said. "I know believe me I know, If you need help you know that I'll help ya. I'll go tell the guys to load your bags up. Ours are already in the SUV." She headed out of the room and I sat and watched Mali pack his bag up. He even had a little suit that he could wear. I was mentally going back over everything that I needed and was sure that I had everything. I had to double-check my laptop bag and make sure that all my stuff was packed up in it. "Mali, I'm going to the office to make sure that I have that stuff packed up. I'll be back for you and your stuff in a minute." He started to squeak at me and shake his little fist while running his mouth. "Ugh, geez I'm not going to forget your little ass, I promise. I'll be right back." I walked through the house to my office and got my laptop bag. I double-checked that I had all of my files and stuff packed as well as my laptop, tablet, and my charging cords. I saw that all of my papers were there so I zipped it up. When I had everything from the office I locked the doors back then went through the house and made sure the doors were all locked. I stepped back into my bedroom and grabbed my personal laptop bag. I had my laptop, and tablet in it. If all else fails Mali can stay at the hotel and watch a movie on my laptop. He has his own playlist and wants his own tablet. I had both of my bags and walked over to Mali and grabbed his bag up into my hand and then he ran up my arm and onto my shoulder to sit. He was snuggled up against my neck just squeaking away at me. He was excited to get to go somewhere. I grabbed my purse on the way out the door and then locked the door behind me. Once I was outside and had everything in the car, I put a protection spell on my house. This is where the most important pack papers are. So even if someone broke into the pack they couldn't get into my house. They also can't access my office at the pack house. I put a spell on it so that only Caleb could get into it while I'm gone. "Ok Caleb, hold down the fort while we're gone. I'm going to put extra protection on the pack while I'm gone. Everyone will still be able to come and go, but the pack will be hard for anyone else to find. If you need me call me or link me. I'm not sure how far away I can get mind links, so if you try to link me and I don't answer, call me. I'll have my phone on me the whole time." "Ok Alpha, and don't worry, everyone will be in good hands while you're gone. We got this, you go have fun and make us some alliances" Caleb said. I just snorted at him and shook my head. We loaded up and then started out of the pack. Once we were outside of the gate we stopped and I got out. I stood in front of the gate and pictured the property lines. I then pictured the protection spell being even stronger and the pack being protected even better. I could see the spell settle over the pack and strengthen. Then I linked the pack "Good afternoon Galaxy Moon Misfits. This is Alpha Stone, I will be leaving for three days along with the Beta, Beta female, and the Gamma. Your Delta Caleb is in charge while I am gone. I will be attending the Alpha Summit to gain allies and help strengthen our pack. I will only be gone for four days at most, so if you need anything get ahold of the Delta. If something happens and I'm needed I'll be back ASAP. Thank you all and I'll see you when I get back." I then cut the link for everyone and sent a link to just Caleb. "Caleb, I forgot to tell you, keep an eye on Sheldon and Shelby for me while I'm gone, please. She's pregnant and I don't know when the little ones will be born. If she needs me get ahold of me. If not I'll see you when we get back." "I'll keep an eye on them Alpha, see you when you get back." I got back into the SUV and we took off for the town of Portland, Maine. It was North of us and would take about two hours to get to it. The guys were in the front with Braxton driving. We also had an SUV with warriors In front of us and behind us. We only brought six with us, because I can take care of us if need be. They are just with us for show. I didn't want to bring too many people, I needed them to stay back and protect the pack. Oceans was reading a book, and I set Mali up with my tablet and a movie to watch. I had my laptop out working on the never-ending paperwork. Sometimes I swear that there is no bottom to the stack. I also looked over what information Cleo was able to send me about some of these packs. I wanted to be prepared to go into this. I already had the disadvantage of being of woman in their eyes. They wouldn't want to take me seriously for that reason alone. But I planned to show them all that a woman can be an Alpha and rule a pack without a man. Somehow though I don't think that will be my biggest problem though. I have a feeling that something big is going to happen these next few days and I don't know what. Finally, after two hours in the SUVs, we finally pulled into the hotel. I got us all checked into our rooms and then handed out the key cards to everyone. The bellhops had our bags on two carts and escorted us upstairs to where our rooms were. We didn't have to be at the pack until tomorrow, so we all agreed to meet up in a couple of hours to get dinner. I went into my room and after the guys set my bags all inside I gave him a tip and shut the door. Mali was in a little travel cage for guinea pigs because it was a bigger cage with more room. The only way that I could bring him with me was by having papers that stated that he was an emotional support animal. Once in the room though I sat the cage down and let him out of it. He may occasionally play in them but not often. After letting him out I kicked off my shoes and then plopped down on the bed. I was so ready for this to be all done. I'm not looking forward to it but I'll do what I can to make sure that my pack is protected. Even if that means that I put up with a bunch of Alpha assholes. Wish me luck, because come tomorrow I just may need it.
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