Chapter 9

1974 Words
Galassia After a relaxing evening at the hotel, we ate together in the dining room and then went back to our rooms. I took a shower and then ran a bath in the sink for Mali so he could bathe. After he had washed and dried off (he used a washcloth as a towel), he got dressed in his little clothes. We both went to bed so that we would be ready for tomorrow. I was a bit nervous because of having to meet so many new people, so it took a while to fall asleep. Eventually, I drifted off into sleep. When I opened my eyes, I thought that I was awake, but I was still asleep. I was standing in a forest, but it wasn't my forest. I didn't know where I was at. I walked around but couldn't figure it out. I knew that I had never been here before, and it felt magical. I kept walking around until I got to a pond. Beside the pond was a big rock and I sat down on the side of it. I was wearing a dress that looked like the galaxy and no shoes. So I pulled the bottom up and dipped my toes into the water. I don't know why, but it felt like that was what I was supposed to do. I looked down at the water and watched it ripple. When it stopped, I could see three different species in it. A wolf, a bear, and a fairy. They all looked like guys and were all looking for something. The wolf was alone but the bear and fairy were together. It was confusing, and I asked out loud "What is this supposed to be?" It was said in a whisper, but someone heard me. "That is your mates, and they are looking for you. The fairy and the bear already know that they are mates. But they also know that they have two more out there. They have dreamed about you both, and soon you will find each other. But that is not all that you will find. I cannot say anymore though. I just felt that it was time, you know." When I heard the voice, I looked up to see a beautiful woman standing beside me. As she talked she sat down and dipped her toes into the water as well. She was wearing a dress as well, but hers was black with what looked like the moon on it. I realized then who she was. She is the moon goddess Selene. "What do you mean? Why would I have three mates when I'm a nobody? I mean my parents didn't even want me, so why would three guys want me?" I asked her. "All I can say is that your parents did want you, but there were reasons that they didn't raise you. It will all be explained to you soon. I can't say anymore. But you need to know that you have more than one mate because you will meet the first of your mates this week. Things won't go so well at first. You have to give him time and be patient with him. You're his second chance mate, and he's been hurt before. I can't say more than that though. I've already said way too much. Now it's time for you to wake up. I'm sure that I will see you soon." With that, she kissed my forehead and my eyes started to get heavy. I laid down and closed my eyes and soon darkness came. When I woke up this time, I was back in my bed and Mali was snoring away. I woke up just seconds before my alarm went off. So I turned it off and then got up to go to the bathroom. After using the bathroom, I washed my hands, brushed my teeth, and then brushed my hair. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and then braided it down and wrapped it in a bun. After I was sure that it was secure, I put my makeup on. Then I went out to pick out my outfit for the day. When I stepped into the bedroom, Mali went running past me to the bathroom. I just chuckled at him, it was cute to see him use the commode. But he manages to do it, he refuses to use the bathroom in his cage. He said that it was very gross and didn't think that I should have to clean up after him when he was perfectly capable of going to the toilet. I grabbed a bra, thong, black pantsuit, and stilettos and got dressed. After I had it on, and added the jacket, I was ready to go. Mali came out of the bathroom and went to get dressed. He put his little suit on and was good to go. He started squeaking at me and I said "Just until we get to the car, and then you can get out of it. You won't be required to be in it all day. We will be around supernatural beings and you should be fine. If people have problems with it then I'll hide you with my magic. Now are you ready to go? They are having a breakfast get-together so that everyone can get acquainted." There was a knock on the door and I knew that it was my Beta, Delta, and Delta female. So Mali got into the cage and I shut the door. Before leaving the room, I locked up my jewelry and personal laptop in the safe. I grabbed my purse, work laptop bag and picked up Mali, and was ready to go. I opened up the door and said "OK, are we ready to go?" "Yes Alpha, we're all ready to go. The warriors are bringing the vehicles around, and we're good to leave." "OK, let's go, let's get this over with," I said as I walked out the door. I locked the door behind me after I made sure that I had my key card and off we went. We left one warrior to keep an eye on our rooms and the rest went with us. When we got to the lobby, we went out the doors and loaded up into the SUVs. Once we were in and on our way, I let Mali out of his cage and he sat on my shoulder so that he could watch out the window. He was squeaking up a storm telling me about the stuff that he saw as we went along. He even got excited about seeing a horse of some kind. I couldn't tell what he was saying because he was talking way too fast. Everyone was laughing at him being so excited. Even though they didn't know what he said, they were around him long enough to know when he was excited. After about fifteen minutes, we pulled up to the gate. Tyler was driving and told the warrior who we were and, after verifying it on his paper, he let us go through. He gave instructions to Ty about how to get to the packhouse and then we were off. We drove another fifteen minutes before we pulled up to the pack house. It was huge and looked to be about six stories high. We pulled up in the front and a few guys were standing there to park the SUVs. We all got out of the vehicles and my warriors asked the Blue Moon Pack warriors to show them where to park. They took our cars and parked them after we got out and when they got back we headed inside. I had Mali on my shoulder and was surrounded by my pack. We walked up the steps and into the Packhouse. There were a couple of guys standing at the top of the steps by the door. I caught a smell that smelled good. It smelled like old spice and peppermint. Two of the smells that I've always loved. When I looked up, one of the guys was glaring at me. And I heard Galaxy say "Mate, that's our mate. Mother Moon was right, he doesn't want us, and he's hurting." Vie said "I feel it as well, he's been hurt badly. And he thinks that we will hurt him as well. Just ignore him for now. Make him think that we don't want him either. Maybe if we play hard to get, then he will be interested in us." "OK, I'll try," I said back. The guy beside him looked down at a paper and then said "Alpha BlueMoon, please welcome the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack. Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack welcome to the Blue Moon Pack. This is Alpha Saxon BlueMoon, and I'm his Beta Parker. We will see you in the dining room. You are the last of the guests to arrive." Tyler said "Thank you, I'm Tyler, the Beta of our pack. This is our Gamma and Gamma female, Baxter, and his mate, Ocean. And our Alpha Galassia." I stepped up and said "Gentleman, It's nice to meet you both. Thank you for inviting our pack here for this Alpha Summit. We can't wait to meet everyone." Both guys had surprised faces on and their eyebrows hit their hairline. The Alpha stepped up and in a surprised voice said "You are the Alpha of the Galaxy Moon Misfits Pack? How the hell did that happen? First, your pack is one that I'd never heard of until Cleo called me about inviting you to the summit. And now you're telling me that a female who doesn't even smell like a wolf is your Alpha? That is impossible." I smirked and stepped closer to him and said "It's not impossible, actually. We just became an actual pack, and we'll explain why at the meeting later. And, of course, I'm the Alpha. It's my pack that I started on my land when I turned sixteen. We've only been a pack for two years, but a pack we are. And I may not smell like a wolf, but I am one. I'm actually all that and more. But seeing as you obviously don't want anything to do with me, Mate. I don't think that I'll be telling you what else that I am. Now before we go in, this is Mali and he's a friend. If his being here is going to be a problem, then he'll hide. But I assure you my emotional support mouse won't hurt you or anyone else. He won't even leave my shoulder unless he has to use the bathroom, and when that happens I will take him to the bathroom. No, I'm not explaining that either right now." When neither of them said anything but kept giving me shocked looks, I got aggravated. Apparently, they've never seen a mouse in a suit before. "Can we go in and eat now? You said on the phone that we would be having breakfast this morning. While also having a meet and greet. We didn't eat at the hotel for that reason" I said. "Yeah sorry, let us show you the way. You'll be sitting at our table with your leader, and we have a table for your warriors." With that, they led us into the pack house and towards the dining room. It was already looking to be a bad day. I just hope that the rest of the day doesn't go as badly. I also wish that my mate wasn't an asshole. But you know what they say "Wish in one hand, s**t in the other, and see which one fills up first." The way that this day is going, I'm pretty sure that I can guess what one would fill up first.
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