Chapter 7

1682 Words
Galassia It's been a week since I met with the Council and got my pack approved to be an actual pack. Since then I have received an email from Cleo with a list of names of Alphas that would talk to me about having an alliance with them. I printed out the list of them and made sure that my calendar was set beside it so that we could start making calls. The list was so long that I had to split it up between my Beta, Delta, and Gamma. Between the four of us, it took us all day to set up the meetings with the other Alphas. But we finally did it, and to make it easier to meet with everyone and not take forever they suggested that we meet at the upcoming Alpha meeting. They hold one every year and this year the pack closest to us is holding it. And it's in three weeks. So we prepared the best that we could. We went and got outfits to wear for it. Because it was a three-day event with a ball as well, I needed three new pantsuits and a dress. I was not a dressy girl, but I would wear long flowy dresses. I'd rather wear sweatpants and a tank top, or yoga pants and a tank top. I don't know how these girls wear the skin-tight dresses that try to pop you in half. I will wear long flowy dresses occasionally. Especially when I'm out in the woods but not all the time. But don't you dare try to stick me in one of those death traps? So when we went to find outfits for the Alpha summit, I found three different pantsuits in black, blue, and light blue. I also found a beautiful dress that was a floor-length lace chiffon evening dress. It had a leg slit up the left leg that went halfway up my leg above my knee. It was a v-neck, a-line, and it had 1/2 sleeves but with a flutter sleeve. The back had an illusion scoop, and the zipper and It also had a built-in bra. I was able to find one that looked like the galaxy with the colors. It had black, blue, purple, and specks of yellow. I loved it because it was kind of snug around the boobs but flowy everywhere else. Thankfully I had Oceana with me and she was able to help me find the perfect dress. Because asking a guy's opinion is as useless as the t**s on a boar hog. All they say is the same thing for every dress, "It looks good, I like it." They even said it when I looked like a beluga whale in one dress and when I looked like I was ready for a street corner in another dress. So we made them stand outside of the store while we finished finding our dresses. Oceana found a dress that was black on top and failed to blue on the bottom. It was a one-shoulder ombre long evening dress. The back had straps that crisscrossed back and forth across her back. The left side of her ribs as well as the shoulder strap on the right side both had rhinestones in the shape of a star. The bottom had two skirts to it, one that was kind of tight to her legs but she could still move easily. And the other was a see-through lace that flowed around the bottom when she walked. It even had a little bit of a train to it. Oceana looked beautiful in it. We got shoes that would look good with the dresses. I found a pair of black stilettos and she got a pair of blue ones. After that, we got what accessories that we needed and then headed back home. The closest pack to us is still a couple hours away so my Beta booked us rooms at a hotel close to there. I didn't feel comfortable staying in a pack with people that I didn't know. And since we were a last-minute add they didn't have room for us. Not that we minded, and because of that we didn't seem rude for getting hotel rooms. It's now the weekend and Instead of being at my house curled up on the couch watching TV with Mali. I am working at our bar in town because we had a bartender out sick. Our patrons love coming to this bar because we toss the bottles back and forth when making drinks. If you've ever seen the Coyote Ugly movies, it is something like that. We practiced with empty bottles until we all had it down pat. Now we can spin the bottles in our hands and flip them around us behind our backs and catch them in front of us. It's pretty awesome to watch but boy did it take a lot of practice to be able to do it. We went through so many empty bottles just trying to learn. We can even spin beer bottles in our hands. Between that and the karaoke nights and the theme nights we have a pretty good amount of people that come in. And the weekends seem to just get busier and busier every week. Between word of mouth and our social media pages, we've really gotten out there. It's hard to believe that when we opened we barely had ten people a week in here. Now we have over a thousand a night. Our building is huge and we can fit lots of people in here but we stick to the fire codes and keep under them. We always seem to have a long line down the street though. So tonight's another busy night with the bar pack and the line going down the street. It's karaoke night and some of these guys can really sing. You have a few that tried but couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it. If you ask them though why they still get up there, they say "You only live once. So why waste that time being afraid of people hating the way that you sing? Belt the words out and don't give a flying f**k what anyone says about it. Just tell them to kiss your fat ass if they don't like it and walk away." We've had a few of the guys give that advice to some of the others. So that's what they do. Of course, no one here judges anyone. They just cheer them on and tell them to give it their all. Everyone that comes here knows that this is a safe place and if you need help all you have to ask for is a Galaxy drink. The ones that know what that is knows that asking for it means that you're asking for me to come help. Or my staff if I'm not here. I get to the bar and I'm wearing blue jeans, a tank top with GMMP on the chest, and my name below it. And my flat boots that come to my knee. I have my hair pulled up in a ponytail on top of my head. I head to the bar and start helping Dash out. Caleb was on patrol tonight and Baxter was sick. Contrary to what people believed we could catch a cold and get sick. And since Baxter was a bear when he got sick, he's really sick. So he was at home with Oceana taking care of him. I nodded to Caleb and then started serving drinks on my side of the bar. We were pretty busy but I managed to say hi to my favorite regulars. "Hey boys how are you tonight, do you want your usual beer?" "Hey pretty lady, I'd love to have a beer. And get the same for my friend here." Walter said. I poured two draft beers and when I sat them down in front of Walter he said "Thank you and I'm doing good too by the way. How are you doing beautiful?" "I'm just fine, even better since I get to see two of my favorite men tonight," I said with a wink. "Can I get you guys anything else?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'll take a double bacon cheeseburger with the works, fries, and cheese sticks. Make it two so I can make sure that Walt eats, because if not he'll forget" Tex said. "You got it, I'll get those put in and bring them out as soon as they're done." I put the guys' food order in and then went back to serving drinks. When their food was up I delivered it to them. It was a long night and we stayed pretty busy all night. By the time that closing came around, I was exhausted and ready for bed. Once the last of the customers paid their tabs and then left, we shut and locked the door. After cleaning up and getting ready for tomorrow, I counted out my tips. We had tip jars for us on the bar as well as one in the middle for the cooks. The waitresses got their tips from the customers. I was so tired that I just stacked my tips up the best that I could and then stuck them in my pocket and then zip it up. My pants didn't have zippers but I put magical ones on them when I had so much money on me. After everyone was gone I locked up and set the alarms and then teleported to home. Thankfully the staff at the bar were all a part of my pack. So they knew that I'd just teleport home. Once at home, I put my tips into my safe. And then I jumped into the shower and then put on a large T-shirt and underwear. Mali was already asleep on my pillow so I crawled into bed, it wasn't long and I was out like a light. Good night all, I'll see you later.
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