Chapter 11

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Galassia "If you attempt to touch Mali, I will rip your skanky-assed arms off of you and beat you to death with them. Mali is probably more of a human than you are, and probably cleaner as well. He's my emotional support friend and no one will touch him" I growled out. I lifted my hand up to Mali, and he got into my palm and I held hm to my chest. I took deep breaths to keep from killing this b***h. While I was working on calming myself down, Devon decided to be an i***t and open his mouth and run it. "What the f**k is wrong with you? You have no right to make a prophecy about me like that. Now you have condemned me to hell for the rest of my life" he screeched. The guy that had been giving me weird looks finally spoke up. "No, she didn't, our mother Moon, our Moon Goddess Selene, is the one that made the prophecy about you. She just used Alpha Stone to deliver it for her. I have my guesses as to why, but I'll keep those to myself for now" Alpha Draculus said. "That's a load of bullshit, the moon goddess doesn't care about us anymore. If she did things in our packs wouldn't be so bad. We wouldn't have babies dying if a she-wolf is lucky to get pregnant at all. And our members wouldn't be as weak" Devon screamed out. "If your packs are dying and are weak, that's on you. It's not the Moon Goddess's fault. She pairs you with your mates for a reason, to make you stronger. But instead of being with the person that she has chosen for you, you reject them to get with a w***e who makes you weak. You male Alphas think that you need a daughter of a ranked member, especially one from an Alpha, to make you stronger. That's not always the case, some of these girls only care about what they get from being mated to a ranked member. They only care about how much money they can spend to make themselves look better. They don't give a damn about the pack members or what they can do to better the pack. A real, TRUE Luna cares about her pack and making it better for all the members. She essentially becomes the mother of her pack and tries her best to take care of everyone. Tell me something, Devan, when was the last you saw your "Luna" doing anything to help to better your pack? How much money does she spend in a month? And the last question, how much of that was spent on her versus your pack? If you can't answer those questions, because your answers all revolve around her, then that should tell you something. Your pack is in bad shape because you stopped following our creator and what she wanted for you", I said to him. Before he could open his mouth anymore, Saxon spoke up. "That's enough out of you Devan, you need to just sit down and shut up while you're able to. Now, we have more important things to talk about. The Alpha Stone is in fact a true Alpha and her pack has been approved to be a pack under the king's jurisdiction. She went through the proper channels to get it done, and the kingdom is happy with so many of the mistreated rogues having homes again. If your pack is having trouble with rogues, and you think that they can be saved, send them to her. She'll take them in and give them jobs and homes if she thinks that they're able to be saved. If any of the packs give her pack problems, then my pack will back her up. It's been declared by my dad the King. I may be the Alpha, but he is the King of all wolves and what he says still goes. If you disagree with his decree, then you're more than welcome to take it up with him at the ball." No one said anything about that, and I was proud and happy that the king was going to back our pack. I had calmed down and Mali was back on my shoulder and was quietly squeaking away in my ear. He was bored and wanted to watch a movie on my phone. I rolled my eyes at him and Ty saw me, so he quietly laughed at me. I pulled my phone out and turned on the movie Ratatouille for him. He loved to watch the little mouse that could cook. I had to tell him not to get any ideas either because of it. I set him up with the movie, turned the volume down so only he would hear it, and then set the phone up on the table. I had a pop-out thing that made it easier to hold my phone, and it would also set it up on its side. Once it was sitting down, he lay down in front of my phone and started to watch his movie. When I looked up, everyone was watching between him and me. Some had discussed looks, while others were amused. Saxon's Beta Parker pointed at him and asked me "Is he seriously lying on his stomach watching a movie like a little kid?" "He sure is, and to make it worse, he's actually watching Ratatouille. It's one of his favorite movies and about drives me nuts with it. He's even got Sheldon and Shelby watching it with him now. They all like the cartoons with animals in them. I guess that I should count myself lucky that Oakley can't come into the house to watch them as well. Although I'm sure they'll figure out a way that he can watch movies too" I said. "Who's Sheldon, Shelby, and Oakley?" Saxon asked me with a growl. "My friends and that's all I'm saying about it at the moment. Now what's next on the agenda for this meeting?" I asked him. He moved through a few more things before lunch, and we were informed that the talks of allegiances between packs would happen the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow we will be working with the warriors of each of the packs and training. From what he said, that training is supposed to help to better each of the packs. After lunch today we had other things to discuss. When he finally dismissed us for lunch, he said "Alpha Stone, can you stay back for a minute, please?" I nodded and told my guys to go ahead. Mali refused to leave me though, and after I picked my phone up and turned it off, he ran up my arm and sat on my shoulder with his little arms crossed. I think he was trying to be intimidating, but to me, it was just cute. But I tried not to laugh at him because of it. I noticed that Alpha Draculus had also stayed behind in the room with us. The two of them were off to the side whispering. When the room finally cleared out of everyone, Beta Parker nodded to Saxon and then shut the door behind him. I stood up and they both walked up to me. "You're probably wondering why we wanted you to stay behind", Saxon started with. "We both have different reasons. I want to know who these people that you were talking about are. And Drac wants to know about you." I sat there staring at them both for a few minutes, trying to decide how much to tell them. Galaxy finally said "Tell them everything, for some reason, I feel a connection to Drac and his wolf, Owen, and his wolf feels the same thing. They are important to us. We are not mates, but there is a connection of some kind there. I feel that good things will come from his knowing who we are." "I feel the same way, there's just something familiar about him, I can't place it. Tell them our story and what we have gone through. Our mate needs to know, anyway, if it turns out that Drac's not someone to be trusted, we have ways of making it so that he cant say anything to anyone." After listening to both of them, I took a deep breath and said "OK, so Galaxy and Vie said to tell you our story, so I'm going to trust you both with it. You, Saxon, because you're our mate, and you Drac. I'm not sure what you are, but they both feel that you are someone important to us. I'm going to trust you, but I'm also making it so that you can't tell anyone about us if you try to betray us." I took a breath and thought of the spell that I wanted and then let the breath out. I could feel the spells wash out over the room. Not only did I make the room soundproof, but listening devices of any kind did not work. But I also made it so that they couldn't repeat what I was about to tell them to anyone unless they had my permission to. Then I told them my story and how I came to be there today. To say that they both had surprising reactions to how I grew up is an understatement. Drac was upset and pissed off and Saxon was just pissed off. I told them about the day that I always thought was my birthday. How I found out what day my birthday always was. It was hard being picked on for being small, especially when people had lied about when my actual birthday had been. I was still small, but not as small as everyone thought that I was. I told them about the night of my actual birthday and hearing Galaxy and Vie for the first time and even shifting for the first time into both of my forms. They were both surprised when I said that I was a Tribrid. And Drac, with tears in his eyes, asked if I could show them my wolf and fairy side. The room was big, so after, I set my phone and Mali on the table. I stepped to the side and transformed first into Galaxy. "Wow, your so beautiful Galaxy, thank you for letting us meet you," Saxon said as he ran his hand through my fur. Galaxy rubbed up against him and was even purring from being so close to her mate. Drac stepped up to us and then went down on his knees. When we looked into his eyes they were swirling kind of like mine did. His wasn't like the Galaxy but was close to it. They were black and blue but his had flecks of green in them. "I've never seen another wolf other than my brothers have eyes that looked like the galaxy. Our eyes were always close to it, but not quite it. But your eyes are like looking right into the galaxy itself. I have a theory about that, but I'd like to see your fairy form before I say anything about it." Galaxy nodded her Wolfy head and then stepped back from both of the guys. They stepped back and watched as we went straight from Galaxy's form to Vie's. One minute they were looking at a wolf, the next a little fairy was flying above where the wolf had been. Both of the guy's mouths dropped to the ground. And then Drac whispered "My goddess, you look just like Mom when she's in her fairy form. Hi Vie, I'm Draculus." Vie had a high twinkly voice and said "Hi Draculus, it's nice to meet you. But it's nice to meet you more Saxon, my mate." She flew over to him, sat down on his shoulder and snugged up to his neck. He put his hand up to her, and she scooted into it. "This explains why you were able to commune with nature as a kid and even the animals. The fairies have always had a close relationship to nature and what's around it. If you add in the witch side of things, that doubles how close you are to it all. I hit the jackpot of mates this time, huh? You are one badass little Alpha, and I'm the lucky Alpha that gets to call you mine. We have some things that we need to talk about beforehand though" he said as Vie left his hand and I changed back into myself, fully dressed still. That's a neat little trick that I was able to master. "I know about your last mate and the fact that she hurt you," I said as I walked up and cupped his cheek with my hand. "I'm not that person, though I'd never do whatever it was that they did to hurt you. I've been on my own for most of my life and when I first heard about mates I couldn't wait to find mine. To me, it sounded like a gold mine. You find your mate the one person that is going to love you and wants to be with you for the rest of your life. The one person who will always have your back and be there for you, and you'll never have to be alone again. I couldn't wait until the day that I would meet my mate. So imagine my surprise when the Moon Goddess showed up in my dreams to tell me about my mates. That's right, mates. She said that two of our mates were already together and that when I met you, I'd probably have my hands full for a while because you'd been hurt by a previous mate who rejected you. It may take time, but you'll see that I'm here to stay. But just know that I won't judge you based on the fact that you like men and women, because I know that OUR other mates are both male. I can't wait to be the meat in that sandwich", I said, with a naughty smirk. "I kind of forgot that we weren't alone when I heard Drac say "Oh God I think I'm going to puke. That is so not something that you want to hear your little sister say. Especially when you just finally found her." He wasn't as quiet as he thought that he was because I spun around and yelled "WHAT, what the hell do you mean little sister? And that you just finally found her." His eyes got as big as saucers when he realized what he said out loud. What does this mean? Do I actually have a family out there? And if so, why didn't they want me? That was the biggest question that I had right there.
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