Chapter 10

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Galassia Alpha BlueMoon and his Beta Parker lead us into the dining hall. It was full of people and there was still one empty table close to the main table. Beta Parker led us to the table while Alpha Saxon went to his table. Everyone watched us as we entered the room and walked to our table. You should've seen their jaws drop when I sat in the Alpha seat at our table. It was fun as hell to see the shocked faces. I couldn't wait for this first meeting and see how shocked they really got. The omegas of this pack brought around food and put it on our table, and we all made plates. "Thank you so much, this looks absolutely delicious," I said to the omegas. "Thank you..." She said not sure how to finish the sentence. "It's Alpha, Alpha Stone," I told her. "Thank you, Alpha, enjoy," she said as they gave a bow and walked away. They brought us plates of pancakes, fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, gravy and biscuits. It all looked so good. We even had a pot of coffee and orange juice as well. We all made plates and I got a cup of coffee and we dug in. It was excellent and I was starving. As we ate, I listened in on the conversations that were going on around us. There were a lot of people who were trying to figure out who we were, especially me. They couldn't even figure out why I was sitting in the Alpha's seat and why my beta was sitting in the seat beside me. They thought that Ty should be in the Alpha's seat. It was funny that they thought that he was the Alpha. They apparently couldn't feel the Beta aura from him or the Alpha one from me. After I finished eating, I finished my cup of coffee and poured a second cup. I sat and watched around me and could feel his eyes constantly landing on me. I couldn't figure out what his deal was. I know that the moon goodness said that I was his second chance mate and that he was hurt by his first mate. If this is how it's going to be today, then I'm ready for the next three days to be over with. Finally, when everyone was done eating, Alpha Saxon stood up and got everyone's attention. "Can I have your attention please?" He yelled. It took a few minutes and everyone was still talking. I stuck my fingers in my mouth and let off a loud whistle and everyone got quiet. Alpha Saxon looked at me and said "Thank you. Now Alpha's and their upper ranks, if you are done eating you can follow my ranks into the conference room. Your warriors are more than welcome to hang out here or go out to the training area and watch my pack with their training. Tomorrow we will all be training together. I hope everyone has a good day." He left his table with his ranks following him and the rest of us stood up. I looked at my warriors before we left and said "Go watch his warriors train and see where they're lacking and what we need to show them tomorrow. We'll talk when we get back to the hotel tonight. If you need me in the meantime, link me. Have a good day and we'll see you at lunch." "Have a good day Alpha", they all said together. My ranks and I all stood up and followed behind everyone else to the conference room. The conference room in this place was huge. And the table would easily set forty people with chairs along the wall that held another forty. There were place cards at the table and Alpha Saxons people were directing them where to go. I figured with us being the newest pack we would be down the farthest from the Alpha. Cleo explained that was how it works. I was surprised when Beta Parker led us down to sit beside Alpha Saxon. Beta Parker leaned into my ear and said "He had me move you to sit with him. Give him time and he'll come around." "I know, the moon goodness told me that I'm his second chance mate and that he'll need time because his first hurt him. I'm not her or him though, I'd never do that. And I have my reasons as to why I'd rather not get into it now" I said. He just nodded to me and then held my chair out. When we sat down, it was with my Beta on my right and my Gamma and Gamma female on my left. After everyone took their seats, he went around the room to introduce everyone. "OK, I'm going to start by introducing the Alphas and their Luna's. Because there are so many of you, if the Beta or Gamma needs to talk, you can introduce yourself to us. I'll start with myself. You know that I'm Alpha Saxon. This is my Beta Parker and Gamma Tomas. To my right going around the table, we have Alpha Draculus, Alpha Edric, Luna Caly, Alpha Alton, Luna Eden, Alpha Blaze, Luna Faye, Alpha Devan, Luna Gwen, Alpha Richard, Luna Eliza, Alpha Howard, Luna Kari, Alpha Bradford, Luna Pearl, Alpha Henry, Luna Nettie, and Alpha Galassia. Let's get this started", Alpha Saxon said. I was kind of getting weirded out because Alpha Draculus kept staring at me like he knew me or something. And it was kind of creepy. Before Alpha Saxon could say anything else, one of the older Alphas down the table and tried to start s**t with me. And I made sure that he knew I wouldn't take it lying down. He looked at me and sneered as he said "Where the hell is your Alpha at, there Galassia? Because we all know that no female has ever been an Alpha before. So there's no way in hell that you were passed down a pack." I looked at him and said "It was Devan right? Well, Devan, since you seem to be stuck in the sixteen hundreds, let me bring you back to the real world. Nowhere does it say that a female can't be an Alpha and I most certainly am one. No, my pack wasn't handed down to me. I made my pack when I was sixteen and shifted for the first time. Up until then, I had no idea that the supernatural was real. I thought that it was just something that was made up of fiction that you read in story books. So imagine my surprise when I shift alone. Well, not completely, but that's need to know, and you don't need to know. Imagine my surprise when, on the night of what I learned that night was my birthday, I started hearing a voice talking in my head and then shift for the first time. By then I was on my own and so, after shifting, I took in the rogues that you all abandoned for stupid s**t. You know, like stealing someone else's mate because she was a rank bunny. And then throwing the one that was rejected for no f*****g reason other than his mate being a w***e out of the pack. Sound familiar to you, it should, after all, my Beta was a warrior in your pack and his ex-mate is your chosen whore." "Now you listen here" he started to say. "No, you listen, I've read every book that I could get my hands on about wolves and Alphas and their Luna's. Do you know that a Luna can only claim the title of a Luna if she is the TRUE MATE of an Alpha? If she is a chosen mate, then the only name that she can be called is w***e. That I learned in books that the council itself loaned me. Council member Cleo said that I would find the information in them useful, and she was correct. I have an eidetic memory, In case you didn't know that means that I memorize everything that I read. I graduated from high school at twelve and college at fifteen. I was a self-made millionaire before I was sixteen because I'm smart. So I bought the property that I grew up on as well as the two neighboring properties so that I would have room. Every rogue that I have come into contact with that is of good heart has been brought into my pack. I have a... " I looked between Ty, Baxter, and Oceana and said "Can we call it a talent or a sixth sense?" Ty said, "I'd say a talent, but I'm biased." "Talent it is then. You see, I can tell when people are good and have good intentions and I can tell when people are bad and have bad intentions. So, when a rogue is found and brought to me if they are good at heart, they join the pack. If not, they are sent away or dealt with. The people, the families actually that I have taken in were all exiled from their packs for stupid s**t. They are all good people who deserve nothing but goodness in their lives. We have been a pack for two years, and we just got made an official pack from the council a few weeks ago. I am the Alpha. Right now my pack has two hundred and fifty people and counting. More come to join us every day. If your old ass doesn't believe that I am the Alpha, then call Cleo, I'm sure that she can fill you in", I said while letting my auro out and making everyone in the room drop to their feet. Ty just laughed and said "Do you still not believe that she's our rightful Alpha? She has more than you could ever dream about there Devon. After all, you're not a true Alpha yourself are you?" I let my aura up and after everyone was sitting in their chairs Alpha Saxon said "What do you mean by that Beta Tyler?" "We had another Alpha and Luna and one they just up and disappeared. He showed up at their place and said he was to be the Alpha until their return. He claims that he was their son, but they didn't have a son. I should know because I was the Beta's son and when they disappeared, so didn't the rest of the ranks. I've searched for my dad for years and have yet to find him. I know that they are all alive because I can still feel their tethers to me. I was to be the next Alpha of the pack because they weren't able to have kids. I've not been with the pack for three years now. And up until two years ago, I searched on my own for them. After I joined the pack, Alpha Galassia helped me look for them." "You tell lies, I am their son! You were nothing but a lowly warrior in the pack. My Luna said so" Devon screamed at Ty. "Sit down and shut the f**k up. Your LUNA, I'm sorry your w***e is nothing but a pickle-hopping w***e. She would say anything to get to ride anyone's d***s. I can currently smell". I stopped and sniffed the air. Galaxy said "I smell at least six different guys on her, not counting him." Out loud I said "I smell at least six different guys on her and that doesn't count you. It does count your Gamma though. I smell him all over her. And my Beta is right. You had a witch hiding them, and she was good but not that good. I know someone who's better, and they were able to find the TRUE Alpha, Luna, Beta, Beta Female, Gamma, Gamma Female, Delta, Delta Female, and the Head Warrior. They are all in the hospital in my pack being treated for the abuse that they have been dealt by you. Well from you and your true mate. You know the witch that you promised to make your Luna. Do you know that she has felt it every time that you have stuck your d**k in your w***e. She was a light witch and a good person until you. She has turned dark, and my witches are trying everything that they can to save her soul. But your soul when you eventually die, and it'll be soon, by the way. It will never make it to the moon, it will be stuck forever on the dark side of the moon. Never to be reborn, forced to travel through the darkness for all of eternity" By the time I got done talking, all of our voices had molded into one. It was freaky but it was also a prophecy. The next few minutes, everything was quiet as everyone looked between me and Devon. Ty sent me a mind link "Assia, your eyes are doing a really weird thing. They are swirling like the galaxy, take a deep breath and let it out. Where is Mali? He can calm you down?" "He's asleep in my pocket after eating breakfast," I said back. He must've felt my anxiety though, because it didn't take long, and he was on my shoulder. He was trying to wrap his little arms around my neck and calm me down. I was taking deep breaths when the w***e yelled "Ewww someone let a nasty rat in here. Throw it out or kill it." This b***h was about to be unalived. No one, and I mean NO ONE, f****d with my best friend. Now I am really pissed.
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