Chapter 3

1458 Words
Galassia Once we were steady on our legs we took off through the forest walking at first. And then we started a light jog until we were full-out running. It felt amazing to be running through the forest at full speed. Everything was blurring because of how fast we were running, but if I tried I could slow it all down and see what was going on. It was an amazing feeling and something that I still couldn't believe was real. We made it to a pond that was on one side of my property and stopped. We slowly walked up to it and I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out. Then I opened my eyes and looked down at the pond. I gasped at the sight before me. In the reflection looking back at me was a massive wolf. We were black, blue, and purple with flecks of yellow we also had a moon symbol on my forehead. It was of a waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon. We looked like the galaxy and we were so beautiful. "We are so beautiful, I've never seen anything as amazing as this. You are so beautiful Galaxy" I said. "No we are beautiful, in every form that we have, we are beautiful. I can't wait until we meet mate. I bet he will love us and want us as soon as he sees us" Galaxy said with a dreamy voice. "I can't wait to see us in our other form and what do you mean? What is a mate and why would he love us and want us?" I asked her. "A mate is our soulmate, the other part of our soul. He is meant to love us, protect us, and be with us forever." "Galaxy, I'm not getting my hopes up. Everyone that was meant to love me, has abandoned me. What's to say that this mate of ours doesn't take one look at us and run in the other direction as well." "He won't we are made for him. You will find out when we meet him, and you will see that he loves us and wants us. Now let's go back to Oakley where our friends are waiting. It's time for you to change into Vie." We made the run back to Oakley where the others were waiting. We ran and jumped over logs and played with the rabbits and squirrels on the way back. When we got back to Oakley, we trotted up in front of him and sat down. I looked up at Mali, Sheldon, and Shelby and gave them a wolfly grin. They were all making noises and it sounded like they were congratulating me. I wasn't sure how to become my human self again so I asked Galaxy. "How do we become human again?" "Just close your eyes and picture what we looked like before. Picture your human body, what your hair, eyes, and body all looked like and you'll change back" she said. So I took a deep breath and let it out afterward I started to picture what my body looked like. Within seconds I was standing naked in the woods, back into my human body. I had a twinkly little laugh and then Vie said "Now it's my turn, just close your eyes and let me take over." I took another deep breath and let it out and then closed my eyes and relaxed. Instead of it hurting or me getting bigger I felt myself shrinking. I felt a nose nudge my hand and when I opened my eyes and looked down Galaxy was lying on her belly beside me. She was so big even lying down. I ran my hand through her hair and said "You're so beautiful." I then looked out of my eyes and everything seemed so huge and I was in the air flying. "Wow we're tiny, did we actually turn into a little fairy?" "We did and we are going to fly around so you can get used to our wings. You can fly without me just like you can turn into Galaxy and run without her. When you get used to being in the air then I'll let you take over" Vie said. We flew around for a little bit and then she let me take over. It felt so weird to be flying in the air and to be so tiny. I flew us back to the pond where Galaxy and I got to see what we looked like. We had an outfit on that was a cross-strap backless off-shoulder dress. It had a small trap on each side to keep it up. We were also wearing a hooded cape coat with peep shoulders. Both the dress and the cape had slits on the back that my wings poked through. We were wearing knee-high boots and everything was black, blue, purple, and with flecks of yellow. Even my wings were the color of the galaxy and it looked like they changed colors when I moved them. What had my attention the most was the tiara that sat on my head. It was beautiful and looked like the colors swirled through it. And on the front were the same three phases of the moon that was on my wolf's head. It was just a small tiara like something that a princess would wear, and I couldn't understand why it was on us. "Vie, what does the tiara mean and why is it on us?" "I think it means that we are royalty to the fairy kingdom. Only the royals have crowns when they become their fairy selves. You usually have one to wear when you are big and your normal self. We can be big and it'll be there when we are but only when we are changed like this. I think we need to find someone who would know more though" Vie said. We stood beside the pond looking into it for a few minutes thinking about it all. I finally just shook my head and decided that I would think about it later. We flew back to where Oakley was and landed on the branch beside Mali. They were all shocked when they got a good look at me like this. And then they bowed down to me, even Oakley tipped his branches some. Guys, please don't do that, I don't even know if we are royalty yet and you are family. You shouldn't have to bow down to me, and you don't have to bow. I'm going to change back to me now, is it the same way as when I'm Galaxy?" "Yeah, just think of how you look as a human and we'll change back." I flew back down to the ground and then thought of what my body looked like. It didn't take long and I was back to myself and standing naked in the forest. When I went to reach for my robe I was hit with what felt like a powerful force and I stumbled backwards. I almost ended up on my ass on the ground but I ended up being able to stay upright. I gasped out unable to catch my breath. "What the hell was that? I felt like I was being hit by a Mac truck" I said out loud. "That was your witch's powers coming in. I'm not sure how they will work. Witches usually have to have a book of spells in order to do them" Galaxy said. "I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for something like that. But right now all I want is to go home and go to bed" I said. The next thing that I know I blink and I'm standing in my bedroom in my house. "How the hell did we get in here, when we were just outside?" I asked the girls. "Maybe your powers are different and all you have to do is think something and it will happen. Try to think about going back to Oakley, we need to get Mali anyway. We left him out there" Vie said. So I thought about being back at Oakley standing beside him. And then I teleported back to where he was in just a blink of an eye. This could be really useful. When I got there Mali was having a fit over me just disappearing on them. When he saw me show back up I had to explain what had happened and that it was an accident. He finally calmed down and stopped giving me hell. I stood there after explaining what had happened wondering if there was anything else that I could make happen.
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