Chapter 2

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Galassia On the night of June 20th, I was lying in bed with Malachi lying on the pillow beside me. I had laid down at nine to watch a movie for bed, I found the Supernatural TV series and turned it on to watch. I made it through the first two episodes when I heard "Hello, Asia, I'm so glad I can finally talk to you. You have no idea how long I have waited to meet you. Happy birthday, by the way, we are now sixteen." I sat up real fast and Malachi started his little fast chirps. I looked at him and said "I don't know Mali, but I swear I heard someone talking to me. But it's just you and I here." I got up and looked out the window and didn't see anyone and I heard it again. "You're not going to see me silly, we'll not for about another hour anyways. I'm your wolf my name is Galaxy and I've been with you since we were born. But I've not been able to talk to you until now." I turned and looked at Mali and I knew that my mouth was open. What the hell? A wolf this is a joke, right? There is no such thing as wolves they are fairy tales. I shook my head and said out loud "What this is impossible, werewolves don't exist. They are make-believe and are on TV or story books, not real life. My birthday is March 18th, so I'm already 16." "They do Asia and you are one of them, well we are. You'll find out in about an hour when the blue moon is out and we change for the first time. You're not just a wolf either though. You're one of a kind." "What does that mean? What else am I?" I asked her. "She can't explain it but I can," another twinkly-like voice said. "Ugh, who are you and where are you?" I asked her. "My name is Valkyrie but you can call me Vie. I am your fairy counterpart. You also have a witch in you as well. With the fairy and witch mixed together, why are you able to commune with the animals and nature like you do? You've always been able to talk to them in a way. Like with Oakley, Sheldon, Shelby, and Mali. Now that you are waking up so to speak you will be able to use your powers and understand nature and animals better. You will be connected to the earth and all of the elements. We are special, and we will change into our form after you change into your wolf." This was a lot of information to digest and I sat down on the bed, or more like fell down on the bed. I was a wolf, fairy, and witch, I couldn't believe it. I have never been special or even felt like I was special. I took a deep breath and let it out. I just couldn't wrap my mouth around the fact that I was supposed to be special. "If I am so special then why didn't my parents want me? Why was I just dumped on the doorstep of the orphanage when I was just a baby? I have been bullied my whole life the only time that I have had piece is when I was in Oakley's branches or in the safe spot that he made in the trunk of his tree for me. The only friends that I have ever had, have been Oakley, Sheldon, Shelby, and Mali." "We know that this is a lot to take in but you're not alone anymore and we will help you on this journey to figure out who you are and what has happened to you. In order to learn how to be a witch and a fairy then we will need to find a witch and fairy to teach us. It would've helped a lot had we still been with our parents. They could've taught us what we needed to know" Galaxy said. "Why would they be able to help us?" I asked them. "Because for us to be a tribrid, they would have to be a wolf, witch, and a fairy," Vie said. "I have no idea who my parents even are. I've grown up here, when the orphanage was still here, from the time that I was a baby. I was told that I was born in March because that is what the paper that was left on me said. The woman who ran the orphanage always said that I was a preemie because I was tiny for being born in March. But If today is my actual birthday then it would make sense as to why I was so small." I sat there thinking over everything that we were talking about and trying to figure it all out in my head. When it got closer to midnight Galaxy said "It would be a good idea to go get undressed before we head outside. Just put a robe on, because when you shift for the first time we may end up ripping our clothes apart." "Ok," I said as I got up and went to change. I took off all of my clothes and put a robe on and a pair of flip-flops. Then I grabbed my keys and Mali climbed onto my shoulder. Then we walked outside locking the door behind me. I walked out to the forest and to where Oakley was at. If I was going to do this it would be with him there with me. He's always been a part of my family so he should be with me. As I was walking Sheldon and Shelby joined me and ran up to sit on my shoulder. "Good evening or I guess good night, you two," I said. "They both started to chatter at me asking me what I was doing. "I'm headed out to Oakley. I have voices in my head telling me that I will change into a wolf tonight and then into a fairy. They also say that I'm a witch as well and it's why I can commune with me." That must've gotten them excited because they started to make a high-pitched chirping noise. I just giggled at them and kept walking. When we got to Oakley he brought one of his branches down and wrapped it around me. I giggled at him and said, "I missed you too." Sheldon, Shelby, and Mali went up the branch and sat on Oakley while I sat down on the ground in front of him. Where I was sitting at the moon shown bright above me. I took a deep breath and let it out. I could feel my body buzzing and I had a feeling that whatever was going to happen would happen soon. So I stood up and took my robe off and laid it on the branch. Galaxy said, "Just relax and stay calm, and when the time comes give control over to me and I'll try to make this as painless as possible." So I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then let it out. I looked up at the moon and it seemed to shine brighter if that was possible. Then I felt the first bone break. It hurt like a son of a b***h, but I remembered what Galaxy said and stayed calm. She talked me through how to give her control. When she took over I felt like I had been shoved to the back of my mind. It felt really strange and weird to be looking out of my eyes but not be the one to control my body. "Just relax It will all be over soon" I heard and then felt someone grab my hand. When I looked down at it I didn't see anyone and there was no one there beside me either. I heard a giggle and then "After you turn into Galaxy and go for a run, you'll be able to change into me. After you do you'll be able to see me and see where we stay in the back of your mind." "Ok, you had me worried there for a minute. I can't wait to see you either and to see where you stay back here." I felt another break and yelled out in my mind. It hurt really bad and I just kept taking deep breaths and letting it out. I was on my knees by the time the last bone broke. I was painting and when I looked up I was pulled back to the front of my mind some. "I will still be in control but this way you will be able to see us. Are you ready for our first run and to see what we look like?" Galaxy asked me. "Yes, I am," I said back to her.
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