Chapter Twenty: Jo

4280 Words
Jo “They’re perfect, aren’t they?” Hannah asked as she sat down next to me in the stands. We stayed in the park for an hour or so. I watched the entire time as Archer walked around, holding Jamie’s hand, helping him on the swing, the slide, and holding his waist across the monkey bars. The sight brought tears to my eyes as I took picture after picture of everything they did. Their smiles were huge. I’ve never seen Jamie so happy before and I knew this was what he needed. He needs his father in his life and Archer needs him. They were perfect in every way possible. “I have pictures.” I pulled my phone out and showed Hannah. She swiped through each one, sending them to her as she went. Tears pooled her eyes as she looked at each one, “It was perfect, Hannah. Art, Ava and I had a long talk to Jamie and Phil because of what Phil said to him about Archer and being mean. Phil felt terrible and apologized, but I knew it was coming from his heart. I just…I was so scared that Archer was going to run.” “He never would.” She smiled, handing me my phone back before she linked her arm with mine. She turned her head back to the ice, watching them skate around, “He’s waited for years for you to come home. Have you two had a chance to talk about what happened?” “No. Everything’s been so crazy. I wanted to talk to him tonight after Jamie goes to bed.” “I think that’s good. Let him in, all the way, because Jo, that boy would walk through fire and ice for you and not even bat an eye.” The silence consumed us as we watched Archer and Jamie skate around on the ice. The guys brought the kids home after Archer met us at the park, so it was just us. We came back here just to enjoy more time together and Archer really wanted to spend some one-on-one time with Jamie, so Jamie asked for Archer to teach him to skate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grin so big before. And that’s what they’ve been doing the entire time. The laughter echoed off the walls of the arena as they both laughed with excitement. Archer was holding Jamie’s hands in his, skating backwards slowly as Jamie tried to maintain his balance, grinning with every move he made. “To answer your first question, Hannah, yes, they are perfect. I just wish we had done this sooner.” “It’s never too late to make amends, just always remember that. The key that you two need is communication and honesty. With that, I’m sure you two can conquer anything, but to tell you one thing about his dedication, Jo, is he never stopped looking for you.” She smiled as we heard the door above us open and footsteps coming closer to us, “He doesn’t know we know, but he didn’t stop, he just got lost for a bit.” “Hey,” Nick said as he sat down on the other side of me, spreading his legs out, leaning back in the chair, “We haven’t really talked in a few days, but from the looks of everything, I would say things are going well?” he grinned. “Better than okay right now.” I smiled, “After a bit of drama the other night, he held me while I cried in his arms. For the first time since that night in college, I felt safe and loved. He apologized to the kids about his behavior and from what I heard they’ve accepted his apology.” “They did. Children are special creatures.” Hannah started, “Especially the ones in our family. We are ones who have had many faults in our time. We all have done something we regret and wished we'd done differently, and one thing everyone has instilled in their kids is forgiveness, especially if the apology is genuine. It also helped that Miles had been talking to them. He was able to explain to the kids in a way that made them understand things a bit better.” “I am so thankful for him. I don’t know what he would do if they didn’t accept his apology.” “Well, good thing we don’t have to think about that.” Hannah chuckled before turning to Nick, “How has Finn been treating you?” “This place is honestly amazing.” Nick grinned, stretching his hands over his head, “Finn has been giving me special assignments for the upcoming year. He’s been treating me better than that last dead-end job did. I have to thank Tristian for this opportunity.” “It was his pleasure, I’m sure.” “I just want to make sure I make them proud, ya know? I don’t want this hand out to be…” But Hannah cut him off. “Nick, I promise you, this isn’t a hand out. Tristian never would have offered you the position if he didn’t see potential. They’ve been looking for more interns for a while, but no one has had the marks and experience they needed. But you did. I’ve seen the file they have on you. You graduated in the top ten percent of your class, the deans list every year in college, 3.8 GPA with a minor is psychology and a major in sports management. Even the work you did at your last firm was amazing. It was a shame your previous employer didn’t see that.” “Then…then why didn’t any of the other jobs I applied for hire me?” “That, my dear, you would have to talk to Tristian about,” She winked, “Sometimes, he can go a bit overboard until he gets what he wants, and it did take a while to get you on board, because he had to convince not only Eli and Austin, but Finn, Sawyer, Dylan, Jordan, and Felix as well, since they all put in time here and getting them all together at once in front of Human Resources and our lawyers can be difficult.” “Oh.” He shrugged, “Cool, I guess.” He grinned. He turned and looked out on the ice and saw Archer sitting on it as Jamie skated, shakily, around him, laughing and waving his arms trying to keep his balance like a mad-man, “He’s doing better than I thought.” “Heck of a lot better than me.” I laughed, “I can’t skate to save my life.” “That’s going to have to change and soon.” Hannah chuckled, “These kids all love to skate, and it’s time you learned.” “Well, I actually came down here for a reason.” Nick smiled as he shook out his shoulders and leaned forward on his knees a bit, “Jeremy called me.” “Is he coming home?” “Yeah, he's actually home-ish. He’s coming home for a few weeks before he has to go back to England. His mom is doing a bit better and they’ve hired an in-home nurse so he could come home and visit. I need help setting up something special for him at home and I would love for him to see Jamie tonight.” “What are you thinking?” “Can you…cook for us?” he grinned sheepishly. Nick is a terrible cook. The last time he cooked something, we all ended up with food poisoning and it was the worst three days of our lives. The only saving grace we had was Nick’s niece’s father, Ben, was in town visiting and took Jamie for a few days so we could recover. I let out a small laugh, “Of course. What did you have in mind?” “Hm, chicken enchiladas?” he grinned, “with some refried beans, guacamole, Spanish rice and…” “I get it.” I chuckled, “I can totally do that. And did you want Key Lime Pie for dessert?” His eyes beamed, “Could you? I mean, I already love you, but I would love you even more if you did that for us.” “Of course. I’m more than happy to if you and Jeremy could keep Jamie for the night tonight so I can talk with Archer. I’ll get him to bed and he should be out, but have the monitor just in case?” “Of course. You know we totally have your back. I’ve been keeping him updated on all things Archiphine.” “Archiphine?” “It’s a couple name.” he grinned. “That’s…terrible.” Hannah laughed, “Jocher? No.” she shook her head, “Archo?” she laughed, “Let’s face it, there is no couple name for you two that would sound good.” “I am perfectly okay with that.” I grinned, standing up, “I’m going to go down and talk to Archer really quick about the plans tonight. I headed down to the bench and smiled, watching Archer and Jamie having fun and laughing. It was always supposed to be like this and I have never felt more happiness and content than I do now. I just hope what I tell him doesn’t destroy us in the end, but I don’t think it will. Because everyone is right. It might have been my decision to keep Jamie away, but faced with what I knew, I was protecting myself and Jamie from a potential bad situation, because who knows what would have happened if the Tara thing did work out. “Hey, boys!” I called out. They both looked up at me with the same gleam in their eyes, melting my soul into complete mush. Archer stood up and held his hand out for Jamie, picking him up so he could wrap his legs around his waist as he skated over to us. Before I could say anything, Archer bent down and kissed me softly on the lips, making my whole body blush, “I cannot wait to see where that blush goes.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my entire body. “Stop it.” I mumbled, smiling as he winked at me. “Mama, daddy was teaching me how to skate!” Jamie grinned. “I saw baby. You did wonderful. You’re already better than me!” “You can’t skate, huh?” Archer grinned, “We’re going to have to change that. Hmmm, that’s a great date idea.” “No.” I shook my head, “I won’t step on it. I can’t. I’ll get hurt. Anyway, I came down here to see if it’s alright if I head out and go back home. Nick needs my help with something and…” “Nick?” Archer looked up to the stands where I pointed to him. He glared a bit, “He’s the guy I pulled over the other day.” “Yeah, he told me about that. Thank you for not giving him a ticket.” I smiled. “Caught me off guard with this one sleeping in the back seat. I saw him and thought he was Dylan’s.” he shook his head, “Man, was I way off. Are you two…” “God, no.” I laughed, “He’s just a friend and he has a boyfriend. They’ve been together three years or so.” “Oh, thank god.” He let out a huge breath, “I thought I would have to fight for you or something.” “Hey.” I reached out for his hand and held it in mine, linking our fingers together, “I meant what I said. It was only ever you. I might have dated, but nothing ever went past the third date. No one compares to you.” “Good, because I can’t bear to think of you with anyone else. I might go all crazy and have to take care of them.” “Daddy, when mama goes home, can we skate some more and then go see cousin?” Jamie asked, breaking our conversation. “Sure thing, lil man. Which cousin did you want to see?” Archer asked with the biggest smile on his face. “All of them!” he threw his hands in the air, laughing. “I can try.” He chuckled. That’s when Jamie leaned down a bit and kissed Archer on the cheek and laid his head on his shoulder, “Thank you daddy. I love you, and I’m happy you’re here.” He sucked in a breath and looked at me with wide eyes. My hands went to my mouth in shock, “I love you too.” He said looked down at him before turning to look at me, “So, where are you staying?” “Luna’s place.” I smiled and he gave me a nod, knowing exactly where it was, “Come by whenever. I’m going to go with Nick and help him for a bit. I’ll leave his booster seat in your car.” “There’s no need. Mom took me to the store, so I could buy some things for him. Do you think tonight…we can…talk?” “Absolutely.” And with another kiss on the cheek, Archer put Jamie down and held his hand while he skated some more. I turned around and walked towards the door with a smile on my face, knowing deep down, things will be okay. I know for sure, once we get everything out in the open, we can move forward like we were supposed to do the entire time. Nick met me outside by the car so we could head to the store and do some shopping for tonight’s dinner. Good thing the store was right around the corner, so we quickly pulled in, grabbed our reusable bags, and headed up and down every aisle, because that’s what I do. “When is he going to be here?” I asked him as I reached the aisle that had the Mexican food needed for tonight’s dinner. As I was reaching for the enchilada sauce needed, I felt a shiver down my spine. Something was telling me to turn around, so I did. I looked at everyone around me and didn’t see anything outside of the normal. “About an hour. He landed at the airport and is driving here.” Nick grinned before looking at me. I kept looking around, acting crazy, “You okay?” “I don’t know,” I mumbled, “I feel like someone is watching me.” “Do you see anyone you recognize?” he asked, looking around himself. “No.” I shook my head, “Maybe it’s in my head because of everything that’s been going on. Maybe it’s nothing.” “Or maybe it’s something.” Nick pointed to me, “I think this is something you should tell the guys about. What’s the worst that can happen? They find out it’s nothing?” “Yeah. But Ava did say I was being watched by them, so maybe that’s what I’m feeling?” I questioned, “I’m just going crazy. I’m paranoid, that’s all it is.” And just then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and spin me a bit. I freaked out and kicked the shopping cart, making it roll into Nicks stomach as he let out a sound of escaping air and a grunt as it collided with him. “Crap. Sorry.” Gage mumbled from behind me, instantly putting me down. “I told you not to do anything.” Taylor came and smacked him on the chest as he put me down, “Sorry. He likes to do stupid things like that.” “It’s fine. I guess my feelings were accurate.” I laughed before turning to Nick, “You okay?” “Yep. Great. Fine. Peachy.” He heaved between breaths, “Did I ever mention that when you kick things, it’s pretty damn hard? s**t…it hurts.” He seethed through gritted teeth as he slowly stood straight while still clutching his stomach. “Dude, I’m so sorry for this jerk.” Drew came over and helped him up, making Gage glare at Drew a bit, “Oh, stop it with those looks, ass. If you hadn't sneaked up behind her, this wouldn’t have happened.” “I just do like you touching other people.” He grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “Wait…I thought…you two…are you?” “Psh, no.” Drew rolled his eyes, “He’s just paranoid. We love each other but not in a romantic sense. He just hates that I had some experimentation with another guy before when I left my ex-girlfriend. Even though it wasn’t for me, I know this one, and he’s scared I’ll run off with someone else.” “No, not that.” Gage shook his head, “You’re a fuckin’ catch and I just…don’t want to lose you.” He mumbled. “Babe.” Taylor squeezed his hand, “It’s alright. We’ve made it this far and nothing is going to change that, right?” “Right.” Nick said, taking in a deep breath, “Besides. Committed relationship here. I also plan to propose this visit and see how that goes.” He grinned, “I have it all planned for this weekend, so Jo, if you need me to watch Jamie, no can do.” “Of course not.” I smiled and hugged him, “I am so happy for you.” “He hasn’t even said yes yet.” He chuckled, hugging me back just as tightly. “But he will. Jeremy loves you to pieces.” I turned my head and looked at them, “What are you doing here?” “Shopping.” Taylor shrugged, “Sawyer and Ivy’s birthday is coming up soon, and they want to throw this huge party for her before they fly to New York with Aiden, Luna and the kids.” “What’s in New York?” “They go there every year for a weekend to see the falls and visit the stadium during training camp. Sawyer and Aiden’s dad used to play for Buffalo before he married their mom. Even though they buried their ashes here in a grave for them, they go back home to see the original and have a family moment.” “Aww, that’s sweet.” I smiled, “Well, if you need help, let me know. I am more than happy to help cook.” “Can you though?” she asked, “Because I for sure can’t cook to save my life.” “That’s for sure.” Gage mumbled as Taylor elbowed him, “I mean, your cooking is...acceptable.” He grinned. “Jerk.” She smiled, “But yeah. I know Luna and Drew here were going to help make the cake and the guys were going to grill up some stuff. If you want to meet me and the girls say, Friday, we can go over sides and what not.” “Sounds like a plan.” And after we said our goodbyes, we finished our shopping with smiles on our faces, but I couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched. It is something I would have to talk to Archer about sooner rather than later. I don’t want any secrets between us. I was cooking away in the kitchen listening to some music, dancing and swaying my hips with a loud voice boomed in the doorway, “Baby, I’m home!” Jeremy called out, making Nick jump from the counter and into his waiting arms. They wrapped up in each other and kissed, welcoming each other with pure love and happiness before coming into the kitchen. “Oh, babydoll, what are you making?” Jeremy came up and hugged me from behind as I wrapped the tortillas up before putting them on the pan to bake, “Enchiladas? You spoil me.” “Wait until dessert.” I smiled, kissing him on the cheek, “Happy you’re here.” “s**t, me too. I can’t wait to meet the hunk of a man you snagged. And it’s Jamie’s baby daddy? God, he must be handsome.” “He is.” Nick grinned, “Too bad he’s straight otherwise…” “Perve.” I laughed, “but he’s mine, so no ideas.” “Oh Jo, the ideas are running through my head, but we know he’s yours. No worries there. Besides, ideas are ideas. I don’t like sharing what’s mine.” “Sometimes, I wonder why I’m friends with you two.” “Because without us in your life, it would be boring.” Nick shrugged, taking some of the chicken I cooked and throwing it in his mouth, “This is delicious. I think this may be your best yet.” The doorbell rang, “I hope so. Archer has never tried my cooking, so I hope he likes it. Are you sure you guys are okay with watching Jamie tonight?” “Without a doubt,” Jeremy called out on his way to the door, “Besides, I miss my little partner in crime.” There was a pause for a moment and the next thing I knew, there was a loud grunt and a deep voice from the door, “Who the hell are you?” it was Archer and at the same time, I heard Jamie squeal with excitement, and knowing him, he leaped from Archer's arms into Jeremy's. Their bond is like no other. They are best friends and I love it, “JO!” Archer yelled. “Well…this is going to be interesting.” Nick chuckled as Archer came into the kitchen with Jeremy behind him, holding Jamie, both with the biggest grins on their faces. Jamie was happy that Jeremy was here, but Jeremy was winking at me because of how Archer was. He wasn't upset or hurt, just more concerned than anything. “Jo, who’s this and why is he answering your door?” Archer asked, a bit annoyed to the point it was adorable. “Archer, meet Jeremy, Nick’s boyfriend, Jeremy, this is Archer.” I introduced him with a smile on my face and Archer relaxed instantly. “Damn, babe. You are right. Archer is one fine looking cop. Shame.” Jeremy grinned, making Archer a bit uneasy, “Just messing with you.” He laughed. “Thanks, I think?” Archer questioned before coming to me and pulling me to my body, “Next time, please let me know before I hurt someone innocent.” “Sorry. It honestly slipped my mind and I knew you wouldn't do anything until you talked to me. You might be a bit hot headed, but recently, I can see the calmness come over you. The old you might have hurt him, but this new you, wouldn't.” I kissed his cheek before turning back to the enchiladas, “You hungry? I’m have plenty.” “For you, I am.” He whispered, kissing my neck. “Archer. We have to talk first.” I sighed, “You might change your mind and…” “Nothing you say will do that. Nothing. I promised you last night and today, I’m not going anywhere, no matter what you tell me. I’m not letting you guys go. I promise you, we will get through this hump and live a happy life together. I will get us a house you can turn into a home, adopt a dog or two, put another baby in your belly so I can see her grow and be there for you, and I’m going to put a ring…on your…finger…” he slowed his speech down as his hands played with mine. “Her, huh?” I chuckled, “Already thinking about another and a daughter at that?” “With you, of course. A daughter with your eyes would be amazing, and I want lots of kids. I want Jamie to have the largest family he could ever imagine. But…I have a question…” “Yeah?” “The ring…the ring I gave you…where is it?” he asked softly. I looked up at his eyes, and they were sad, “Please…tell me you still have it.” “I do.” I kissed his chin, “I still have it and I wear it every day.” He looked at me confused. My hands were bare, but I couldn’t wait to tell him everything, “Now, come on, help me make dinner and then we can catch up with everyone and eat, because tonight, we have to get everything off our chest otherwise we can’t move forward.” “You’re absolutely right.” He nodded, “Put me to work.” He clapped his hands, eager to help. And help he did. Because the laughter we had making the food helped ease any tension between us because later that night became the hardest night of our lives, so far, and I wish, I wish with everything in me it could have been easier, but we needed it. I just didn’t think it would hurt that badly.

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