Chapter Eight: Jo

4069 Words
Jo *Four Months Later* “Pack your bags, babe!” Nick yelled as he burst through the doors, rounding the corner into the kitchen where I was washing dishes. I let out a small yelp and dropped the plastic Lion King plate I was washing while Jamie looked up from his seat where he was kneeling and coloring in his coloring book. “Holy…cannoli.” I gasped, trying to catch my breath as Nick slid and leaned against the counter next to me, “A little bit more subtle next time, will you? You might give me a heart attack, and I’m way too young for that.” “Sorry, love.” He grinned, “But I need you to pack your bags for a weekend away, Jamie too. We have things to do and places to see. And maybe…just maybe something else might happen.” He winked as I rolled my eyes at him. “Where are we going, Uncle Nick?” Jamie asked with the biggest smile on his face. Things have been going really well, despite Archer still shutting everyone out. Tristian, Austin, Hannah, Bella, Eli, and Sarah have been coming down here every weekend to spend time with me and Jamie for the past four months, and it has been absolutely wonderful. Jamie loves all of them so much and is in utter bliss every time they’re here. When they come, they give me updates on everyone, Archer included. It’s been great to hear about everyone and learning about the new people that are included in this group of theirs. I’m interested in meeting Luna and Ollie and getting to know Felix and Aiden a bit more. Gage and Drew sound interesting as well. Austin went to Archer’s apartment one night to talk to him about what happened. I gave him my blessing when they called me and asked if they could talk to Archer. They didn’t feel right hiding this information from him and I don’t blame them, so I said yes. I was fully expecting my door to come slamming down with an angry Archer but it never happened. It wasn’t until the next weekend when they came to visit that I realized that maybe, things wouldn’t work out the way I imagined and I don’t have anyone to blame but me…because at the end of the day, it is my fault. I took the lasagna out of the oven and set it on the table while Hannah, Bella and Sarah got Jamie ready for dinner, making it an unnecessary group effort, but I couldn’t tell them no. Austin was finishing up the salad while Tristian was making the garlic bread and Eli, well, Eli was leaning back with his feet kicked back watching everything happen. I met Sarah last weekend when they came back and I absolutely love her to pieces. She is the sweetest thing on the planet and accepted me with open arms. I explained everything that happened to her, and she could see where I was coming from, but she also told me that secrets don’t make things better. Secrets can only make things worse the longer they’re held and this one is life-changing. She’s right. She also said this made me and Ava, sisters, which just filled my heart because I love Ava. Once everyone was settled at the table, we ate while we chatted about what had been happening over the past week. They were beyond excited when they got here and immediately engulfed us both in hugs and kisses, like they do every time. Tristian went up to Nick who was putting on his tie and stopped him, apologizing for his behavior and explained it was all a shock. They made up and came to a mutual understanding, which was more than I could be thankful for. Nick was heading out to an interview and would be back shortly. He’s been trying hard to get a new, better paying job. He’s been working as a low-paid intern at a local advertising agency and hates it. His boss is a complete d**k to him and treats him like he’s scum, but he’s afraid to report it to human resources. “So, I have something I need to tell you and I don’t know how you’re going to react.” Austin said as he pushed away the plate when he was done, patting his stomach. “Before you tell her what happened with Archer, I have a question.” Eli pointed his fork at me while chewing his food, “Taylor said you were engaged. Your mother confirmed that before she hung up on me when I asked her. Explain?” I sighed and bit the side of my life when Jamie looked up at me, “Mama, what’s…engaged?” I looked lovingly down at him with a soft smile, “It’s when two people love each other so much, they want to spend the rest of their lives together. It’s a promise to make a commitment, or promise, to be there for them no matter what.” “Oh, like you and Uncle Nick?” he smiled. “Yeah, like that, but more in love than we are. I love Uncle Nick like a brother. Think of it like a mommy and daddy, that type of thing.” “Oh.” His face fell as he continued to eat his lasagna slowly. He’s been wanting to meet his father since he found out he has one, but I need Archer to know about him first before they come face to face. I was terrified that he would react negatively and it would scare Jamie. I can’t have that happen. “I was never engaged.” I sighed, “Not really, technically.” “Technically?” Eli raised his brow at me and shook his head, “So, you were.” “Do you want me to tell them the story?” Nick said as he walked through the door with his tie loosened. He came over, pulled out a chair on the other side of the table as Bella made him a plate. His hair was a mess and he looked upset. I knew that the interview didn’t go as well as he hoped, breaking my heart for him. “Yeah.” I whispered, reaching out and holding his hand in mine. “It was to help me and my sister.” He mumbled, “She was…she was killed in a car accident and had her newborn daughter, my niece, in the car. She’s about the same age as Jamie, literally born within the same month of each other. I got a call from the hospital the night it happened and by the time I got there, she was already gone.” “Oh no.” Sarah gasped, “I am so sorry.” “Yeah, thank you.” He sighed as he wiped the stray tear that ran down his cheek. I reached over and grabbed his hand, linking our fingers together with a squeeze, “Child protective services came and talked to me about Lila. It was either I take her or she went into foster care, so I did what I had to do. We rushed everything and got emergency custody of her so I was able to bring her home once she was cleared and went to see Jo at her place. That night, I remember perfectly. It was raining, down pouring, and when I told her what happened, she immediately took Lila into her arms and hugged her, crying as I held her. That was the first night we were together in the same home, here. She accepted me into her home with open arms without a second thought.” “Was that the night…” Austin started and I nodded. “Yeah. That was the night Archer came and saw us in the window. He thought the worst and never even came to the door. I saw him in the reflection of the television.” I sighed, “I told Taylor there was more to the story. I just didn’t tell her everything because honestly, it’s not my story to tell. And if I knew Taylor, she went to tell Archer what I told her years ago but he wouldn’t want to listen. I don’t blame him, never.” “When I found out about that, I felt terrible, but Jo reassured me that everything will be okay and when the time is right, he will understand.” Nick sighed. “He might not understand now, but Archer is, for the most part, a level-headed guy. He’ll get it and then kick himself in the ass when he finds out otherwise.” Austin cut in. With a nod, Nick continued, “We had Lila with us for a couple of months. I tried to reach my sister’s boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, because they broke up when he went overseas before she found out she was pregnant, but it was almost impossible with him being in the Army and stuff and soon, I gave up on trying to reach him. I promised myself if he ever came home, I would tell him everything. I wanted to adopt her as mine and take care of her, but the CPS worker basically said I would have a better chance of getting her if I were married. With the joint income and stability, it looked better for the courts, so Jo…the angel that she is…volunteered since Jeremy was still flying back and forth to London. So, we got engaged, fake with Jeremy’s blessing, to help with the adoption process of Lila.” “That explains so much. That explains why you told Taylor you were engaged.” Austin tapped the table. “Yeah, because technically I was. On paper at least, not romantically.” “Until my sister’s boyfriend, the father, came into the picture about a year later when he came home on leave. He didn’t even know he had a daughter. The message finally went through because I never stopped trying to reach him. It was ridiculously impossible for no apparent reason. Once I let him in and explained everything, he lost it. He still loved her and felt terrible he wasn’t there for her, but he didn’t know. He immediately took responsibility of Lila and got transferred back to the states. He’s a great guy, the best, and I see her all the time when I’m free, and sometimes I babysit her when he needs someone, especially on reserve weekends. He lives a few hours away but yeah, once he came back, that was the end of our fake engagement.” He shrugged. “I talked to Archer. I went to his place and he wasn’t there. So, I went to the rink and he was boxing, angry, going crazy on the bag.” Austin shook his head, “I told him that I found out some information about you and that it’s important that he knows about it and how it affects him more than anything.” “What did he say when you told him?” “I didn’t get a chance to.” He shook his head, “He gripped the bag and shook his head. He asked us not to speak about you again because it hurt too much and that nothing we would say could make the pain hurt less. He said if there was something he needed to know, you would come forward and talk to him. And, right now, he’s just focusing on moving on, no matter how long it takes. He doesn’t want to hear anything about you. I tried again the next day, telling him you had a son and he cut me off, telling me he didn’t need to know who you were with and starting a family with. He was…very calm about it, which tells me he was extremely hurt. I kept trying, but I was afraid he would do something drastic due to his mental state at the moment, so I stopped.” “Thank you. I appreciate the effort. The next time I come to town, I’ll make it a point to handle it on my own. It’s best he hears it from me anyways.” I sighed, “I just hope he accepts my apology and wants to be part of Jamie’s life.” “And I think with time, he will be. Once everything is explained, he’ll understand. It might be rough in the beginning, but something is telling me that everything will work out.” Nick shook his head, “He’s hurt. He obviously loved you, he still does if this is how he’s reacting. How has his dating life been?” “Lack thereof. He hasn’t looked at a girl in years and when the others try to set him up on blind dates and friends of theirs, he blows them off. He works, boxes, helps at the rink and goes home.” Hannah shook her head, “We miss how he used to be…” They gave me his number and I wrote a million messages only to erase them. This is something that shouldn’t be said over a text. Okay...I'll admit it, I'm a chicken. I'm terrified of what he would say, especially after what happened the last time we texted. I looked back at Nick and gave him a soft smile, “Why do we need to pack?” “Because, my sister from another mister, we are going to Crossdale for the weekend because I got things to do and Tristian messaged me telling me if I didn’t bring you and Jamie, he was going to come down here himself and drag your butt and then make me sleep in the pool house with the spiders.” He shuddered, making me laugh. He has terrible arachnophobia, worse than anything I’ve ever seen before, “Besides…there is something we need to talk about.” He sighed. “He wouldn’t do that. He may be a jerk at times, but he's not THAT mean.” I laughed as I turned back to the sink to finish the dishes, “What are these things that you need to do and why do I have to go?” “I um…well…” he stuttered out, letting me know he was nervous, making me even more curious. I looked at him with my arms crossed, eyebrow raised and foot tapping, “Um…I have an interview…” “An…interview…” I repeated, my arms falling to the side. “Yeah. Tristian is having me interview with someone named Finn for an assistant position that pays double what I’m making now.” Of course, they are, why would I think this would be different? “And where do you plan on living?” I questioned, “There are not a lot of places to rent in that town.” “I um…already have that figured out?” he questioned and laughed at the same time, “While I’m there, I’m meeting Luna to sign a lease for rent…” he grinned, “I looked at it last month when I went to visit Lila, and it was beautiful, Jo! It has three or four bedrooms, I don’t remember, but there’s a playset in the back and enough room for Jamie and…” “Woah.” I stopped him, “Slow down. I understand you want to go there and work and live there, but that doesn’t mean I want to.” I shook my head, “I just…I don’t know if I can.” The tension in my chest started to increase, my anxiety skyrocketing to a whole new level. This was happening, I could feel it. If Nick was there then I know they would all try everything in their power to get us there too. Should I fight it? Go with it? I don't know... “Jo, listen to me.” He whispered softly, coming over and gripped my shoulder with one hand while he cupped my face with the other, making me look up at him, “I understand you’re scared. I understand you’re terrified of what’s going to happen, but it’s time. No more running. I’ve seen you depressed for years, and you haven’t smiled like you have been since your family started to come back around. It’s time to go home…” “What if…what if he wants nothing to do with Jamie?” the tears welled in my eyes as I whispered, “What if he doesn’t believe that he’s his son and wants nothing to do with him? I can handle us not being together. I can handle him being with someone else and having a family with her. Hell, he has another kid and I can accept that with Jamie having a sibling, but if he denies him…I don’t know…” “If he denies Jamie, then the only thing you can do is to prove it to him that he’s his son. A DNA test will prove that with no problem and if he still doesn’t want anything to do with him, then f**k him.” He shrugged and kissed my forehead, “You have me and I’m not going anywhere. I love you, buttercup, and you’ll always have family no matter what.” “I love you too.” I sighed and looked at Jamie, who had no care in the world. Giving him a soft smile, I went over and knelt down to his level, “Hey munchkin.” I smiled. “Mama.” He giggled. “Want to take a small trip this weekend to see all your grandma’s and grandpa’s? Just a visit?” I asked him as he jumped up on his feet, screamed yay and leaped into my arms, laughing, “I take that as a yes.” “Yes, mama.” He giggled as I tickled his side, “Can we go now?” “Three days, munchkin.” “Come on outside and play while I talk to your mama about some things for this weekend, because I have another surprise up my sleeve.” Nick smiled at Jamie as he ran right out the backdoor and dived into his sandbox we had set up. While I sat in one of the chairs we had set up, Nick came out a few moments later and handed me a glass of iced tea and sat with me. We sat in silence, watching Jamie have the time of his life, but something hit me just then, a sense of sadness that I’ve felt on and off over the years. I sat there thinking for a hot minute. Our life has been good. I've done well for myself as a single mom. We have a home. We have Nick. We have food, clothes, toys, and lots of love, but there was always something missing and I know exactly what that is and we got a small taste of it every weekend over the last four months. Family. I looked out at Jamie and let a silent tear run down my cheek. He’s alone. He should be playing with his cousins, but they’re not here. He should be there sitting with Archer building a sandcastle together, but he’s not here. He needs more than just me and Nick, he needs the rest of his family, his village, and it’s time I put my pride and fears aside and give him what he’s been craving for his entire short life. Without looking at Nick, I said the words I never thought I would say in my life, “When are we moving?” and it was that instant, a weight flew off my chest. I knew this was the first step to a long road of forgiveness when it comes to my family, but for Jamie, I am willing to face them all. He snapped his head at me and grinned, “Really? That easy? I didn’t even have to do anything.” He chuckled, “What changed your mind?” “Well, for one, I can’t afford rent on my own.” I shrugged, “And besides, Jamie’s entire family is there and he needs them. At the end of the day, he comes first. I can put my pride aside, my fear, everything, for him. I just…I know I have more to face than just Archer…” “And I’ll be right here with you the entire time.” He smiled, “But to answer your question…how do you feel about maybe…moving in this weekend?” “NICK!” I yelled, “You can’t just do that! I have a job…” “A job you hate and don’t give me the crap about you liking it. I know how you really feel.” He glared, “So quit…” he shrugged, “The job I’m interviewing for is basically mine, according to Tristian. Meeting with Finn is a formality at this point.” “But Jamie and school…” “That doesn’t start for another month and a half? I can get the paperwork to get him into Crossdale elementary and get him settled.” “Our lease…” “It’s been month to month for the past five months and besides, Tristian paid like six months worth of rent or something, right?” “I forgot about that.” I mumbled. “Do you have anything else to say? Any other reason why you can't move this weekend?” He grinned, knowing he just won. “I guess not…” I sighed, “I guess we should start packing, shouldn’t we? I have a lot to go through and it's going to take more than a few days and we will have to rent a moving truck and...” he cut me off with a squeeze of my hand and a stupid grin on his face. I glared. He's always up to something. Busy body. “Well…about that...” and at the moment, the sound of car doors slammed, “I brought backup.” He winked. I heard the sounds of laughter and talking getting louder as they walked around the side of the house. I froze in my spot, knowing it was more than just Tristian and the other adults. I heard her laugh and froze, my eyes wide as she slowly approached. And it was not even thirty seconds later, I heard a gasp from behind me. I stood up and turned around with my head down, not wanting to look her in the eye, “Jo?” Taylor whispered. “Hi, Taylor.” I whispered, biting my lower lip as I looked up at her. Her mouth was hung open as she looked from me to the little boy behind me. “You…him…wait…what?” she stuttered out as she walked over to me, reaching out and grabbing my hands into hers, “Is this…” “Yeah.” I whispered, looking over my shoulder to Jamie who was looking at us, all confused, “Jamie, come here.” The sounds of his little feet sounded over the crunching of the sand and the sound of the grass as he ran over to me and hugged my legs, “Jamie, this is your Aunt Taylor. Taylor, this is my son… Jamie.” “Oh my gosh.” She dropped to her knees and knelt in front of him, “You look just like…Jo…is this…his father…” “Yeah…” “Well, s**t…this is great.” she laughed, hugging me one more time before dropping as she held her arms open for Jamie and he went to her with ease, hugging her, “I cannot wait to see the look on his face when he sees him for the first time and girl, you have A LOT of explaining to do…” "You're not mad?" I questioned, confused. "No. Not mad exactly. Confused, a bit hurt, but more than anything ecstatic! You're not only coming home, but you're bringing this cutie who I am going to spoil rotten!" Jamie beamed up at her with Archer's bright smile and I couldn't help but melt, "But I have questions, but I think it's best to answer them when we have everyone over..." And here...we...go...
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