Chapter Seven: Jo

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Jo Archer: I got your note. Jo: And? Do you have anything to say to that or nothing. Archer: I have a lot to say but I don’t know how to say it all. Jo: Good or bad? Because Archer…after what happened, I don’t know what to think. Archer: What happened? Jo: I showed up and Tara told me everything. Archer: She wasn’t supposed to say anything. We were in the process of making things work. Jo, you have to understand, she’s pregnant and got kicked out. She has no one else. I’m all she has and to be honest, the more time I’m spending with her, the more I’m falling. I’ve never felt like this before. Jo: Reading that hurts. Archer: Would you rather me lie? Jo: No, never. But what about our baby? Archer: We are not having a baby. Jo: Yes, we are. Archer: Jo, you were in college. Who knows who else you were with. How do I even know that baby is mine? Jo: You were the only one I have ever slept with much to your belief. It was only ever you. Archer: I call bullshit, to be honest. I don’t believe that baby is mine. I saw the pictures you were tagged in, in all those parties, surrounded by all those guys and the likelihood of me getting you both pregnant within a day? Impossible. Jo: Are you kidding me? You stick your d**k in a v****a without wrapping it, they could get pregnant you ass. Archer: *Shrug emoji* Jo: I tried to stop this, much to your belief. I took the plan b pill after you left me that night, but it didn’t work. You’re the only one I’ve been with and you’re the father of this baby. You have a choice, Archer. Either be in the baby’s life or not. If you choose not to, I don’t want you to come around in the future and try to meddle. Archer: Then let me make this clear for you. I used to love you, Jo. You were my one true love. I thought what we had could go the distance, but you started to f**k around while in college and tried to pass it off as nothing. I know the truth, which is why we broke up. You destroyed me. You destroyed every ounce of me that I had. I slept with plenty of girls to get over you and Tara just so happened to be the one that succeeded, and she’s having my child. I will be part of that child’s life because I know for sure it’s mine. I’m sorry you’re facing this on your own, but I am positive I am not the father and with that being said, I want nothing to do with that baby. I don’t want to see you again. I don’t want you around. If I come back to you, it’s going to be a lapse of judgement because of what we once had. You will always have my heart, but I need to move on, without you in my life, and start the beginning to mine. Archer: Tara is part of my life now. You packed up walk away and it’s you that has to face the consequences to that. This is goodbye and I honestly hope for the best. You will be receiving a letter in the mail in the couple of days. Don’t think I didn’t know you sent it, trying to be all sneaky, taking off your name. Archer: Goodbye, Jo. “He really sent that?” Hannah asked, her hands shaking as she looked up at me, "I don't believe it. That couldn't be our son." she whispered, looking over at Austin. I nodded, “That’s not all…” I whispered, letting the tears run down my face. I haven’t thought about time in a long time. I buried it deep down inside me because it hurt too damn much. I took out an envelope that had my address written on it that I put inside the other envelope in case he wanted to mail me something, “Open it.” Austin, with shaking hands, opened the letter and gasped as he dumped out a ripped picture of the ultrasound I left him. Gasps filled the room as they all looked at the shredded picture. “I have questions.” Eli said as he held the phone in his hand, “Archer was saying you spoke with Art?” “I did. He called me after the whole thing happened and I told him, that I couldn’t be with him when he got someone else pregnant. I went to Dylan’s that one day to talk to him and he didn’t even say anything to me. I then sent Archer a message telling him I will always love him but I wish him the best of luck. He never responded.” “He said he tried to reach out to you but he couldn’t, after the whole Tara thing happened, he wanted to tell you what happened. He said they went unanswered.” I furrowed my brow, “I never got messages from him after that, except the ones on that phone. I purposely didn’t delete anything because I wanted to be reminded of what happened.” “I’m not understanding what’s going on.” Austin grumbled, "It's clearly his number. He talks just like that, too, but for him to be so cold and dismissive of you is not like him at all." “But they tried to call you and some guy answered, saying he got the number not long ago.” Tristian said, pointing at the phone, “If that was true, then how did he message you?” “I didn’t change the number until a few years ago.” I sighed, “It might have been Nick. He’s very protective of me and he knows what happened, down to the last detail. Knowing him, he probably saw the number come up and knew it was someone from Crossdale and made the excuse that he just got the number.” “Well, that was bullshit of him.” Eli snapped. “No, that was protection.” Bella glared, “Here is a man that was with her the entire time, supporting her emotionally through the worst time of her life. If him saying that they got the wrong number protects her? I can’t be mad at him. If you remember, I did something similar to Hannah.” “And look what happened?” Austin snapped, “I didn’t know about my son for five goddamn years! And now my youngest is going through the same.” “There’s a huge difference though.” Hannah whispered, grabbing my hand in hers, “I emailed the company email and got messages from your piece of s**t non-father and stupidly believed him. Jo, on the other hand, did tell him. She sent him the ultrasound and she has the messages to prove it. He…I don’t know what to think anymore. I don’t know what’s happening. I know Archer. I’ve seen him throughout the past few years. He’s been lost. He hasn’t been himself. He’s been closed off and angry, very angry.” “One more question…” Eli said, “How do you explain what happened the night the guys got arrested after seeing you in the dorms?” “After everything that happened, and this was before the text messages I got, I went to see my old roommate. She knew what was going on and has been there for me the entire time, like Nick. I was visiting her when Archer showed up. He met my old roommate while I ran off. I couldn’t see him, so I hid behind the wall. I heard her say we were better off without him, but it didn’t register in his head she said ‘they’. She threatened to call the cops and campus security if he didn’t leave and well, he didn’t. They lied to him about my phone getting stolen, which obviously he didn’t believe because he still sent those messages. Everything is such a mess. I should have just sucked it up and showed up with Jamie in my arms and maybe things would be different.” “Let me tell you something, Jo.” Hannah said with so much seriousness as she could muster at this point, “Archer still loves you, even if he acts like he doesn’t. A mother always knows and he tried to hide it every damn day, but he’s failing. Just the thought of you having a child with someone else made him lose him mind. He hasn’t been himself. He’s been lost, lonely and I miss my son and I think you’re the only one that can bring that back. I think there is more to everything than it seems because the two stories don’t match. Now that we’ve heard your side, I know for sure something isn’t right.” “What do you mean?” I asked softly. “I think you’ve both been played and played hard. The words he said in those messages? That’s not him. He would never send you back a picture of the ultrasound ripped up. Never.” She shook her head, “He would have been here the entire time, with you and his son. Whether or not you two would be together, we don’t know, but he never would have abandoned him.” “He is amazing with the kids, Jo. I see the longing in his eyes.” Tristian mumbled. “I think I have an idea.” Bella sighed as she laid her head on Eli’s shoulder, “I think I know what’s going on, but we’re going to need proof.” “We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Tristian commanded, “Now, I need you to pack up your bags and Jamie’s and fit what you can in our cars.” He stood up and cracked his neck before popping his knuckles. “Excuse me?” I arched my eyebrow at him. “You’re coming home.” He pointed. “No.” I shook my head as I stood up, “I appreciate you all coming here but this is my home, with Nick and Jamie. This is where we built our lives.” “You share a two-bedroom run down house between four people. You’re sleeping on the damn couch, Jo!” “And I accept that.” I shrugged, “I’ve slept in worst places. I appreciate it, but I can’t just up my life when you want me to. I have a job that’s decent, that I actually like. I have Nick, who has been my rock from the beginning. I can’t just leave him here.” “Bring him.” He shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “He has a job here too! You don’t understand…” But he cut me off. “What about telling Archer?” Hannah asked. I paused a moment, “I’ll tell him, I just…I need time to wrap my head around everything. If what you said it true, then I’m at fault for not coming to him sooner but you have to look at it from my perspective. I got messages from his phone, saved, telling him to basically f**k off. He had another woman in his home, wearing his clothes. He got another woman pregnant.” “Jo, there is something we have to tell-“ I cut her off, “I’ll tell him, just, give me some time. Please.” “Frank is out.” And that got my attention, “He was being transferred and there was an accident. He escaped somewhere in Pennsylvania. You have to come home with us. We can protect you, both of you.” “The likelihood of him finding me is slim to none.” I said, more to myself than anything else. I had to believe that. It’s going to be the only thing that’s going to keep me sane, “It’s been years, guys. He’s moved on and probably has forgotten about me. Besides, he’s on the other side of the country. He’s going to have a hell of a time coming back here with everyone out looking for him and he doesn’t know where I am and doesn’t know how to find me. He’s not at savvy with tech as you guys are. I’m fine.” To be honest, I was terrified, but I know for sure the first place he would go look for me if he is, would be Crossdale. Staying away from that place is my safe point at the moment. “Jo…please…consider…” “If what you’re saying is true and he’s coming to look for me, the first place he would look is the last place I was, and that was Crossdale. I’m safer here more than anything. So, I’ll make a deal. If he’s not found in say…six months, I’ll come back.” “No.” Tristian glared and at that moment, Nick walked in from outside and paused, “You.” Tristian glared. “Me?” he squeaked, his eyes widening, looking up at a pissed of Tristian. His face turned pale and his hands started shaking, “Wh-wh-what did I do?” he stuttered. “Stop it.” I stood up and walked over and stood in front of Nick, “Nick is my family. He’s my best friend and he has been there for me since the beginning.” “We know this, but it was him that decided to tell Art that the number he called wasn’t yours.” And Nick’s eyes widened. “s**t. It was them?” He asked as he turned to me and I gave a slight nod, “I didn’t know…I just…she told me what happened in Crossdale and I went all protective over her and…fuck.” He ran his fingers through his hair, “Please…don’t hurt me.” he winced. Tristian let out a growl as he took a step closer, “You’re lucky she loves you.” He glared, “Because of you, we lost out on years with our grandson.” “Don’t blame him.” I snapped, “It was not his fault, if anything it was mine.” “Jo…” Bella whispered but I shook my head. “No. Put the blame where it’s deserved. It is my fault. I should have tried harder to tell you guys about Jamie and I accept that. So, blame me. Not Nick. Never Nick.” I looked over at him with soft eyes, “He’s been the best godfather I could ask for, for Jamie and Jamie loves him.” I looked back over at everyone and sighed, “I love you all, more than you know and I’m happy that you guys know about Jamie. I will never keep him from you guys but it will probably be a while before I can step foot into Crossdale.” “Three months, Josephine.” He glared at me as I glared back. “I hate that name.” I mumbled, “Three months for what?” “You said six, I’m saying three. Get your s**t together and in three months, you need to come home, even if it’s just to visit. You need to be the one to tell Archer about his son.” I closed my eyes, knowing he’s right, “Can you do me a favor?” I walked over to the box and dug through the box until I got that small one that has the USB drives, the pictures and all the letters I've written to Archer every year, every holiday since Jamie was born, “Give this to him, please.” “What is this?” “This has everything written every year since the day Jamie was born.” I sighed, trying to keep my s**t together, “Give this to him and let me see what we can do. I don’t know when, but we will come to Crossdale soon. Not because of Frank. I could care less about him, but because Archer needs to know whether he wants to or not. What he decides to do after that is up to him.” Hannah reached out and grabbed the box and pulled me into a hug, whispering how much she loves me and she’s happy that she knows now. She can’t wait for me to come home, even if it’s just to visit. With each and every one of them hugging me tightly, afraid to let go, they slowly slinked out of the house while Nick wrapped his arms around my neck from behind, hugging me, leaning his chin on my shoulder. Tristian looked one more time at me before he came running back. And with that, I pulled myself away from Nick and ran into his arms, hugging him for dear life, crying, bawling my eyes out, “I’m sorry.” I whispered, crying into his shirt. “You, my beautiful Jo, have nothing to be sorry about.” He whispered as he pulled away, cupping my face, “You have grown to be a strong, beautiful, independent, stubborn woman and I am so proud of everything you’ve accomplished on your own. I am so happy that you’re back in my life and I plan to never let either of you go, ever again. I love you so much. You are the other daughter I’ve been missing.” “I love you too.” I cried. “I’ll be back this weekend. And every weekend until you decide to come home.” I nodded as he kissed my forehead, “Please, please call me if you need anything, sweetheart, please.” And with that promise, he walked back to the car with his head fallen. As they drove away, we stood at the end of the driveway as the lights of their cars slowly got smaller until they disappeared and that’s when I fell to my knees and let the tears out, all of them, that I’ve been holding in for the past five years since I found out I was pregnant.
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