Pregnancy Scandal

1030 Words
He blinked. I got a blink from him and absolutely nothing else. The reaction came from other people, including the guy standing next to me. "How can you say that? Are you out of your mind?" He asked me, then pulled me to face him. I turned around, the office workers each gasping and turning to each other, yet trying to keep it minimal. I could see the surprise on their faces and the utter shock. Then a phone. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a phone pop out and then a small flash. Amidst the uproar, no one noticed, but I did. And that was when I knew I had gotten myself into deep s**t. Shit I wasn't prepared to handle. "Let's go right now. Follow me and don't cause any more problems," The man said to me and I quietly nodded. I hadn't thought it out at all. I turned again as the Director pulled me towards him. The CEO was standing there, his eyes cold as ice, his expression just as frozen. He was looking straight at me, his eyes unblinking. I caught his gaze as the other man pulled me away, and I knew fully well, I had just lost everything. I sat in front of the mirror, my eyes swollen. Not from crying, I hardly did, but from constant rubbing of that stupid thing Blair had applied on my eyes. I looked haggard, my hair scattered. It was stupid really, and I wish I had thought of another way. "I am pregnant, CEO, and it's your baby." I shivered. I know I always had an attitude, but what sort of foolishness had driven me to do that? What sort of...? I face palmed. There is no need anymore. I already created a scene and blew my only opportunity to get information about him. Which means, I just lost my job and risked getting in trouble with the CEO. But I didn't, did I? I was back in my home, with my dad in the hospital faring well, and my stepmother blissfully out of reach. What could go wrong, right? I threw on a beanie and walked to the bed. Whatever it was, I already got out of the office. Now, I would just have to look for another job. ****************************************** The morning looked like impending doom. 8 missed calls from Blair and 20 from my boss, Melinda. I checked the time just in case they were trying to overwork me, but it was 11:36 a.m.! Well, I got out of trouble yesterday, I am sure as hell not escaping it today. I tried my best, ran through the house picking up clothes and getting ready, but I managed to get to my office cubicle by 12:40. Great, right? For someone who woke up less than an hour ago. Blair gave me a look. "What happened at Gems yesterday?" She asked, her voice a small whisper. I shrugged. "Nothing." "Nothing? Then why is the CEO of Gems here to see you? Have you read the dailies today? Tabloids? magazines? Have you?" She seemed angry, and even though I hadn't read any of those, I felt like I knew what was happening. That phone I saw the other day. That damned phone. I bit my lower lip urgently, and looked at her again. "Melinda's looking for me, right?" Blair nodded. "She's out of her mind with rage." I dropped my bag, and walked away towards her office. I opened the door and she was there, sitting rather meekly, her laps supporting her hands as she looked like someone serving a punishment. The person next to her was the guy that had taken me in and out of the company the other day. Looks like he was the CEO's right hand man. Didn't seem to me that he treated him any better, though. "Good morning," I said, morphing my face into the stoic expression I always carried to her office. I won't give her the joy of knowing she hurt me. "How dare you step into this office and greet so nonchalantly after the ruckus you caused yesterday? How dare you?" This time she hit the table with her palms and stood up, thrusting her upper body towards me and her lower body towards the wall behind her. "You called for me," I answered her with a small shrug. I was already in trouble so, why should I keep mute? The Director chuckled, but said nothing. He was, it seems to me, enjoying the spectacle, and he would rather see women battle it out than step in. "How could you go to Gems and lie the way you did? What gave you that audacity? Is that how to interview someone respectfully while protecting and respecting their privacy? Have you forgotten our company policies? Did you do it for the money? So you could get child support? Jail is all you will get, I tell you!" The spite was evident in her voice and I rolled my eyes. "You specifically told me to do all I could do to get information about him or lose my job. I was doing what I had to do and it isn't my fault some douche bag decided to take photos and sell information to the press. Looks like that person does better work than you." Okay, Kristine, shut up. Seriously. She looked about to kill me, Her brows shot up, her hair on end. Well, if I am going to be fired anyway, it's better to just say whatever I want to say, right? I looked at the Director who was now adjusting his suit as he prepared to stand up. I just noticed how he was towering above me, his eyes full of amusement, yet, professionalism. "The CEO could care less what had transpired between the two of you before yesterday's incident. It had happened, and tabloids, magazines, blogs, articles are up everywhere, reporting about the mystery woman who is allegedly pregnant for the CEO of Gems. And our CEO demands to have his mystery woman," he said in a tone of finality, and his eyes darted to me.
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