CEO of Gems

1016 Words
I watched him closely, my eyes filling for no reason. All my life, it's been a constant struggle. Bills, my step mother, my dad's work injury that led to his coma, my job, all of it has been a constant battle. And here I am, due to all of those standing in front of this man. This man who showed me all of the things I lacked, all of the things I yearned to be. His suit was a perfect designer suit, tailored for his well built body and the outer coat had a designer muffler cuffed around it. I bet his suit could buy my existence. I managed to tear my gaze off his suit and body and traced my way to his face. Hard, straight jaws, one that gave off a masculine aura that's hardly resistible. His lips were set in a straight line, and I didn't even look up to his eyes, but I could feel the coldness, the unbreakable ice. I swallowed as my eyes travelled higher to the straight roman nose, high sculpted cheek bones. His eyes...he had a disorder in his eyes. Heterochromia. His eyes were different. Two different colored eyes. One, a solid black that matched his dark suit in a crazily attractive way, the other a beautiful light green. The concept of heterochromia always scared me, but somehow, this. God. I watched his eyes for a while, they weren't directed at me. He was scanning the entire room, his face stoic, his forehead wide and smooth. He spoke a body language of opulence and masculine beauty, a language of money and affluence. He was perfect. The perfect intimidation. The perfect prey for a gold digger. "You." His voice boomed and I felt my heart string snap. He wasn't referring to me, but to someone else. I swallowed hard. What if he had been referring to me? "Why is file 284 missing from my office?" From the corner of my eyes, I saw a man tremble and shake, then swallow hard. "Sir..I..Uhm..this morning. A cup.." He kept mute for a while, and I turned to the CEO. His face was still indifferent, cold. He didn't offer to finish the sentence for him, or reach assumptions, he simply drilled holes through his eyes with his steely gaze, till the man knew he had to talk. "'s currently..drying in my cabinet. The got wet." There was silence again. "File 284 got wet?" CEO of Gems said, and a brow shot up. Aside from that, he had no other expression. "I am sorry. Sorry, Sir. I swear I didn't mean to do it, I just...I am clumsy sir!" The CEO nodded. "So, you are clumsy." "Yes, Sir. Please forgive me. I swear, I won't.." "I know you won't do it again. You won't have the chance to." I saw the man's eyes widen. Wait. did he him? "Sir!" He screamed as he fell on his knees, his hair falling out of place. "Please, I really need this job, I.." The CEO didn't say another word, but the man who had brought me in did. He made a phone call that lasted around 10 seconds, and before long, heavily armed security guards had burst in through the door and surrounded the man. He seemed to know his time was up and he helplessly stood and turned away. I stood, my mouth wide open as he walked away, our eyes meeting for only a millisecond. He looked distraught. All because of a wet file? Wow. Looks like my boss, Melinda, really needs to step up her game. But then again, she didn't own Gems company and people were not running to be employed by her. The CEO turned away sharply and took a step forward, before stopping suddenly. He turned back again, and this time, it was me. His gaze landed on me, and I swear, I knew I went through the first five stages of a heart attack. "Who are you?" He asked me, no sign of curiosity or confusion on his face. "I brought her.." The man beside me said, then looked at me, sparing me a small wink. I swallowed. "For?" The CEO's gaze never left me. "She is, well, just acquaintance." I know he wasn't convinced. Even the cold way he was still scrutinizing my appearance told me he wasn't convinced. "Get her out." He didn't look like he needed to stress himself to make people do things for him, and I saw everyone's gaze turn to me. My time in Gems was over, just like it had been for that man. But I needed my job. I needed to tap information about him. I needed to keep my job, and very desperately at that. I felt the other man nudge me a little bit, and when I looked at him, he tilted his head, signaling I had to go. He had been of so much help, but the owner wants me out. Nothing he can do. I saw the CEO start to walk away, and I knew I had to be daring. I had to do something. I moved out of the man's grip and stepped forward. "No," I said in my loudest voice. I thought the workers would gasp at my audacity but I think they just pitied me, as all of them kept still and silent. He looked at me, not the least bit surprised. "I am not leaving," I said again. His eyes were sharp and icy, but it wouldn't pay my bills. "Why is that?" he asked calmly, probably to find out what kind of psychiatric help I needed so he could send me to them. I swallowed. "I.." The man beside me touched me lightly. "Whatever it is, don't do it. It won't end well. Stop this now and let's go." He tried to pull me to him, but I snapped. I could only think of my job at this moment, so I said the first thing my mind kept pushing to me. "I am pregnant, CEO. And it's your baby."
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