
Her Beast

enimies to lovers

Kristine is a 22 year old media house worker, who is, although sharp mouthed and brave, bullied by her boss. In a bid to find information about the bone chillingly handsome and dangerous CEO of the multi billion dollar company, Gems, she created a pregnancy scandal, causing her to fall into an entanglement with the one man she knows she can’t win against.

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Hard Life
The papers took flight, spreading everywhere, especially hitting my face. I don't blame them, though. They had been directed at my face. I swallowed and looked at the exquisitely dressed woman, her long, manicured finger dangling on her lip. If she hadn't been such a stupid vixen, I would have called her beautiful in fact. Some of the papers landed right on my foot, covering my old worn out sneakers. I looked down at it, stopping myself from having any sort of reaction at all. "Is this all you got? I gave you two weeks and this is all you can come up with?!" I swallowed again, then looked up. "He isn't exactly someone you can just walk up to and ask questions. I had to do everything, lurk around his home, stalk his bodyguards.." "You say you had to do everything like that isn't what I pay you for." She moved closer to me, her 6 inches stilettos landing on my small feet. I closed my eyes in pain as she moved her weight from one foot to the other, then flicked her fingers right in my face. "I do not care what you have to do, get better information on him before 8 a.m. tomorrow or you don't even have to come back." She stepped away finally, dismissing me indignantly. I nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." I walked away, locking her office door behind me. "Hey, what's up?" My only friend in the entire office, Blair, walked to me, her eyes wide. "Did she do something to you, again?" "She wants a comprehensive report on the CEO of Gems." Blair's eyes went even wider, if that was possible, and held my arm. "CEO of Gems? THE CEO OF GEMS?" She screamed and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, The CEO of Gems." I said, emphasizing "the." "A man like that.." she started to say, but I cut her off. "Doesn't exist." I sat on my office chair, and rolled my body to face her. "CEO of Gems is the only kind of himself there is. The world won't be able to handle two. It's only fair for one person to hoard such huge amounts of money." "It's not only about the money, Kristine. It is more of him! Him!" I shrugged, swallowing down the intimidation that crawled up in my mind. The first time I had been in the same vicinity with him, well, more like his bodyguards, I couldn't help realizing just how cruel and unfair life could be. One person owned Gems group of Companies, or at least, the larger part of it. One person owned such huge cruise ships. Just one person. While I am here, getting stepped on by my boss just scratch up a few bucks. I shook my head, trying to stop myself from thinking about it. It wasn't like I could go there and beg on my knees till he noticed me. It wasn't like I would just come across him on the street in normal clothes seeking adventure and then ask him about things he obviously does not want known, since he had chosen to keep them to himself in the first place anyway. I shook my head. I needed this job no matter how miserable and still broke I was despite it. I, however, knew things were easier with it, with the constant electricity bills, house rent and all. At least, I could shoulder them without completely crippling right now. I sighed audibly and turned to Blair. She was my opposite, completely. Where I wore trousers and baggy shirts with worn out sneakers, she wore short zipped skirts with blouses that showed her endowments. She had big blonde hair that was always expensively styled, and big blue eyes that seemed to say everything her mouth couldn't. "What do you think I should do?" I asked her, squinting my eye. If I could boast of anything, It would be my attitude. It was huge, way bigger than my bank account would ever be. She ran to her station and brought back her chair just as fast. I still wonder how she manages to navigate through her constant running bouts with such big heels. She sat in front of me, staring at me right in the eyes. "Are you still digging about him?" I nodded. "If I don't come up with something by tomorrow morning, I will be jobless. A month after that, probably homeless too." "Oh, stop with the sob story. I know what you should do." "Tell me." I leaned forward, eager to hear it. I just hoped it would make sense, cause she had a tendency to spew rubbish in the most serious times. "Give him an offer he can't resist." I rolled my eyes and leaned away. “We are talking about the most influential, richest, most sought after bachelor who has made it to Forbes 30 under 30 list, and you are telling a common girl who is striving to keep my job to give him an offer he can't resist? Really?" "Oh, Kristine, your problem is, you are so wise, yet so naive sometimes." She dragged my head to her, then whispered in my ear. I looked at her, my eyes unbelieving. I have finally lost hope in Blair's suggestions. "I'm serious!" She yelled, stomping her feet. That attracted a few glares from the others, but we ignored them. We were used to it, anyway. "You know how many women who are way better than me he has encountered? Women are literally throwing themselves at him, Blair." "You are not throwing yourself at him. You are taking the initiative of a spy. A lady spy who would disguise and get him just where she wants him." "You are letting the movies you watch get into your head too much." She face palmed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, think about it. In the end, you just have to get into his office, then make him get you to his house. After that, you take up clues from everywhere. What is the easiest way to know a person? It is by being in their space. Think about it." She rolled her eyes again, then turned away to face the documents laid out on her desk.

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