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"Have? As in, like a plot of land or a contract? He wants to have me?" I asked, feeling disgust rise up my throat. These people can't be serious. Do they live in a part of the world where it's abnormal to respect people? But that was pretty hypocritical of me since I had caused it. "You started this, Kristine," The Director said, then tilted his head to the side. I swallowed. “I want ownership of the baby," I said and he chuckled darkly at first, then broke into full blown laughter as he shook his head. "The CEO knows you do not have his child. Or a child, in fact. Your non-existent hospital or pharmacy visits already say that." They did a background check on me? My eyes widened. "Why does he want to see me, then?" He laughed. "You are going to take full responsibility for your actions, Kristine." "No," I said. "I want my quiet life. Even if that woman is making my life practically hell, I still prefer that." "Who says you have a choice, Kristine? Who says you can choose what you want when you created this scandal? You should have thought of that quiet life. You should have thought of that preservative instinct before doing what you did. It was partly my fault for bringing you into the office, thinking it would be fun seeing you try to break though the secrecy in our office. I didn't think you would do this. So yes, you will, in fact, take full responsibility for your actions." He gave Melinda one last look, adjusted his coat and walked out. I swallowed hard, just realizing the mess I was in. Why did I have to be so sharp mouthed? Melinda walked to me, crossing her arms. "You heard him." "I am not deaf." She smiled. “What do you intend to do now? Cause I am firing you, that's sure as hell." "I know," I said, then deliberately stepped forward. "I will do what I must." She smiled, then reclined. "Actually, you did very well, Kristine." "What?" "Sammy is currently writing an exclusive report, one of it's kind on the pregnancy scandal of the Gems CEO." She opened her palms wide, making grand gestures in the air. I looked at her. "Probably all the media houses in LA have already published that. I am sorry, but that's old news." "You are right. They have published the speculations and the little story that you caused, the small hiatus in the office. Who has published an exclusive interview with the mystery woman who is allegedly pregnant for the CEO? You will agree with me that is one beautiful, spectacular publication right there." I watched her, dumbfounded. "An exclusive interview with who?" "Kristine, you, darling. You. You're going to tell us everything, every single detail.." "You know I am not pregnant, right? And even if I was, I wouldn't say a damn word." She suddenly turned violent, her left index and thumb fiercely grabbing my cheeks and pressing down on them, her long fake nails piercing into my skin. "Don't you dare say such nonsense, Kristine. You are pregnant, and you will give that interview!" Her teeth were gritted, making her words come out in a harsh hiss. "You think I am going to let this slide?" I pulled her arm away from me and pushed her away, standing my ground. I accepted her nonsense cause I needed the money she was offering me to work, but no. I have had enough of this now. I am human too, and I am not a pushover. Never have been, never will be. "Don't you dare lay a hand on me, Melinda, or I swear, instead of that exclusive pregnancy interview, it would be an exclusive scandal of how you maltreat your own workers! Who the hell do you think you are? Cause you own a teeny tiny media house in the outskirts of LA, you think you can treat anyone just the way you want to? I am sorry, but you are so wrong. I won't let you push me around anymore." Melinda looked at me for a long time, before she suddenly burst out laughing, shaking her head and clapping her hands in a mocking gesture. "What a grand speech on woman liberation. Kind of sad the feminists are not here to actually be impressed." Before I could say a word, she suddenly grabbed my hair, the pain shooting to my scalp instantly. I gave a low yelp as I tried to push her away, but she kept moving around, averting my defense, my hair still painfully in her hand. "Melinda, stop!" "Oh, super girl is scared? Who knew?" She dragged my hair harder, and I got to push her hard. She wasn't anticipating it, and she fell hard on the table, hitting her side. "Ouch," I murmured, but I didn't have much time before she stood back up. "How dare you?!" She screamed, running to me. "Stop!" I yelled, but it didn't do much to actually stop her. Before I knew it, a violent slap had landed hard on my cheek, causing me to see stars and reel backwards. I expected to feel the cold hard floor, and come up with bruised hands from the fall and a bruised cheek from the slap. Heck, I thought I would faint. And I did land. On something hard, wide, but not cold. In fact, it was warm. Extremely warm. I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder, and I managed to look up. I almost screamed. The perfect chiseled facial features, the heterochromic eyes, the coldness behind them. The magical aura. The CEO of Gems gave me one look, as if scrutinizing my looks or trying to gauge how best to punish me. I had just been in trouble with Melinda, but with the CEO, I wasn't just in trouble. I was in deep s**t. Surprisingly, his hand pushed me further into his chest, almost burying my face in his body. He then looked up to Melinda, who was shell shocked, and was trying to arrange her hair. "Did you just lay a finger on my woman?"
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