Going to the Company

1002 Words
I stood in front of the company, for the hundredth time questioning Blair's suggestion. The glass building towered above me so beautifully, sending waves of insignificance and inferiority complex down my spine. I tried hard to swallow, but couldn't. It felt like this lump of intimidation was too big for my throat. I closed my eyes. "Kristine, All you have to do is go in, pretend to be his girlfriend, go in to his office and explain things to him. He wouldn't be that bad," I said to myself reassuringly. I had scraped up the plan in my head already, and it all made sense. I walked calmly towards the building, before I heard a car stop behind me. I stopped, my heart shattering with fear. Was he not in the office already? Had I miscalculated his arrival? What is going to happen now? I stood there, my back still turned to the car. My eyes closed, my fists clenched. My chest started to hurt violently as I heard footsteps. "Miss?" I heard a voice say. CEO of Gems would never attend to me. I opened my eyes. The man in front of me was blinding, his blonde hair boyishly styled, his small eyes squinted at me. He was the kind you were most likely to fall for in high school. The high school sweetheart. "I.." I mumbled, wondering what to tell him. I came here to pretend to be the CEO's girlfriend so I can be granted access to his office and then interrogate him? Pretty nice. "I was just..." "What is your name?" He asked, and adjusted his posture in front of me, his lips curving upward in a boyish smile. It was a bit comforting, to be honest, and I found myself relaxing. "Kristine," I said, and adjusted the skirt I was wearing. It was Blair's, and it was particularly tight on me. I didn't feel comfortable in it, but luckily, his eyes never dropped below my face. He seemed to be searching for something in my eyes, and then he shrugged. "You are here to interview the CEO, am I right?" I was caught already? Wow. These people are something else. I cleared my throat nervously. "Come with me, then." His smile grew wider as he gestured at me, and I started to follow, unsure if it was a good idea at all. We walked into the main hall of the office, a huge space that could fit four of my apartment. It was sparkling clean, the workers all wearing expensive clothing, walking round attending to their business. They greeted the man with me every time they passed by, and only cast a small glance at me. None bothered to greet me, and I didn't care either. I directed my gaze upwards, looking at the offices that seemed like they extended into the sky. The building was beautiful, very dark. The architecture exquisite. It told a whole lot about the CEO. Dark, unknown, secretive. The floors were covered in black, shiny marbles, and apart from the large pots of flowers, there was no sort of flowery decor in the office. It seemed like the office had an atmosphere of its own, one that was cold and eerie, as if you were walking to the devil itself. I tripped on my heel suddenly and let out a loud yelp, causing everyone to stop and look at me. It wasn't exactly loud, just the place was quiet. The man who was walking with me turned to me, and then looked at my foot. "Is something wrong?" He sounded genuinely concerned, and I gestured at my foot. "My shoe broke," I told him, then adjusted my foot, trying to see if I would be able to walk with it. It was too loose, and I know I was guaranteed to fall in less than ten minutes if I tried walking with it. He bent and looked at my foot, then stood up and gestured to another man who had been following us. "Get her a more comfortable pair of shoes," he said, his tone ordering. The man nodded obediently and walked off. "We should wait here for a while," he told me, then folded his arms behind him. "Thank you," "I admire you," he said, then as if he had said something funny, burst out in a small laughter. I didn't think anything was funny however, so I kept my face stoic. "You really came to interview the CEO. No one has ever dared to do that." "Well, I guess they didn't have their jobs on the line." He smiled at my nonchalant reply. "You think so? Meeting him will not assure you your job either." "Who are you to him?" I asked, suddenly curious. "I am a Director here." I expected it. Not just anyone could dare to bring in an interviewer to see the CEO unless he himself was a big shot. Not as big as the CEO, but at least, he had more than an annoying boss to his name. Suddenly, the office grew even quiet, if that was possible. Everyone around us turned, each having this blank fear behind their eyes. I turned to the place they all seemed so focused on, but it was just an empty glass balcony. I turned to the director who only shrugged. "You'll get to meet him now." My heart jumped in my throat, my chest constricting painfully. Him? As in the CEO of Gems? I stared hard at the balcony, waiting, even though I felt like running out of the office. His presence was a heavy one, and even before he arrived, the entire office was in anticipation. No one moved or made an attempt to, and I thought it would be wise to do the same. I stood there watching, and suddenly, an elevator door opened. I closed my eyes and prayed. "God, please give me the strength to overcome this." The door opened wider, and he stepped out.
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