1900 Words
LOVEFUL "CURCHI, MRS. Ho said that we will go to her office later. We are gonna introduce to her the plans that we have prepared for the intramurals." Lawrence said to me. Lunch break is getting over and he suddenly walked with me while I am heading to my classroom. "Okay. Just wait for me after the class." I replied to him and move my pace faster to leave him behind. Last night, my weakness and vulnerabilities came out. And now, I really need to avoid attachments to other people to prevent the same situation to happen again. I get to use this already but I don't know why I still can feel something that I don't like. I sighed. I swear to my life that Chelsea will be the last. I deeply promise. As I entered the classroom, everyone is silent. It is unusual to see them very silent. And when my gaze was focused on the blank seat which is beside mine, I felt the pain again. That was Chelsea's seat. Damn! I hate it. I felt heavy when I sat in my chair and I can't help but miss her presence. I miss her annoying personality. I closed my eyes for a while and deeply exhaled. I should bring back my aura---the cold and intimidating one. The usual aura that they are used to. I should be like this in order for them to avoid me. I want them to stay away from me for their own sake. In every teacher that came, all their topic was about Chelsea. The goodness that she had done. The pride and contribution that he gave to the school. Everyone inside fell into their cries and longings while I pretended that I do not care. I just ignored them. I just don't mind their sobs and loud cries. I even noticed how the students that were passing at the lobby stopped to witness the dramatic scene here. I just focused my whole on my desk and I did not bother to look at their sad faces and their teary eyes. Until the drama scene was being stopped because of the dismissal bell. Some of them wiped away their tears first before getting their bags and then leaving the classroom with a reddish, bulky eye. I then rose to my seat and left the classroom. As I reached the door, Lawrence was already there. His bangs that almost covered his eyes really caught my attention. His hands are on the pocket while his back was leaning against the wall with crossed legs. "Oh? You were the only one whose eyes weren't reddish---still fresh." he scornfully said while slowly standing firmly. I just don't mind him. I have no time for this chitchat. "Let us better get going. I was in a hurry." I just said to him blankly and I saw him shaking his head, smirking. We walked towards the office of Mrs. Ho silently. He tried to broke the silence by clearing his throat or talking some things but I did not care to respond. After a minute, we finally arrived. Lawrence immediately knocked on the door three times. "Come in," said the voice from inside. That was Mrs. Ho so he pushed the door and we immediately get in. Soon as we sat on the chairs in front of Mrs. Ho's table, we started to discuss and proposed our plan. She's the student council adviser, by the way. After a moment, were are done discussing with her. "Hmm..." she muttered, resting her chin to her palm. "What if, we will have a presentation that can shock the students, what do you think?" she commented while repeatedly raising her brows alternately. "And what is it?" I asked with furrowed brows. I already thought of that one when I draft the plan but nothing's come to my mind. "Ahm... we'll think of that," she answered. "Shock? That's a bit challenging, Mrs. Ho" Lawrence joined in. We shifted our gaze to him. "Not unless if Curchi will offer dance or sing, surely all of the students will be shocked and amazed. HAHAHA!" he went on, laughing a bit hard. My eyes widened as I heard him saying those words. "Exactly!" Mrs. Ho giggled which makes my blood boils. I could not prevent myself to stand forcefully on my seat. "What the hell?!" I raised my voice causing them to drop their attention to me. The portion of my long, blonde hair suddenly covered my face and I irritatingly shoved it away. "Are you in your minds right now? Why would I do that?" "It's for the sake---" said Mrs. Ho. Her wrinkled face flashed an annoying one. "Sake?!" I chucked it madness and disappointment. For the sake of the Intramurals? I will let myself be in shame? Are they damn serious?! "I'm just joking, Curch---" Lawrence interrupted. "But that joke is a piece of sh*t!" I yelled. I couldn't help it. I looked at them one by one with a blank expression and then I suddenly walked out of the office. How can they just simply say those things? For what? For the students to have fun with my own disgust and shame? Huh! Never. Those are not my thing. "Ouch..." I suddenly heard a little groan. I did not notice that someone bumped into me. He wore eyeglasses. His books and other notebooks are now scattered into the ground. Basically, he is a nerd. We have the same year level. We are both grade 12 as what the color of his tie said. "Be careful next time," I said to him. He is currently picking up his things that fall on the ground and then slowly raises his head to look me in the eye. "Sorry." Right after he said that word, he then stood up and immediately walked away. I did not mind him anymore and just continue to walk towards the exit of the school. I did not care if what Mrs. Ho and Lawrence is thinking now. Many people are walking towards the narrow street that I used to go to so I am sure that what happened yesterday will vaguely happen. I immediately waited for a car and just a few minutes that passed, a car stopped in front of me. "To Small Ly Mall." I immediately said to the driver soon after I get inside the car. I decided to go to the mall to buy food and other supplies. I was just living alone in my house and what I am going to buy today will last for a month. The money that I got is still coming from the letter that I always got every morning. As the car arrived at the said mall, I immediately went out of the car and headed straight to the grocery section. I picked up those necessary things and then transferred them to the other sections. "Mom, I want this!" I heard the voice of the child on my side so I shifted my gaze to it. She is pointing to the barbie doll that is hanged above. I was passing by the children's section. Her mom smiled. "Sure, baby," she said and tried to reach the doll. There is a sudden itch in my heart as I watched them. I wondered what it feels like to have parents with you. I don't want to get emotional here but I just want to experience having a mother who is willing to buy something for her daughter. I noticed that the mother cannot able to reach the doll that the child wanted. She was about to call the assigned staff but I volunteered. "Here." I plainly said while handed her the doll and without any ado I then walked away, not minding the words of gratitude that the mother uttered. I continued walking around the mall pushing the cart full of different food stuff and some utensils. But as I went on, I felt again the eyes that seems like looking at me. I roamed around my gaze to the whole area but I could not determine. The mall is full of people who are busy buying stuff. I am bothered and cannot focus on what I was doing because of that stare. I keep on searching until my gaze landed on the man who is looking straight at me. His stare is weird. He is sitting on the bench near the counter of the food section, holding a black cane. I remembered something about the cane. The dream. Is he the one who always keeps an eye on me? Who is he? I was about to approach him to clear my thoughts away but a woman came to him. "Let's go, hon." said the woman. The man did not look at her, instead, he was still looking at me weirdly. His stare is different. Then suddenly the woman held her by his arm and he stood up. This time he diverted his stare elsewhere. As they are walking, the man moved his cane on the floor which seems like guiding him by his walk. I couldn't help but slap my face after I realized something. He's blind. Tsk, I looked stupid here. They are already out of sight and the eyes that I felt looking at me are still there. I just sighed and just enjoy myself looking at different clothes in the women's section to ignore that feeling. Moments have passed, I was about to grab the clothes that I find pretty to wear on, I suddenly heard a gunshot inside the mall that shocked me. "AHHHH!" Everyone inside the mall started to shout in fear. My heart is beating so fast and my hands began to tremble. I quickly roamed around the area and I saw the people are running hysterically, looking for a place to hide. My mind could not process everything. I just don't exactly know what to do. Sh*t! What is happening?! What's with the gunshot?! ##
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