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THIRD PERSON "HOW'S NOEL'S daughter?" asked the woman, with a purple crystal that is tied around her forehead. Her lips are purple and she also wore a purple dress. She is sitting comfortably on a chair The room is so wide with a long, wide red carpet on the center with a wonderful chandelier above. The man stepped closer to the woman. "She's fine at school, Madame Lila. Though she's on her downside after what just happened to her seatmate," he answered. "Why? What happened to her seatmate---?" the woman, whom they called Madame Lila, paused after she realized something. Seems like she knew already. "The red string..." said the man in a low voice. Madame Lila just nods. "Yeah, I really felt pity for her. Only if I can help her." she sadly said. "By the way, where's Mnemosyne?" "She's following Curchi right now. I just don't know where exactly they are. She just said it to me." the man replied. Madame Lila heaved a long sigh and slammed her back to her chair. "Soon, I will approach her. We will just find a way how and when. We must fulfill my parents' order. We need to get her." she said and the man just nodded. Then she stares at the man. "Just be careful with her, okay? You already know her curse." The man suddenly smiled. "Why, Madame? Are you worried about me?" he mocked and coolly brushed his hair upward. The woman just chuckled and shook her head jokingly. "What are you saying? Of course---" "Don't worry, Madame. She will not fall in love with me and I will also not let that happen," he said, smiling. "You know, I am yo---" He didn't finish his words because the big door creaked open. Loud footsteps echoed to the whole place and they both diverted their gazes to the woman who just arrived. "Madame Lila." the newly arrived woman uttered, breathing heavily. They are of the same ages yet they called Lila a "Madame" because she is the heiress of their kingdom. In fact, they were childhood friends. Lila suddenly stood up, bothered about what might be the woman is about to say. "What is it, Mnemosyne?" Mnemosyne breathes first soon as he reached the man's direction. "T-They..." she said, couldn't able to finish her sentence right away. "What?" Lila and the man asked in chorus, they looked confused. This might be too serious based on Mnemosyne's reaction. "They appeared." Only two words coming from Mnemosyne but the two already understood. By that two words, they already know what happened. "And then, where is she?" Lila immediately asked. They waited for Mnemosyne to respond. Her eyes widened and suddenly she scratched her head. The man looked at her. "Don't tell me---" And then Mnemosyne just slowly nodded her head. Their eyes both widened when they shared the same realization. Without any ado, they rushed towards the door. LOVEFUL "AHHH!" My heart beats so fast as I heard the gunshot and the shouts coming from the people here. What is happening?! "Don't move if you want to get hurt! This is a hold-up!" said the man with a baritone voice. He is holding a gun. After I absorbed what is really happening, I immediately went to the fitting room. Even though I really wanted to end this life, I don't want to die this way. Also, I am still afraid of death even though it might be the answer to end this problem of mine. Besides, I will not die using gunshots. I tried it before but to no avail. Right now, I am concerned about the welfare of the people inside this mall. How can this mall be a place for hold-up? Isn't this really that secure? Tsk! My shoulders suddenly shrugged soon after I heard the loud gunshot followed by a painful groan of a man. "Ahh---!" "Didn't I tell you to not move?!" said the man, loudly and firmly. I slightly moved the curtains in this fitting room for me to see what is happening. Everyone inside this mall ducked to the floor. The cashiers are now tremblingly getting the money inside the drawers and some of the staff are raising both of their hands in surrender. I looked at the five armed men. They are pointing their guns at every people. "M-Mommy..." cried the child causing the five men to divert their attention to the side. They looked everywhere to see where that voice coming from. They may be hiding yet the child suddenly cried! My hands are shaking right now. I hide as best as I can after I saw them heading in my direction. My breathing becomes heavy. Why on Earth have I always experienced bad omens? I was closely r***d yesterday then now, this happened. "Oh, you tried hiding, huh?!" said the man. I almost yelled when I heard that voice. I thought it is me whom he was referring to. "Ugh!" the voice of the lady winced in pain. I looked at them in the small opening of the curtain and I gulped as I recognized her. Her child cried inside the compartment of the clothes. They are the same mother and child I just helped a while ago. The man grabbed the woman's hair outside the compartment, leaving the child. "Come here! How dare you hiding." the man continues to drag the woman. "M-Mommy!" cried the little girl while holding into her mother's hand but the man shoved her hands away. "Honey!" yelled the woman. She cried hard in pain. I almost shouted when I saw another man who walked in their direction and pointed a gun at a little girl! I wanted to do something but I can't! "N-No..." the woman called, still crying. She's a bit far from her daughter because of the man grabbing her towards the other people. "N-No... please no. Don't harm my child." "M-Mommy!" cried the little again. I noticed that she's hugging the doll they bought a while ago. The man cracked his gun. "Shut up!" he shouted and pointed the gun at the child. I felt a throbbing pain. I felt pity about the situation. They're heartless! "P-Please---" The woman did not finish her statement because the man fired a bullet. My heart almost dropped after hearing the loud bang. I covered my mouth while looking in the direction of the little girl. "If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will be the one to shut you." the man near the child threatened. He only fired the bullet beside the little girl and it is traumatic already to that little girl. The woman just covered her mouth while sobbing. She is looking at her child who is also crying silently. They both extended their hands. Then after a moment, the little girl suddenly cried out loud. "Mommy!" The woman's eyes widened and series of tears instantly escaped from her mouth. Her lips tremble as she noticed that the man looked at her child and reloaded his gun. "N-Nooooo! Shhhh, baby, don't cry." said the woman, trying to shush her child but the child did not stop. "Nooo! I c-can--- please! H-Honey..." The man seemed like he did not hear anything. Everyone inside is silently crying while looking at the little girl who has a gun pointed at her. Seems like everything went in slow motion. I don't know what to feel. I couldn't bear to see the situation anymore. My heart feels so occupied that I could hardly breathe. I just closed my eyes instead and just waited for what will happen next. A loud bang echoed and I gasped again and again. But suddenly, the surroundings become cold. Silence also then occupied the whole area of the mall which is very odd. There is a hold-up scenario a while ago, the cryings of the people, and the child---but why the surroundings became so silent in an instant? There should be a cry that comes from the child's mother but it wasn't. I did not hear even a single step. I opened myself to see what is happening now. I looked again to the small hole of the curtain and I suddenly gasped upon seeing the situation right now. My eyes grew bigger and I can't help but cover my mouth in shock. I gulped for a while. What happened?! ##
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