

female lead
magical world
realistic earth

"If I'll love you, you'll die. Literally."

Meet Loveful Curchi Glavidin. A girl that needs to be LOVELESS to save others. If she felt love, the RED STRING occurs and death will follow.

-Book 1 of Tears Trilogy-

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According to them, Red String... ...represents Fate, ...symbolizes Love. It indicates your soul mate. But... She doesn't wish for that string. To her, it indicates DEATH. For there will be tears in Red String. ~•••~ DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, songs, places, events, incidents, and facts stated are either products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. © All Rights Reserved. Renel Gomez. ----- THIRD PERSON "I HOPE we will be like this forever." the woman said. She is lying in the arms of a man while hugging him. They're on a seashore, enjoying the wonderful sight of the bright moon. The man looked at her in the eyes. "This won't be the last. I will make sure we'll end up together. Forever." he said and slowly moved closer to the woman and passionately kissed her lips. But their moment was interrupted. The waves of the sea suddenly get strong, the trees are also strongly swaying that looks like there is a typhoon, the surroundings became darker. Then after a moment, a familiar image came into sight. "Ow. So sweet!" said the familiar voice, sarcastically. She wore a wedding dress, holding her long, black cane. "So you are just here," she said, smiling, looking straight to the man. The two bothered. They quickly stood up from lying because of shock. The man gulped as he looked at the familiar woman. "M-Maritha..." he said, trembling. The woman beside him hugged him tighter this time. "Hmm..." the woman named Maritha cleared her throat. "You two are such a b***h, aren't you?" she said and suddenly her expressions changed. From being sarcastic to unexplained anger. "What's really wrong with me, Noel?! Why you did not attend our wedding?!" she said in full anger. Noel left unspoken. He looked at the ground, did not know what to say. He diverted again his sight to Maritha with fear. Supposedly, it was Noel and Maritha's wedding earlier by their parents' will. But Noel disagreed with their parents' idea. Maritha is beautiful but he doesn't have feelings for her. And therefore during their wedding, earlier in the morning, he did not appear. He instead chooses to be with the woman he truly loves than to come to the wedding. That was caused anger in Maritha. "Maritha, don't---" Maritha cut him off. "What, Noel?! What?! What is really wrong?! What does that girl Lora has that I haven't---?!" "Everything!" Noel shouted a bit that causes Maritha to pause for a while. Lora just remains silent and just hugging Noel from the back. "I don't love you, Maritha. You know that." he said firmly. Maritha's aura changed a lot. "Huh!" she snorted. "I wonder what your parents will say if they found out that you loved a mortal? You already know what will happen to you if in case you two will have a baby, right?" she said. "I don't care," Noel replied. "It is fine if I am going to be an 'inmort' just to be with Lora." Immortals like Noel and Maritha are forbidden to have a baby with the Mortals because if that happens, the ability of the immortals will be gone and they will be turned into an 'Inmort'--- a non-ability immortal ---forever. Their babies will not be affected. Only those immortals will. Inmorts' ability will only appear again in the last seconds before they die. "Wow, huh. Amazing, then!" Maritha laughs but it didn't last. She then intently looked at Lora. Seconds have passed, Lori suddenly shouts in pain for an unknown reason. She even touched her neck as if that part was painful. "Ahhhhhh..." she groaned. "Lora!" Noel concernedly mutters while holding Lora's shoulder. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Lora shouted again in pain and slowly dropped her knees on the ground. Maritha escaped a wide smile on her lips because of what she saw. She liked what she did to Lora right now. "Maritha! Stop it!" shouted Noel while assisting his love, Lora. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" the shout coming from Lora began to loud. Noel can't handle it already. He stood up and faced Maritha. "I SAID STOP!!!" he loudly roared like a lion causing Maritha to stop what she's doing to Lora. Maritha's eyes grew bigger and unconsciously dropped her long, black cane. She thought that she will get repelled far away because that was Noel's ability---one strong shout, everything in front will be repelled. But nothing happened. This only means one thing... "Lora, are you okay?" with full concern, Noel asked. Lora stared at him and showed him that she's scared already. Her eyes slowly escaped from her eyes. "Lora..." he said and hugged Lora tightly. "So, you're an 'Inmort' now, Noel?" Maritha suddenly spoke. Noel diverted his eyes to her with no marks of regrets. "Leave us alone, Maritha. I beg you, please don't bother us anymore." Noel pleaded and slowly walked towards Maritha. "W-Why?" Maritha started crying. Noel holds her hand. "Why, Noel? Why?" she again said while swaying away Noel's hand. "I did not do anything else but love you purely. I did not look after something else but only your love, Noel." Noel can't help but to only bow his head after hearing Maritha's words. "But what now? You don't have an ability anymore because you will be going to have a baby to that mortal! You are an inmort now!" Maritha added in anger while looking straight at Lora's tummy. Suddenly, her eyes turn black causing Noel to move backward in fear. "Maritha, please..." Noel begged. Maritha is one of the most powerful immortals, the reason why Noel feared. He cannot do anything else but beg her because he knew how strong she is. Maritha is now surrounded by her anger. She suddenly builds a big ball of fire mixed with water. "M-Maritha, what are you doing?!" Noel suddenly swallowed a lump in his throat because of what she saw. Seems like he can hardly move. Maritha grinned at him. "One of the ways, to bring back your immortality and ability, is that we should kill the one who should be killed!" she said in horror causing. Noel's eyes grew bigger. He swallowed hard. After Maritha said those words, she pushed the big ball of fire-water towards Lora's direction. "Lora!" shouted Noel as soon as he saw the big fire go directly to Lora's. If only he still has his ability, surely he already repelled that big fire away. Feels like the time suddenly ran slow and he doesn't have anything in focus but Lora's scared face. A few seconds more, the big fire-water ball will be going to hit Lora and he doesn't have anything choice to do but to firstly close his eyes. A tear suddenly escaped from his eyes. 'Baby, your father loves you.' he said to his mind. He fastly shielded himself to Lora to catch the fire alone. He was hit by the big fire to his chest. "AHHHHH!!!" a loud shout escaped from his lips as he feels the pain from his chest to his face, down to his feet. One big impact suddenly created soon after Noel's shout causing the trees, the big fire, and Maritha to flew away. The ground has strongly shaken and cracked and the waves in the sea are slapping hard. The area looks very chaotic. That was his ability. But that only meant one thing... Inmorts' ability will only appear again in the last seconds before they die. Lora is shaking while looking straight at Noel who's lying dead on the ground. Her tears are endlessly running after he saw the situation of her love. "Noel!!!" Lora cried in sadness and grief. She ran in the direction of Noel with a heavy heart. She placed Noel on her lap and continue crying. "Noel!!! Don't leave us, please..." she shouted. "N-Noel!!!" she can't help it. "N-Noel!" Lora suddenly shifted her gaze to the woman who shouts. When she realized it was Maritha, her anger rises. "Noel!" cried Maritha. Before she could get closer, Lora pulled Maritha's hair as hard as she can even though she knew that that won't do to Maritha. "You're evil!" Lora said in between pulling Maritha's hair. "You're heartless!" she added but Maritha remained chill. She suddenly felt weak that seems like she lost her energy causing her to fall her knees on the ground. Maritha looked at her with anger. "It is all your fault, Lora," she said firmly to the weak Lora. "You let the forbidden things happen! Because of you, Noel died!" she shouted. "N-No-o---!" Lora cannot say a single word because of weakness. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" shouted Maritha in intense grief and anger. Lightning suddenly escaped from above. She looked at Lora intensely. "I curse you!" she gritted her teeth while saying those words to Lora. The sound of thunder suddenly mixed with her words. "I will give the red string to your daughter that only you and she can see. She must not love because if she does, the red string will appear and will connect to the person she'll love that will result in death. Everyone she'll love will die!" she shouted in anger while raising her cane. "I cursed her! There will be tears in red string!" soon after she finished her statement, a thunderbolt followed by lightning filled the area and so Lora closes her eyes in fear. Lora slowly and carefully caressed her womb and gulped many times. When silence is replaced after what happened earlier, she immediately opens her eyes. And soon after she sees the area, she no longer saw Maritha. ~•••~ MONTHS HAVE passed. The month that Lora probably gives birth. She caressed her bulky tummy. She has felt nothing else but joy and excitement. "Lora, what if we will abort the baby? I fear what chaos she can possibly do soon---" "No, dad! I want her to experience the beauty of life. She must live no matter what happens." she stopped her father while looking at her tummy and continue to caress it. "And besides," she looked at her father. "She is my only treasure. I don't want to lose a treasure... again." she smiled but you can feel sadness in her voice. After she said those words, she felt that the baby inside her womb kicked a little bit causing her to smile widely. ~•••~ TWO DAYS have passed, while Lora is sweeping their living room, she suddenly felt pain in her womb. "AHH!" she moaned in unbearable pain and she dropped the broom she was holding. "D-Dad! Ahh!" she called her dad who's in the kitchen. "Dad! I t-think I am about to give birth!" she called again and this time, her father goes out to the kitchen and rushed towards her, rattling. He assisted her daughter to the room to deliver the baby. "Ahhhhhhh!" shouted Lora in pain. After a while, the baby goes out. Lora's father even looked shocked when he heard a laugh instead of a cry coming from the baby. The laugh is soothing to the ears. He handed the baby to his daughter, Lora. Lora's tears dropped soon after she saw the smiling and angelic face of her baby. She even smiles larger when she noticed that her daughter's face resembles her love, Noel... And after a moment, she noticed that there is a red string suddenly appeared and tied to her forefinger, connected to her daughter's. She hugged her daughter tightly and her tears are continue flooding because she knew what the red string means. 'I will give the red string to your daughter that only you and she can see. She must not love because if she does, the red string will appear and will connect to the person she'll love that will result in death.' "I love you too, Loveful," she whispered to her daughter. One last tear escaped from her eyes, and she kissed her baby for the first and last time. And after a moment, she then died smiling. ##

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