Chapter 4

1615 Words
Katerina He pushes me inside of the mansion then slams the door shut. Once inside the foyer, I'm greeted with a grand staircase fittered with red carpet. On the walls there are painting of wolves all large insize, and the last painting looked like the Alpha. I concluded they are paintings are of the Alpha's before this one. The Alpha disappears through a door for a few seconds then comes out with another male. "Take her to the dungeons, Caleb." He orders the male as points at me. The other male bows his head slightly and the Alpha walks off, he then looks at me and smiles, the smile looks apologeticly, why would he be sorry for me. I shake my head slightly then look at my feet. "Follow me!" I hear the male say and I look up to see him walking behind the staircase, I follow suit. When I get behind the staircase I see a steel door with several locks. The male takes a large keyring from his belt that has many keys on it. Must be the Beta of this pack. He quickly gets to work unlocking the door. Once the door is unlocked he pushed it open and steps aside, he lifts his hand up in a after you kind of gesture, I walk through the door and he does the same after and slams the door shut. I'm faced with stairs and he walks down them, I follow him, through several corridors and then another door the same as the one behind the staircase. We finally reach the dungeons, as I walk in with the male I hear whispers from the other wolves locked up in cells and I cringe from the smell. The smell of sweat and blood mixed together, the smell is so potent I feel physically sick. We get to the last cell and he opens it and pushes me in. He shuts the door and locks it. I watch him lock the cell door. He's about to walk away when he smiles softly. "He's not all bad you know, you'll be out of here before you know it." He says softly then walks off and exits the dungeons. I sigh and look around my cell, there's a bucket in one corner and a stone bunk in the other, I walk over to the bunk and sit down. 'Hey, cheer up kid, he said we will be out of here soon.' Lola said softly. 'Just because he said we will be out of here soon doesn't mean we will be free Lola.' I sigh again as I pull my knees up to my chest. 'I don't know what to say kid, just don't get upset. You are strong and I am here for you.' Lola said concerned. You know what I am strong, I won't let him scare me. I bury my head into my knees. Sleep must have found me quickly because I get waken up to someone shouting at me from the outside of the cell. "Wake up.... Wake up!!!!" I open my eyes and look towards the cell door, my visions still blurry so I blink a few times. When my vision comes into focus I see the male that brought me down here. He straightens up and throws a pair of skinny jeans in my size and a oversized grey hoodie. He turns around and crosses his arms. "Get dressed you have a meeting with the Alpha today." He informs me. I look at the clothes and decide I better do as I am told, I pick them up and start getting dressed. I become curious as to where I am and what pack I'm currently with. I decide I better try and get answers now. "Your names Caleb, right?" I ask the male. "Right." He replies bluntly. "Do you know what the Alpha wants to see me for?" "No." He replies bluntly again. "What pack is this?" I ask as I pull the hoodie over my head. "You don't know?" He asks sounding curious. I chuckle nervously, "No." I say. "Are you ready?" He asks sounding a little pissed off. "Y-yeah." I reply really nervous now. He turns around, looks me up and down and just shrugs. Caleb unlocks the door and opens it, stepping aside. I gulp and take a deepbreath, then walk out of the cell. Caleb shuts the cell door then clamps a set of cuffs onto me. "Really?" I ask him with one eyebrow c****d. He sighs. "Just a precaution." He tells me then starts to walk off. I follow Caleb close behind as he takes me out of the dungeons and up into the foyer. I wait looking around as he locks the door. "Follow me." He tells me in a quiet voice, then walks out from behind the staircase. I quickly follow him up the stairs and through a series of corridors until finally we stop at a door. He looks at me, smiles then knocks on the door a few times rapidly. "Enter!" Comes a voice from the other side of the door. I gulp from it's tone and look at Caleb. Caleb opens the door and pushes me in, coming in himself he then shuts the door. Inside the Alpha sits behind a large dark oak desk on the other side of the room, the desk is filled with paper work on one side and on the other is a high tech desktop computer. Up against the left wall there is a large black leather couch and on the right wall is 60 inch flat screen tv mounted to it. The flooring is a light oak and the walls are a pristine white. I look around then my eyes fall on the Alpha, his hair is messy and damp, like he's just gotten here after having a shower. He nods at Caleb and gives him a hand motion to leave. Caleb bows his head and leaves quickly. As he leaves my heart decides to start hammering against my chest, at the realisation that I've been left alone with the Alpha once again. I can't look at him because I am so nervous so I decide to look at my feet. I can feel his eyes on me, which makes me more uncomfortable. I hear the desk chair move and a few seconds later I feel a warm breath on the top of my head, I shiver from how close he is. The Alpha grabs hold of my chin with his thumb and index finger and lifts my head up to see my face. I allow him but I don't look directly at his face. "Look at me." He demands, I don't comply. "Look... At... Me... Rogue." This time he uses his Alpha command, which doesn't work on me as I am not a part of his pack. But I look anyway, and his eyes are pure black from anger. I hold my breath, waiting for a blow to the head but nothing comes, instead he just lets go of my face and steps back. I drop my head back down, I think to myself if I don't fight him or piss him off I won't get hurt. I hear him take a few deepbreaths, I take one myself. Blake Oh she's starting to piss me off. I will not be ignored when telling someone what to do. I look her up and down, she looks cute with my hoodie on, I smile a little as she can't see, I don't want to give her the impression that I am soft. I walk over to the couch and sit on it. "Sit." I demand while pointing to the empty space on the couch. I watch her look at me then look at the empty space then me again, she looks defeated and trudges over. Once she is sat on the couch she breaths shakily, I smile because I like the effect I have on her. "How long have you been on my territory?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. I hear her take a deepbreath and an I can see she is contemplating her answer. "Almost three years, I think." She replies her voice shaky. "You think?" I ask anger in my voice. I take a deepbreath once again to calm myself. She hesitates for a moment then looks at me with anger in her eyes. "I think because I haven't kept track okay, I thought this was 'no-mans land', so I thought I was safe from d**k's like you!" She shouted, the anger rising up even more. I growl lowly and grab her by the throat and push her into the couch. She gasp in suprise and her eyes widen. "Mind your tone!" I say through gritted teeth. She nods slightly and I let go of her and sit back. I watch her sit up and wipe her eyes. Don't cry, I think to myself then shake the thought away. "Katerina?" I call her name. She turns her head to me but doesn't look directly at me, this makes me angry, I sit back into the couch. 'Caleb, come and get the Rogue.' I command through the mindlink. Katerina drops her head back down. A few moments later there is a knock at the door. Caleb enters bows his head and looks at me. I tilt my head towards Katerina and he nods and walks over to her. "Come on." He tells her. She looks up at him a smiles softly before getting off of the couch. He leads her out of my office, and once again I am left alone.
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