Chapter 3

1574 Words
*One week later* Katerina It's been a week since I ran into that Black Alpha wolf. I shiver just thinking about him, the vibe he gives off just tells me he'll kill without a second thought. I cannot get caught by him again. 'I think it will be safe to go for a run now, don't you?' Lola whines in the back of my head. 'I suppose, I mean if he was looking for me.... Us, he would have found us by now right?' I replied hopefully. 'Right.' Lola replied. The sound in her voice, I couldn't quite place the tone, she better not be up to something. Instead of going further with it I just rolled my eyes and locked the front door of the cafe. 'How about a run? You haven't been out in a week.' I asked Lola as I placed the keys in my purse. 'Oh my goddess, yes please, it's been that long I think my legs are going to cease up.' Lola squealed. I just giggled as I head to the forest behind the cafe and to the tree trunk where I hide my belongings. Instead of the same routine of looking around and sniffing the air, I walk around searching, making sure no-one is here, when I got back to the tree trunk I sniffed the air several times and looked around once more before getting undressed and shifting into my wolf. 'Ahhh, it's good to be back.' Lola said excitedly. I giggled and starting to run through the forest at high speed, weaving through trees and jumping over fallen trunks, the smell of the fresh mud and leaves. 'If this is what heaven is like I might just stay here.' I exclaimed as I sniffed the air again. Blake A week, a whole damn week and the Rogue still hasn't been found. If she isn't found yet I swear to the goddess, I'll kill her myself. I sit at my desk listening to my Beta Caleb rabble on about upping the defence around the pack house because we've had a few Rogues attack, I just nod at him not really listening, all my attention is on that Rogue my wolf said was my mate, my mate, a Rogue, the goddess must be playing some sick joke on me for sure. My Father taught me well, Alpha's don't have mates, they make us weak, and if they make us weak that means I will be challeneged for my position as Alpha, I don't mind that really, because I am the strongest Alpha in Canada, no-one can defeat me. "Caleb, I'm going for a run, I'll be back later." I explained as I got up from my desk chair and walked out of my office. I got out of the pack house and stripped down naked, the breeze picked up as I transformed into my wolf. I quickly ran into the forest and headed to the part I found the Rogue in, my mate. I ran for a little while and stopped by a pond and looked at myself in the water's reflection, a small little scar was formed on my nose, I chuckled. 'That little minx, hey Dexter? Our mate has already left a scar.' I laughed with a menacing tone. 'I don't like the tone of your voice Blake. What are you thinking?' Dexter replied a little scared. I just ignored him and carried on running through the forest. I get deep into the forest and stop abruptly and sniff the air. 'She's here.' I say to Dexter and he starts howling excitedly. I walk slowly around the forest sniffing the ground. 'She's close.' I conclude. 'Caleb, I found the Rogue, leave me some clothes outside the packhouse and a sheet or something for the Rogue.' I mindlink to my Beta. Then I continue forward while sniffing the air. 'Yes Alpha!' Caleb replies through mindlink. More formalities, I roll my eyes in response. Katerina I slowly walk around in the deepest part of the forest while I catch my breath. 'I haven't ran into anyone yet, that's a good sign.' I tell Lola suprised. 'Sure.' She replies bored. I just roll my eyes in response and chuckle. *LOW GROWL* I stop dead as I hear a low growl from behind me. 'Oh god, I spoke to soon.' I say to Lola and she whimpers. Frozen to the spot I can feel someone trying to communicate with me in the back of my mind so I let them in. 'Turn around now, Rogue.' The male demands. I block him out and then run, I run so fast my legs hurt instantly. 'Why are you running?' Lola asks. 'Because he's going to kill us.' I bark. I block her communication then pick up speed. Blake She ran off again, she's not getting away this time. I quickly bolt after her, following her through the forest. 'Where is she heading?' I quickly ask Dexter. 'It looks like she's heading for the town.' He quickly replies. 'She won't get away from me again.' I growl. I catch up to her and pounce on her, she's stunned for a few seconds and starts to squirm, trying her hardest to get out of my grasp. I snarl at her but she tries even harder. 'I command you to stop!' I say in Alpha command. 'You can't command me, get off of me!' She snaps back. I chuckle at her through the mindlink. She just squirmed even more. 'You are on my territory, if you don't come willingly, I will.... I will kill you!' I snarled. She stopped squirming and I smiled, she looked defeated almost but then she looked into my eyes and said, 'Kill me then....' 'W-what?' I asked confused. 'Kill me!' She shouted. I shook my head and grabbed her by the neck with my teeth. She yelped but didn't fight me. I mindlinked Caleb, 'Are the clothes outside?' 'Yes Alpha.' He responded fast. I started to walk towards the packhouse, with the Rogue still in my mouth. A few minutes pass by and we are about half a mile away from the packhouse. 'Why don't you just kill me?' The Rogue asks. 'What's your name?' I ignore her question and asked my own. 'Answer my question.' She snaps. I chuckle into her neck then tighten my grip slightly, she yelps softly. 'Name?' I demanded. 'Katerina...' She sighs. 'Good, Katerina.' I reply, just as we get outside the packhouse. I put her down and she shakes her body. 'Shift, there is a sheet for you to cover yourself up there.' I tell her as I shift and put my clothes on. I turn to face away from her, I hear bones cracking then a wait a few moments. 'Decent?' I ask. 'Erm, as decent as decent gets with a sheet, I guess...' She replies shyly. I turn around and cross my arms..... 'Oh my goddess!!!' I thought. She is beautiful. Long ginger hair, Blue eyes, a rare combination, tall and slim but perfectly curvy. I cough to stop myself from thinking of her in any other way than she is a Rogue. "Inside now!" I say in anger, with myself more than her. Katerina Well that went well, I didn't think I'd bump into him again but NOOOOO, I did, you i***t Katerina.... Why in the heck did you think you were safe?! Anyway, I stand outside a huge mansion in wolf form and look at the Alpha who caught me AGAIN! 'Shift!!' I hear through the mindlink, I've kinda given up by this point so I do as I'm told and I notice he turns around, maybe to give me abit of privacy, I don't know. I shift quickly and wrap the sheet around me, damn it's cold and this sheet is quiet thin, atleast it's not see through, that would be embarrassing. "Decent?" The Alpha asks. I smirk and then reply with "As decent as decent gets with a sheet, I guess..." I reply. He turns around and crosses his arms over his chest... 'Oh.... My...... Goddess!!!" There stands the Alpha that I've bumped into not once but twice and whom turns out to be my mate.... With beautiful jet Black hair, bright Golden eyes, a perfectly chiselled jaw, huge muscular arms and again perfectly chiselled abs. 'Why, Moon Goddess, why? Why does he have to be so perfect and want to kill me at the same time. Grrrr!' I think to myself, cursing out the Moon Goddess for making my mate look absolutely perfect and placing me in a position where I can't even be with him because I'm just a Rogue. I roll my eyes inwardly and look at him. "Inside now!" He demands rather angerily. I look down and start to walk towards the steps that lead up to the mansion. He follows close behind, so close that it sends shivers down my spine. "What... What are you going to do with me?" I ask not making eye contact as we walk up the stairs. "Hmmm, not sure yet, until I decide you'll be put in the dungeons. Understood?" He replies almost demonic like. Oh god, worst match ever, he's going to kill me for sure. "Understood." I reply, holding tighter onto the sheet wrapped around me. Once we get to the front door of the mansion he opens it up and pushes me inside.
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