
The Lone Wolf


Katerina is the last of the Cresent Wolf pack, living in an abandoned warehouse and working at a small cafe in unknown territory, what happen's when she meets the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack, for she is a Rogue in his eyes...

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Chapter 1
Katerina It's been about 3 years, I think, maybe more, maybe less, who knows. I haven't really kept track. That was when my family was massacred by the Silver Creek pack, all because they wanted more territory.... It was the worst day of my life, my Father and Mother were killed right infront of my eyes... Morning 8:00 a.m *Buzz, Buzz* "Ahhh... Stupid alarm..." I huffed while smacking the snooze button of my digital alarm clock... 'You have to get up or you're going to be late for work again' Lola howled in the back of my head. 'Alright fine..' I huffed at Lola, my wolf in the back of my mind. 'Don't say I didn't warn you' Lola replied sarcastically then disappeared to the far back of my mind. I inwardly rolled my eyes at her and got off the couch I sleep on... God my back hurts... Blake I sat and sipped on my black coffee while listening to the morning news.... 25 today and no one to celebrate with, just my life huh... I've been the Alpha of this darn pack for 5 years now and...... Well that's it really.... What you thought I was going to whine about not finding my mate yet? Screw that, my Father taught me I don't need a mate.... Alpha's are strong enough to lead their pack alone.... A mate would only show us as weak and distract us from what really needs to be done, making our pack the most feared in all of Canada.... Maybe even the world if we wanted to go that far.... 'Shut up you fool, we need our mate!' Dexter interrupted me. 'Your the fool!' I growled back. Dexter just rolled his eyes at me and disappeared into the back of my mind. I get up from the breakfast bar in the kitchen and placed my empty cup in the dishwasher... I quickly finger combed my black hair and walked off into the living room, and there sat the w***e of my pack, in skin tight black jeans and a crop top that barely covered her breasts. I licked my lips as I saw her figure. "Like what you see baby?" Ashley purred as she saw my eyes linger at her perfect set of boobs... "Damn baby, I like it better when you're naked under me.." I replied as I walked over to the couch watching her like she was my next meal.. "Well, why don't you take me to your room and I'll be just that...... Naked." She whispered the last part in my ear as I sat on the couch next to her then she kissed my neck... Before she could ever comprehend what had happened I had her over my shoulder and carried her up to my bedroom, just to have my way with her.... Katerina I'm made it to work with 5 minutes to spare... Yes new record.... I walk into the small Cafe I work in and my best friend Bella is already behind the counter holding my apron up in the air for me.. I walk over take my apron and put it on... "Alright, table 5 need their coffee's why don't you do that while I get this lovely man his cake.." Bella half told half sang to me as soon as I put my purse under the counter.. "Of course, Trix." I said as I placed two mugs of coffee onto a serving tray. "Don't call me that!" Bella barked as I walked out from behind the counter. I just chucked and walked to table 5 "Your coffee's enjoy." I smiled and headed back over to the counter. "You know I hate it when people call me Trix.." Bella said in a hushed angry tone as she placed a slice of cake infront of the old man sat at the counter. "Oh Bellatrix, you have a lovely name, why don't you get people to call you that instead of these silly nicknames?" The old man said. (He's a regular, that comes in just for Bella's homemade Red Velvet cake.) "Yes, Bellatrix, why don't we call you by your proper name?" I asked with a smirk on my face and then winked at her as I walked away to clear a table... *Fast forward to closing the cafe* "Don't forget to activate the security system!" Bella shouted as she started the engine of her Nissan. "I haven't now go home!" I shouted back as I locked the final lock on the door. 'It's your day off tomorrow, please, please, please can we go for a run?' 'I thought maybe we could go for a run now Lola?' 'Omg. yes, yes, yes!' Lola squealed in the back on my head... I just chuckled under my breath as I headed to the forest behind the cafe. I got deep into the forest, and looked around as I hide my purse and clothes in a whole of a tree trunk, the same place I have been hiding them for the better part of two years now since I worked at the cafe. One final check round the vicinity and I transformed into my wolf... My wolf has reddish coloured fur, just like my hair and ice blue eyes, my human self has teal blue eyes... I extend my claws into the soft soil beneath my paws and take a deepbreath 'We should do this more often' Lola explained as I started to trot through the forest. I chuckled and replied with 'Totally!' as I went into a full on sprint through the forest. The moon was as it apex by the time I ran so far I forgot where I was, so I laid down to catch my breath before taking off back the way I came. I walked around just enjoying the nature, when I heard a painful howl. 'What the?' 'Don't ask... Because I don't want to know' Then I heard it again, by which point I was getting curious. 'Nope, shouldn't...' I carried on walking trying to forget what I had heard when a wolf came flying past my eyes and slammed into a large tree... The wolf slumped down into the ground, it tried to get up but failed... Then I heard the huffing of another wolf where the flying one came from, I looked round and saw this monstrous pure black wolf, snarling... 'That's gotta be an Alpha.' Lola whispered in my head. 'Yep most certainly is. We gotta get out of here.' I whispered back at Lola. I kept my eyes on the Alpha as I slowly stepped back. Blake I was out for a quiet run when a Rogue tried to attack me, stupid fool... Everyone should know I kill for fun... I smirked at the small wolf as it stood in the pounce position... I lowered my head and let out a low growl. Just as he went to pounce on me a caught him in my mouth by his throat. That's when the first painful howl came. The next was when I slammed him to the floor. And then I threw him across the clearing, he slammed into a large tree and slide down. 'F*cking idiot.' Dexter chuckled in the back of my mind as I smirk at the wolf. As I huffed to try and catch my breath, seen as I didn't have a chance before this wolf attacked me, I could hear the rustling of dry leaves, I can't be the small wolf as he can't get up he's tried once already. I look over to my right and see a reddish coloured wolf trying to back away from the scene. I haven't seen this wolf before probably another rogue, well this one isn't getting away either. I sniff the air and can tell it's a female, then I start to stalk her, my golden eyes burning into her skin, she start to shake as I get closer. She backs herself all the way into a tree... And now she's looking frantically round because there is no way to escape... I'm looking down at her now. And just as I open my mouth. 'MATE... MATE' Dexter howls excitedly in my mind. I sniff again and comfirm his claim that this shewolf is our mate. 'No, not a f*cking rogue.' I bark at him. 'Yes, and it's this rogue.' He howls back. 'I don't have a mate.' I yell at him. 'Erm, yeah you do.' Dexter response with then walks off into the back of my mind. Then I look down at the shewolf and she nips my nose and runs off...

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Runt's Revenge


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My Second Chance Mate


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