Chapter 5

1438 Words
Katerina Caleb leads me back to my cell in the dungeons, I go straight to the stone bunk and lie down. "Pissed him off, huh?" Caleb ask while locking the cell door. I huffed in response and turned over to face away from Caleb. "I'll take that as a yes. Whatever he was doing, for you to piss him off, he's only going to try again tomorrow." He said in a soft voice. I did nothing to responed and I guess he took the hint because I heard him leave the dungeons. My stomach growled and I hugged it tightly. I was so hungry it hurt, shifting from one side to the other for a few minutes I gave up. Damn you Kat, ughhh, I opened up my mind and searched for the Alpha, once I pinpointed him I took a deepbreath before giving in and asking, 'Alpha, erm, it's Katerina.... The Rogue, I was wondering if I could have something to eat? I'll, I'll answer any questions you have.' I pleaded, getting angry at myself for giving in so quickly. I waited a few minutes and got no response, I rolled my eyes and turned back over to face the other way. 'F*cking Alphas.' I thought as I clamped my eyes shut and tried to block out the pain of hunger I had. Blake I laughed, she just asked if she could have something to eat, I laughed even louder this time. Caleb looked at me very concerned, and I just shot him a smile. "Erm, you okay Alpha?" He asked while trying to figure out if I was pissed off or calm. "Oh, I'm great Caleb, but seriously stop with the formalities, your my best friend and my Beta." I tell him in a I'm happy but don't say the wrong thing or I'll bite your head off type of tone. "Ooo-kay, anything else you want me to do before I go?" Caleb asks not satisfied with my answer. "Take the Rogue some food, and tell her when she is finished to come up here." "Alright, I'll be going then." Caleb announced and then took his leave. I lent back in my office chair, and took a deepbreath, I can't leave her to starve, even if she is a Rogue, she's still my mate. I roll my eyes at myself and cross my arms. Dear goddess, my Father would kill me if he was still alive today, I can't help it though I can feel this deep connection between us and I'm trying so hard to push it away, block it out anything, it just seems as though it isn't working. I roll my eyes at myself then check my e-mails on my desktop computer. Katerina I spent the last 10 minutes walking from one end of my cell to the other, thinking of a way to get out of here. Then it hit me, why don't I just play into his hand and when he thinks he can trust me enough I run for the hills. Boom, plan an awesome plan. Make him think he has gotten his way and boom screw him up! I get interrupted in my plotting when I hear the entrance door to the dungeons open. I stop in my steps and face the cell door and cross my arms. Caleb comes into view a few seconds later and gives me a smile, 'what now?' I think to myself and slump my shoulders. "Food kiddo, then the Alpha wants to see you again. I can trust you enough to go up by yourself no?" He asks unlocking the cell door. I drop my hands to my sides and look suprised, okay this is to easy, I nod and give him a half smile. "I'll take you up to the kitchen and then I gotta go, you remember hoe to get to his office?" Caleb says while opening the cell door and stepping aside to allow me to exit the cell. I walk out and look at him waiting for the cuffs to be put on once again. "No cuffs this time?" I ask. "Not this time. I'm sure you won't do anything stupid." Caleb emphasizes the last part of the sentence. I shake my head in response. 'Too easy.' I smile at Caleb as he leads me to the kitchen. Once we are in the kitchen he put a plate of food infront of my and then leaves. My stomach growls even louder this time and I can't help but dig in straight away. 'Eat this then we are out of here Lola.' I tell my wolf while I savour every bite of this delicious food. 'Right, as soon as we get out of this house, shift to me, we will get a better chance of getting out of here.' Lola responses. I nod at her and finish eating the last of my food, I take a large gulp of orange juice, then put my plate and glass in the dishwasher. 'Really?' She asks sarcastically. 'Sorry force of habit.' I respond after closing the dishwasher door. I walk to the kitchen door and pop my head out and look up and down the corridor. Clear, great, I step out quickly but quietly and creep down the corridor until I reach the foyer. Once at the foyer I look around and listen for any movement, I found none. Even better, I head for the front door and find it to be unlocked. 'Great, the doors unlocked.' I told Lola happily. 'Well, we are in a packhouse, do you really think every single one of the wolves in here is gonna have a key?' She said, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her and she just laughed. I open the door slowly and popped my head outside, a quick look around told me it was clear, I smiled happily, I turned around a snuck out backwards while keeping a eye on the inside of the house to make sure no one stumbled onto me while I escaped. Once outside I shut the door, I took a deepbreath to try and calm my heart that was beating faster than usual since I landed here. I turned around with a smile on my face when I saw him stood there his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his perfect face. 'You have got to be kidding me!!' I said to myself, as my shoulders slouched and I realised I was not getting out of this so easierly. 'Stupid human!' Lola said then dissapeared to the back of my mind. "Erm." I whispered then smiled at him sheepishly. "I was looking for you, I couldn't smeel you in the house so I thought you might be out here." I said. complete lie, obviously and he knew it. He just shook his head and started to walk towards me, I was frozen to the spot awaiting my punishment, when he got to me I closed my eyes tightly expecting a blow, there was none, instead I felt myself get picked up and flung over something hars. When I opened my eyes I was looking at the floor, then I realised he'd flung me over his shoulder and was making his way back into the house. "Hey!" I shouted while smacking his back. He huffed at me and carried on walking, he went up the stairs and through corridors, then he stopped opened up a door and threw me inside the room. I landed on the floor hard and yelped. "Stay." He commanded and shut the door. I groaned as the pain from the blow creeped over my body, I sat up and looked around, I realised I was in a bedroom, there was an Emperor sized bed in the middle of one wall and opposing the bed was a 60 inch flat screen mounted to the wall, underneath was a tv unit with a Playstation 4 and atleast 50 games for it, a DVD player and some other gadgets. There are 4 door including the one out into the hallway, I guessed one was for a bathroom another for a walk-in wardrobe but I couldn't guess what the other one was for. The walls were white much like the ones in the Alpha's office and the floor was a soft thick piled black carpet. 'Oh goddess, I'm in his room aren't I?' I asked Lola a little frightened and a little nervous. 'Yep.' She snickered in the back of my head. I just rolled my eyes at her and mentally faced-palmed myself.
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