Chapter 11

1782 Words
Blake While Katerina was in the shower, two of the pack sluts walked into our room while I was just laying down in bed in only my boxers, waiting for my beautiful mate to emerge from the bathroom. I told them to get out but they pleaded to stay, they both stripped down infront of me and I was so shocked I couldn't move. "Get out!" I told them. They both giggled and came closer. One on each side of me climbing up the bed on all fours, exposing everything they had. "I said get out!" I shouted. "But Alpha, we want to make you happy. You've been very stressed lately since that w***e showed up." One of them purrs as the other giggles and sits beside me. I feel my eyes go black as my wolf forces his way out. The girl on the left of me takes that opportunity to kiss me and the other starts stroking my member, I bite her lip to try and stop her and it only feeds her lust more. As this continues I see the bathroom door open and Katerina's face drop in horror. I can see the tears running down her face and though we are not bonded my a mark or from s*x I can feel her pain. I try to pull away but the girl only grips my hair and shoves my face to hers even more. The next I feel something wet on my member and it the other girl giving me head. I scream into the girls mouth as I watch Katerina storm out of the bedroom. I can't stop them. They must have heard the bedroom door slam shut becaise they immediately stop what they are doing and start giggling. "Get the f**k out!" I command using my Alpha tone. They both squeal frightened and show their necks submitting and then run out of the door. I quickly jump up and shove some sweatpants and a t-shirt on, I feel Caleb leave the packhouse and I question him through the mindlink, he lies and tells me he's going to see his mate. Caleb is the only other person Katerina has other than me in this house, I know she'll have gone to him for help. I sit on the edge of the bed and put my head into my hands, gritting my teeth with anger. I shouldn't have let that happen, I should have used my Alpha command sooner, I thought they would realise I wasn't playing games the first time I told them. I decide to try to contact her through our mindlink 'Katerina?' I ask simply, waiting for a reply. 'Yes?' She asks in a squeak. 'Where are you?' I spit. I hear her take a deepbreath through the link before she replies with. 'That doesn't concern you.' Her tone full of venom. I see red instantly and ball my fists, no-one, I mean no-one speaks to me like that. 'Yes it does, your still a prisoner to this pack.' I growl, then I feel her block our link. 2 hours later Caleb enters my bedroom without knocking. "Alpha?" He asks in almost a whisper. I look up at him my eyes still black. He puts his hands up in surrender and shows his neck submitting. He looks back at me then to the floor, lowering his hands and putting them behind his back. "I know I lied Alpha but she was hurt, very hurt. I heard her scream outside my bedroom door and I well I see her as a little sister and I just wanted her to stop hurting. She's at the cafe where she works." He explains quickly not making eye contact. I grunt then get up onto my feet and cross my arms over my chest. "Your lucky." I reply anger lacing my voice. "Can I just ask one thing, Blake? This is not as you being Alpha and me being lower rank than you, this is as your best friend and might I add only friend. Why the f**k did you cheat on her while she was in the next room?" He scowls. "I didn't." Is all I can say as I look at the floor mentally kicking myself. I hear him scoff and feel his presence leave my room. 'She gets until the morning then I'm going to find her.' I promise myself as I exit my bedroom and go into my office. I turn the desktop on and fire up the W.W.D (Werewolf database). I look at the search bar momentarily before typing in 'Katerina'. 1469 hits. I need something more specific, so I type in 'packs fallen in the last three years.', it comes up with a 56 hits. Alright, narrowing it down here. 'Katerina, fallen packs.', I search next, 6 hits. I place my hand over my mouth as I look at the 6 hits, I tap my lips thinking. Hovering the mouse over 'Cresent Wolf Pack.', the only royal pack to have fallen in the last 50 years. No, it can't be. Can it? I click onto the link and as it loads up I get curious, pictures load up, the first of the Alpha of the pack the second of the Luna, third, Alpha and Luna together, I scroll down to look at the family trees. I click onto the Alphas and scroll down to his name, Marcus Pheonix, mated to one Lillian Pheonix formely known as Lillian Dancho, had one child, name Katerina Pheonix.... My eyes widen slightly, no that can't be right. I go back to the pictures and frantically flick through them, thinking this is just a mistake and I've looked at the wrong link, until my cursor stops on one picture, that smile, those blue eyes, that hair, that same mole on her neck. My eyes widen so much I fear my eyes will roll right out of their sockets and my jaw unhinges. She's royalty, does she even know? I sit back in my deskchair and take in everything I have found out. No wonder my Alpha command doesn't work on her, I mean yeah she isn't from this pack but other wolves from other packs can't disobey and Alpha command unless it's overpower by the Moon Goddes herself. And the mindlink, we didn't have to astablish one, it was already there, she knew I was an Alpha when she laid eyes on me and it didn't scare her, what scared her was being mistaken for a Rogue and being killed. And, and she didn't care about dying either. Also, how didn't I not recognise her as royalty. How? A million and one questions swarm my brain and I can see my wolf burying his head under his paws. *** The next morning. I've been sat at my desk looking at the picture of Katerina since I found it last night. It's 6:30 in the morning and I haven't moved and inch, I can feel all my bones have stiffened from lack of movement and my throat is dry. I must find her. I have to beg for her forgiveness, she has the power to kill me and take my place as Alpha without challenging me. The Moon Goddess, she's a direct decendent from the Moon Goddess herself, my Mother would be rolling in her grave if she could. I've disobeyed many laws but not one as bad as this. I shake my head trying to focus on anything out the picture on my monitor screen. 'Caleb. Go to the cafe and see if Katerina is there, report back immeditatily, stay there report through the mindlink.' I order Caleb as I run from my office to my bedroom and change into jeans and a t-shirt, thowing a jacket over the top of it, he replies back the usual 'Yes Alpha.' and I block the link soon after. I stride up and down the length of my bedroom as I wait for Caleb to leave the packhouse, I check my phone 7:00 am, oh please be there Katerina. She blocked the link between us so I can't even contact her... I place my phone in my jeans pocket, walking over to the bedside table I pick up my wallet and put that in my front jeans pocket then get my car keys. I close my eyes and take a deepbreath. 'Alpha, I'm at the cafe.' Caleb tells me through the mindlink. 'Well go in then!' I growl back. I don't get a reply back, so I sit on the edge of the bed and wait. Caleb Blake sent me to the cafe I dropped Katerina off at yesterday. I close my eyes and take a deepbreath before open the cafe door and walking inside. I stumble upon Bellatrix, Blake's human cousin. She looks at me extremely pissed off, I lift my hand up in surrender. 'Go on, tell me why your here Beta?' She asks through the mindlink, anger admintting from her. Yeah she's human but her father is a werewolf so she inheritted some of the werewolf traits, mindlink being one of them. 'I came to see if Katerina is here.' I explain, we talk through the mindlink as there are few customers already in the cafe at this time, mostly truckers stopping for rest and a bite to eat. 'She ain't here, now get out!' She spits. I nod and bow my head respectfully, she is the Alpha's relative making her higher in ranking than me even if she is a werewolf. I leave and contact Blake through the mindlink. 'She's not here Blake, Bella wouldn't tell me where she is either, she's rather angry, well very angry.' I tell Blake as I get into my SUV. I hear him growl. 'Call me and get back in there.' I call him as he finishes his sentence after 3 rings he answers. "Alpha." I walk back into the cafe and locate Bella behind the counter. I clear my throat to get her attention, as she turns around I show her my phone and mouth 'Blake'. She rolls her eyes and snatches the phone from my hands. "What?" She growls down the phone. After a few huffs and humms she passes the phone back to me. She grab a pen and paper and writes something down on the paper before folding it up and handing it to me. 'That's where you will find her.' She tells me before going back to her work. I nod and leave. "Alpha, I have an address, I'll send it over to you." I put the phone to my ear "Hurry." He spits before hanging up.
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