Chapter 10

2183 Words
Once we finished at the cafe, me and Blake hugged Bella goodbye and jumped back into Blake's car. He sets of driving and didn't both to ask me where to go next. He doesn't know where I live so he can't possibly know where he is going. "Where are we going?" I ask furrowing my brows at the road ahead. "It's a suprise." He replies blunty. I look at him and can see a shimmer of excitment in his eyes. I bite my bottom lip and hear him exhale deeply. "Stop doing that." He huffs in a deep voice. I just giggle and look out the side window. We drive for a good 30 minutes in silence before my curiosity gets the better of me and I look at Blake. "Alright, out with it. I wanna know where we are going?!" I questioned a little pissed. He rolls his eyes as he turns the indicator on to take a right along a road. I cross my arms and pout, through his peripheral vision he can see me and he laughs deeply. "Keep calm little one. We are here." He says as he pulls the car in a parking bay. I look out the front window and gape as I see this gigantic shopping mall. I mouth 'what the f**k!' as I gain control over my jaw that was almost tooking the floor of the car. Blake laughs at me as he puts the hand break on and puts the car into park and turns off the ignition. I watch him get out the car and circle it to open my car door. I smile at him as I slip out the car and straighten the hoodie I'm wearing. "You ready?" He asks. I nod as I look at myself in the reflection of the car, good goddess I look like a hobo. I try and sort my hair out before I turn to him. I exhale deeply to tell Blake I'm ready and he turns to me and smiles. He grabs my hand and drags me towards the shopping mall. "You must really like shopping!" I squeal as I try to keep up with him. I get a simple 'Uh-huh.', and it goes quick until we get into the mall. "Alright, where to first?" He asks, looking more excited than a school kid when they hear the ice-cream truck. I giggle at him and point to the first store I see, a lingerie store, his eyebrows hitch up as he reads the sign, realising what kind of store it was and I giggled louder as I dragged into the store. I skip to a section that holds the bra & underwear sets. 'What are you doing?' My wolf asks cautiously. 'Teasing.' I replied smiling to myself. I walk over to Blake with two thong sets. "Red or Black?" I show him each one as I hold them up infront of me. His eyes instantly go black filled with lust and I hear him growl hungerily, he must be picturing me wearing them and then tearing them off of me. I smile innocently. In a flash he hurls me over his shoulder and struts to the changing room. Locking the door shut and dropping me down enough for me to wrap my legs around his waist. He crashes his lips onto my in an instant as kisses me lustfully and full of hunger. He then pulls away. "Mine." Is all I hear as I watch his lips move and listen to his breathing become heavier. I moan in response and that causes him to attack me again with kisses on this time on my neck, when he gets to where my mark will be, he starts to nibble on it and I gasp in pleasure. He growls happily, and starts to suck on my neck. "B-blake, stop. We... We are in a public place." I murmur, trying to regain some control I have over my body that's craving the attention. He grunts in disapproval. "I'll get those thong sets for you." "Mmmm, fine." He grunts putting me down softly and planting kisses on my forehead. I smile and walk out of the dressing room looking up and down, checking to make sure no-one heard us. *** After a long, long day of shopping.... I finally face plant Blakes bed as soon as I enter the room. He chuckles and sits next to me leaning back onto the headboard. "You are worse than a girl..." I say. I prop myself up on my elbow and look at him exhausted. "How do you like shopping so much?" I ask him, he looks at me and smiles. "Because I like spending money..." He replies flashing his new watch. I roll my eyes at him and drag myself off the bed. I yawn and look at him. "Is it okay to use the shower?" I ask, my anxiety coming back. It desappeared a few days ago but now it's back. It's as if my mind had remembered I'm in an really bad territory and the Alpha is extremely dangerous. His expression went hard and he shuffles down the bed to sit in front of me. "Of course." He replies showing no emotion, and I didn't like it one bit. I grabbed some new PJ's and headed to the bathroom slamming the door shut I took a deepbreath and locked the door. I put the shower and waited for it to get hot before stripping and jumping in under the hot waterfall. I moan slightly as the hot water hits me and I relish underneath it. I hear shuffling in the bedroom and choose to ignore it as I wash myself, I shampoo and condition my hair, as I wash the remander of the conditioner out I get a sharp pain in my heart. I gasp as I stumble out of the shower and clutch onto the sink. "What's.... What's happening to me?" I breath while clutching my chest. 'Mate, he's being unfaithful.' Lola whimpers and I watch her lie down and cry in my mind. I manage to steady myself and I wrap a red towel around my body and unlock the door, I take a deepbreath as the pain subsides for a short time. I take another deepbreath as I open the bathroom door. In my mind I was expecting Blake to be bending some slut over the bed before banging into her but I was faced with was something worse. There was two... TWO...Two females naked as the day they were born sat either side of him one kissing him and the other well her head was near his member. I fell the pain increase intensely as the slut down by his member puts it into her mouth. 'Let me out!!' My wolf screamed as I took a step back. 'No.' I command her and she obeys cowering to me. I walk out into the bedroom and grab one of the shopping bags which I knew had plenty of clothes in it for a few days. Picking the bag up I stomp out of the bedroom and down the hall way. I listen to Lola whimper even more and realise another blow of that pain is gonna come so I brace myself by holding onto a side table in the hall way. I scream as the pain hits 10x times worst that the first time. Tears rolls down my face as I clench my teeth. 'Why?' I ask no-one. Caleb I heard screams coming from the hallway. I quickly throw my phone next to me a shoot up. Making the door flu open I spot Katerina gripping onto the side table so tightly her knuckles have gone white. "Kat?" I ask. She screams louder and looks at me, her eyes have gone black, I step closer to her and her canines elongate. My eyes widen and I take a step back, crouching down and raising my hands to show her I won't harm her, she calms a little. "Help me." She squeals then yells in pain. "Okay, I'm coming over." I tell her as I walk closer to her crouching down to her level. She whimpers as I get to her. I wrap my arms around her and pick her up making sure the towel doesn't expose any of her. "Shhh, it's okay." I tell her moving her wet hair from her face. "Can you drop me off at the cafe please?" She asks as she sniffles. I think for a short time then I nod. "You get dressed first, I'm not dropping you off in a towel." I smile lightly, trying to make a joke. Katerina smiles back but it quickly leaves her face as she screams into my chest breathing heavily and deeply. I walk her into my room and put her down on the bed, the towel moves a little exposing her thigh and I pull it back. "I'll wait outside." I tell her as I kiss her head. I take my phone and head out the door shutting it. 'Where is she?' I hear through the mindlink, it's Blake. 'I don't know.' I tell him, I shouldn't be lying to him but I know shy she is in so much pain and why she is screaming so much. 'Don't lie to me!' He screams back. 'Alpha, I don't know where she is, if I see her I will let you know.' I reply back and my bedroom door opens behind me. I turn around and close the mindlink. I smile at her and she looks at me her eyes all red. "I know what's happening, you don't have to tell me anything, I'll take you to the cafe but I won't be able to continue lying to my Alpha." I explain looking at her with sorry look on my face. "I know, you can tell him but do it after you drop me of at the cafe." She tells me as she walks out the bedroom door and down the hallway to the stairs, I follow close behind not muttering a word. We get out of the packhouse an into the car. I close the door for her and put her bag in the boot. I get in the car and drive down the driveway and into the woods. 'Why are you leaving the packhouse?' Blake asks pushing through my block in the mindlink. 'I'm going to see my mate.' Another lie. He's going to murder me when I get. 'Alright, keep an ear out for Katerina.' He replies then disappears from the link. It falls quiet in the car again and we are on the roads the cafe is on when I look at Katerina and she's sniffling and wiping more tears away from her face, I open the glove box and point at the tissues. "Thank you." She whispers, taking the tissues from the glove box and closing it back up. Katerina I've never felt pain like this, why? It's all I can ask, why? I mean I guess it's true what they say, he's the most feared Alpha in Canada, he's rutherless, so what made me actually think he would care for me. Was this whole day to try and get me to fall for him a little more. Well, it worked, the mate bond made it worse, I mean we haven't completed it but it doesn't matter, it still hurts, like being dragged through hell and back. I wipe the tears away from my face and Caleb shows me to the tissues in the glove box. "Thank you." I whisper in response as I take them from the box and close it back up. We pull up outside the cafe and the pain has finally gone. 'Katerina!' I hear a growl in the back of my mind and it give me a sharp pain in my heart again. I clear my throat before replying back. 'Yes?' I ask or reply, both probably. 'Where are you?' It seems he has calmed down just enough to speak to me through gritted teeth. 'That doesn't concern you.' I spit full of venom. 'Yes it does, you are still a prisoner to this pack!' He growls and I just push him out. I jump out the car and thank Caleb for the ride as I get the bag out of the boot, he smiles at me through the interior mirror and I shut the boot and walk into the cafe. Bella looks at me funny then notices my eyes all blood shot, she's known me long enough to know this mess of a face is me crying for a long time. She looks at me sympathetically and hugs me before dragging me into the managers office and slamming the door shut before locking it and closing the blinds. "What happened?" She asked immediately. I looked at her and took a long deepbreath as I sat on the leather couch. "I only went for a shower..." I start and the tears start again.
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