Chapter 12

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Blake Caleb sends over the address he got from Bella after I spoke to her. I am her Alpha even though she is human she has to obey, a few short words and she was willing to tell me anything I need. I jump in the car like a bat out of hell. 'I'm coming for you, little mate.' I think to myself as I start the engine of my Range Rover. Once on the road, I mindlink Caleb to watch Bella in case she tried to contact Katerina. I get into the area the address has to lead me too and it seems to be an industrial estate, I look confused but decide to continue to the address. Pulling up outside of an abandoned warehouse I look up and c**k an eyebrow. 'This can't be right.' I think to myself as I get out of the car. 'I can smell mate though.' Dexter informs me and I take a sniff of the air 'Your right, but why here?' I furrow my brows as I shut the car door and look at the building. Smashed windows everywhere and it still has the stench from the machines operated while this place was still in business. Perfect place for a wolf to hide out I suppose, I near the entrance to the building and Katerina scent gets stronger, I conclude that she is most certainly here. I push the door open and it lets out a loud creak, stepping inside I exhale the dust and damp. Katerina's scent vanishes. 'Mate is here but she's covering up her scent.' Dexter tells me walking back and forth in my mind. 'She can do that?' I asked bewildered. 'She's royal, they can do just about anything.' Dexter tells me sitting down. I nod and continue deeper into the building, I sniff the air and find nothing. I can hear water dripping from somewhere and rats gnawing on cardboard, I shiver as the wind blows through the windows. Spotting stairs I decide to climb them and I can hear shuffling coming from the end room at the top of the stairs. I follow the noise, ready for anything. It could be some homeless person living in her or a drugdeal going down. I get to the door and hold my breath listening, the shuffiling has stopped and I can hear small sobs on the other side of the door, I sigh and look down at the floor. 'I've broken her, haven't I?' I ask Dexter. He looks at me with guilt and nods. I take a deep breath and reach for the door handle. Pushing the door open, the sobs stop and a small growl comes from behind the door. "Who are you and what do you want?" It's Katerina's voice, I can tell and it's full of venom and a hint of sadness. "Kat," I responded as I walk into the room looking around. I see her face, her eyes swollen from crying, the way she looks makes my heart ache and I am closing to crying. I take a deep breath and sigh. My eyes start to fill with tears and she sniffles. "Kat." "What!" She shouts with all the anger she can muster. "I'm sorry," I say looking deep into her eyes. "Sorry?" She asks tilting her head, the sadness has disappeared and anger has replaced it. I fall to my knees and the tears roll out of my eyes and down my face, I look at her and nod. "I should have.... I told them to leave and they wouldn't listen, I told them to get out..." I ramble on and she looks at me dead in the eyes. "Get up." I hear her say and I look at her confused. "What?" I ask. "Get up!" I can feel the Alpha tone in her voice and it's 100x more powerful than mine. I get up from the floor and look at her. "Do you know how much that hurt? Do you know the pain I endured?" She asks, wrapping her arms, one around her waist and the other around her shoulder. I shake my head 'no.' "I felt like I was dying Blake..." She murmurs. "I'm sorry." It's all I can say. She turns away from me and I can hear her sobbing. Katerina I turn away from Blake as I tell him I felt like I was dying, I barely know him and he has this effect on me, I don't like this one bit. I suddenly feel arms around my waist and a warm muscular chest on my back, my sobbing subside and my heart slows down from it's erratic beating. I feel him push through the mindlink I had blocked yesterday 'I'm truly sorry.' He told me as he burried his head into my neck and inhaled deeply, taking in my scent. Relaxing even more I turn around and face him, he looks really sad, really sorry. 'Okay.' I whisper through the mindlink. I see a small smile spread across his face but his eyes are still penetrating sadness. He picks me up bridal style and makes his way out of the building I have been living in for the last 3 years. Placing me into his car and buckling me up as I cuddle into the comfortable sport seat, he shuts the door and walks around and get in on the drivers side. I look out the window to the building I have been living in and silently say goodbye to it, it may be dingy and horrid but it's been my home and my solitude for the past few years. Blake starts to drive off and it's silent for a while, I listen to Blakes slow and shallow breathing and then he clears his throat. "Why that place?" He asks, shifting gears. I turn around to face him and take a deepbreath. "I had to hide, the pack that killed mine may have come for me, I...." I trail off and look out the front window. "I understand..." He breaths and we turn onto the long driveway leading up to his house. It falls silent for about two miles up the roads and I can see Blake is contemplating what to ask next. "Something else you want to ask me?" I question not taking my eyes of the house that was getting closer to us. "Can we talk once I get you home?" He shoots back another question. I nod in response. I few mintues later Blake pulls into the packhouse's garage. I watch him turn the ignition off and get out of the car, I exhale through my nose and shake my head, a headache forming from not sleeping and crying most of the night. What I walked into last night was the worse thing I have witnessed since my parents being killed. I get pulled out of my daydream when I feel Blake unbuckling my seatbelt, he lifts me up out of the car and puts me down slowly then shuts the car door and locks up the car, facing me he gives me a small smile and takes my hand in his. Sparks erupt and I love the warmth coming from him. He leads me into the house through the side door and upstairs into his room. I sit on the edge of the bed as he places his carkeys, phone and wallet on the bedside table. My phone, it's still in the woods, I roll my eyes, I'm gonna have to get it when I get a chance. Blake walks over to me and kneels down infront of me. "You okay? You want anything, a shower, something to eat, drink?" He asks taking my hands in his and he looks into my eyes with sorrow. "I'm fine, how about we talk then, I'll have a shower and get changed." I compromise and he nods in agreement. He gets up and walks over to the chair in the corner, picking it up and placing it infront of me then sitting in it. "I have a question." He concludes. "Ask away." I reply, looking at him with an eyebrow c****d. I've been showing my vunerability since last night, I need to reel that in, build my walls back up, I let them crumble to easily, that won't be happening again. He breath a chuckle then clears his throat. "Your royalty?" It came out as more like a statement more than a question. My eyebrows knit together 'How does he know?' I ask myself and Lola just chuckles at me. "Why do you ask? Or more like how do you know?" I ask him sitting up straight. "The W.W.D." He states, my eyebrow c***s once more. He smiles. "Werewolf Database. Basically like f*******: but only for werewolves, even dead ones." He explains while rubbing his palms together then knitting his fingers together. I make an 'O' shape with my mouth then quickly close it. He chuckles. "So I'm on there?" I ask. He nods. "When we first encountered, I knew you were my mate but I didn't like the fact that you were a Rogue..." He starts to explain, I pull an angry face and the word 'Rogue'. He puts his hands up in surrender. "That's before you explained to me that you weren't a Rogue and in fact a Lone Wolf. I apologize for assuming. Anyway myself and Caleb thought we went through the Database with a fine tooth comb, only we were wrong. Last night, after you left I couldn't sleep so I decided to do some more digging, that's when I discovered that you were, in fact, the Alpha's daughter of the Cresent Wolf Pack." He says the last few words slowly, then lowers his head looking at his lap. I clear my throat. " Yes I was the Alpha's daughter, he's dead now though. So I don't understand why you bring it up." I say leaning forward, he looks up at me and a small smile appears on his lips. "You have no idea what that means do you?" Blakes ask me, and I shake my head, he exhales through his nose and gets up and walks to the bookshelf, selecting a large, thick vintage book from the bottom shelf he brings it over to me and places it onto my lap. 'The Royal Wolves' the title reads and I look at him. "Your family history." He tells me. "I leave you to read it okay." He tells me as he puts the chair back where is belongs and I nod at him before he disappears into the next room, his office. I gulp before opening the book to the first page. ***
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