Chapter 13

3119 Words
'Introduction.' 'Congratulations, if you are a Royal Wolf, a direct descendant from The Moon Goddess herself continue reading.' 'Congratulations?' I ask myself. 'What so amazing about being Royal.' I ponder over the sentence again then realize, 'direct descendant from The Moon Goddess.' Holy Hell. I knew that all Werewolves were descendants from The Moon Goddess, but I am DIRECTLY descendant. Meaning I'm related. So she's like my great x100 Grandmother. I gasp at the realization. I continue to read, 'Turning 18, First Shift, Duties of the Royals. Ranking.' The book was filled with a million things. " Why didn't my Father give me a book like this one?" I ask myself. "Blake!" I shout and use my keen senses to listen for him to walk in. He enters the room through the door adjoining to his office. "Yes?" He asks me walking towards where I am sat on the bed. "Why do you have this book? Your not Royalty, so you have no need for this book." I ask him suspiciously. He chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. "Erm, well my Father was a bit of a collector." He responds nervously. "Meaning he acquired it in an ill-mannered way?" I ask him raising a brow. He just nods in response. "So from what I've read, my ranking is above yours, and that's why your Alpha command wouldn't work on me?" He nods again. "Hmmm." I look back at the book and close it. I stand up and place it back on the bookcase. "I'm gonna need my own room," I state not looking Blake's way. "Wh... What?" Blake questions. "Did I stutter." I turn around looking him dead in the eye. "Just because I came back doesn't mean I forgive you, just because I allowed you to bring me here doesn't mean I'm going to share a bed with you. So if you want me close by, I'll be needing my own room, or I can just go back to the building I was living in. You think me being Royal changes how I want to live my life, it was great before you barged into it." I rant on, not taking my eyes off of Blake, while he stares at his feet. "I'll have someone move your stuff to the room across the hall." He speaks as he looks up to me, eyes void of emotion. I nod and exit his room. I shut the door and lean on it exhaling deeply. 'If he honestly thought I forgave him, he thought wrong.' I told Lola, as I took myself off the door and headed towards the stairs. 'Caleb?' I call out through the mind link, looking for the one male I trust in this house. Luckily I hadn't met anyone else in this house except the two sluts from the other day. I remember the pain and wince. 'Who is this?' Caleb got back to me, I roll my eyes. 'Your BFF, Katerina.' I chuckle back. 'Oh hey, you back already?' 'Yeah, we'll see how long this round lasts. Anyway, where are you?' I ask as I walk down the stairs into the foyer, I couldn't pick up Caleb scent in the house. 'Training ground Kitty. Go outside the front door and follow the footpath right of the house. You'll see me looking hot AF.' Caleb replied I chuckled out loud. "That boys got a big head," I spoke out loud as I opened the front door. 'Alright follow the footpath to the right of the house.' I stepped outside the house into the blazing sun. I exhaled and inhaled, the heating warming my face. I follow the footpath as instructed and sure enough I found the training grounds. There were a large running circuit and multiple spar pens. A few hundred wolves were running, exercising, lifting weights. Caleb was inside a spar pen with two other wolves, and sure enough, all he had on were running shorts and trainers, showing off his rock-solid bod. 'Well damn.' I spoke to Lola. 'He ain't nothing special. She replied and I could see her rolling her eyes and looking rather bored. ' I mean he ain't Blake, but Blake doesn't deserve the time of day from me at the moment.' I told her as I walked over to the spar pen Caleb was in, I stood and watched him tackle two guys, who were only a few inches smaller than him and neither of them lacked in the muscle department. He fought them with ease. "Alright, alright, I give up, your way to hard to take down." Spoke one of the wolves as he peeled himself off the floor. I chuckled and he looked over at me as he dusted himself off. "And who might you be, pretty lady?" The guy smirked at me and sauntered over. "Hey, Luke back off." Caleb ran over and shoved this Luke guy back. Luke looked at him angrily and shoved him. "What you gonna do like buttercup?" Luke spoke. "It's not what he's gonna do, it's what you Alpha will do if he finds out your flirting with his mate," I told him, looking at my fingernails. I saw Luke stop dead and look over to me. "Your the Alpha's mate?" He asked. "Yep, Katerina Pheonix, nice to meet you, Luke." Luke chuckled nervously, bowed his head a little then ran off. I look over at Caleb who is talking to the other guy, they finish speaking and the other guy looks at me and bows his head a little before taking off as well. "You handled that well." Caleb joked. I raised a brow at him and smirked. "Where is our Alpha?" He asked nearing me. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and looked over to forest I had been running through just a long few days ago, I sighed. "Not shifted in a while?" Caleb asked leaning on the fence next to me. "Not since your royal assness dragged me here," I told him. "Well, damn, I do not want to get on the wrong side of you." He chuckled with his hand on his heart. I give his a few 'ha-ha-ha' showing him the joke wasn't funny. "You have nothing to worry about Caleb. I can't stay mad at you." I tell him. "Well, that means you can't stay mad at our Alpha then." He fires back. "Your Alpha." I snap. "He's not my Alpha and he never will be," I spoke evenly as I directed my eyes back to the forest just meters away from where I stood. "Screw it," I spoke as I walked off from the spar pen and towards the forest. I didn't care, I shifted without removing my clothes causing them to shred, I hear my trainers thud on the grass behind me. Speeding off into the tree line. 'What are you doing?' Caleb linked me sounding rather surprised. 'What's it look like? I'm going for a run.' I spoke sarcastically as I got deeper into the forest. 'Alpha ain't gonna like this.' Caleb told me. 'Honestly, think I care.' I replied then cut off the link. I didn't need anyone disturbing me while I ran. 'Sweet bliss,' I thought to myself. I picked up speed feeling the heat that peeped through the treetops on my back and head. The forest smelt beautiful this time of year, new flower growing and leaves gathering back on the trees after the harsh winter we endured. I veered left and launched myself over a fallen tree trunk. My paws slammed into the mud on the other side and I sprinted off. I felt stronger, faster. I put that down to all the energy I had built up, I usually ran every single day, few days without a shift and this happens. I slowed down into a jot as I could smell water nearby and wanted to find the source. The closer I got the stronger the scent was. Soon the soft mud started to harden then turned into rock. Right in front of me was a small waterfall, going into a moon pool. 'Wowwww.' I thought this is fricking amazing. 'How have I never wandered into this before?' I asked Lola. 'Because we never came this far.' She replied I could see her smiling. I lay next to the moon pool and admired the water, it was crystal clear and on the floor of the pool, it looked like it was almost sparkling. I laid there for a long while just relaxing, I've had my hackles up since the day I was dragged here. I rolled over onto my back and let the sun warm my stomach before I stood up and started back for the house. 'I suppose we'll see if the Alpha is unhappy that we went for a run.' I chuckled at Lola. I took my time making my way back to the house taking in all my surroundings. 'I could just live in this forest.' I told Lola. I got to the front of the house and the sun was about to set. I scratched at the front door, Caleb opened it. He looked at me funny before realizing who I was. "Sorry Kitty, didn't realize it was you at first." He stepped aside as he spoke to let me in. "Suppose you want me to open your bedroom door for you too?" He asked me mockingly. I whined a 'yes' at him and he smiled and shut the door behind me "That's what you get for shifting fully clothed and not having spare hidden." I barked at him and he chuckled. "Come on then." Caleb started up the stairs and I followed behind, we made all the way to just outside of Blakes room in silence. Caleb walked to the door opposite Blakes and opened it up and flicked the light switch on before moving out the way. I trotted in and he shut the door. The room was similar to Blakes with one less door and the carpet wasn't black it was a nice cream colour. I shifted and walked to the bathroom, there were fresh towels hanging on the towel radiator. I exhaled out of my nose and turned the shower on. I spent a good hour in the shower allowing the heat the help with knots in my back. 'You back home?' I hear Blake over the link. I grunt in frustration. 'Yes.' I reply bluntly. 'Dinners ready.' He spoke quick enough before I blocked our link. I get out of the shower and dress and throw my hair up in a messy bun. My stomach growls at me and I take the hint, I guess I could eat. Blake I felt Katerina leave the house but for some reason, I knew she wouldn't wander far. I looked out of my office window and saw her stood watching Caleb spar, my hand tightened around the whiskey tumbler I was holding so much it shattered. "Damn it!" I shouted in frustration as I picked up the shards of glass from the floor and threw them into the bin next to my desk. 'Juanita, could you come and clean a spillage in my office please.' I mindlinked the packs head maid. 'Yes, Alpha.' She quickly replied. I cut the mind link and went back to looking out the window. Only this time Katerina wasn't there anymore and I could see Caleb gawking over towards the forest at the front of the house. 'Where has she gone Caleb?' I demanded. Caleb looked up at my office window and replied, 'For a run.' He shrugged his shoulders and jumped over the fence to the sparing pen. I felt him enter the house. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. My office door opened and I knew it was Caleb. "I've told her not to go far Alpha. I think she will be back, she just needs time." He spoke quickly. I span around and slammed my fists into the oak desk. "Don't tell me what she needs!" I growled through gritted teeth. Caleb stepped back and shook his head in disbelief. "Dude, keep going the way you're going and your gonna lose her, and I might be reluctant to talk to. Not once have you spoken to me like that in the 23 years I've known you, don't start now." Caleb spoke calmly. "Alpha." He finished before leaving my office. I sighed and sat down at my desk and rubbed my eyes. I sat back and looked at the screen on my desktop, the photo of Katerina was still there, I looked at her teal blue eyes, shining brightly in the sun. This photo was of a 15-year-old maybe, I look at her date of birth, she turned 21 the day before I brought her here. I sighed again. I remember her eyes were icy blue in wolf form and her fur almost perfectly matched her hair. I suppose my wolf had similar eyes and fur to my human form. I shook my head and turned the monitor of my computer off. I left the office and slowly walked downstairs and stopped at the front door, I could sense Katerina, in fact, hadn't gone far. 'Just one look.' I told myself as I stripped at the front door opened it and shifted. I ran in the direction of her scent until I neared the moon pool I kept my distance and walked all the way around, creeping up I saw her laid down at the edge of the pool, her muzzle centimeters away from the water, she panted against the water before rolling onto her stomach. I backed away watching her until she was out of view, I span round and ran off back to the house, I just say beat her back and managed to escape into the kitchen, where our chef was shouting at Caleb for touching the food as usual. I chuckled at him, he span around and stared at me. "Gli dico di volta in volta, non toccare il cibo ma lui ascolta ... No, idiota. " (I tell him time and time again, don't touch the food but does he listen... No, idiot.) He flung his arms up in the air spatula in hand before turning back to the hob. I chuckled again. "Basta colpirlo con la spatola Pierre, potrebbe imparare da quello." I responded. (Just hit him with the spatula Pierre, he might learn from that) Pierre laughed," Si, si." "What are you guys saying?" Caleb asked confused. "Nothing." I laughed. *Scratch, scratch.* Katerina scratched at the front door to be let in. "I'll get it, I don't think she wants to see you just yet." Caleb jumped in and strutted out of the kitchen before I managed to move. I listened with my heightened hearing. "Sorry Kitty, didn't realize it was you at first." 'f*****g Kitty. What?' I growled softly and balled my fists. "Suppose you want me to open your bedroom door for you too?" *Whine* 'Do you want another punch to the face?' I asked Caleb through the mind link. 'Chill dude, she's in wolf form.' "That's what you get for shifting fully clothed and not having spare hidden." *Bark* 'Oh, she didn't undress?' I asked him furrowing my brows. 'Nope just shifted mid-air.' He responded. I rolled my eyes. She must have been pissed when she decided to go for that run. "Pierre, mi piacerebbe portare del cibo nella mia sala da pranzo privata per me e la tua Luna." I spoke while running my fingers through my hair. (Pierre, I would like to bring food to my private dining room for me and your Luna.) "Si, si. Privacy per la nuova coppia, o stai ancora cercando di impressionarla?" He mocked. (Yes, yes. Privacy for the new couple, or are you still trying to impress her?) "Heh, il secondo" I chuckled. (Heh, the latter.) "Ahhh, si, si. Porterò il cibo nella tua area privata." Pierre agreed while flipping the grilled chicken over. (Ahhh, yes, yes. I'll take the food to your private area.) "Grazie" I nodded my head and left the kitchen. (Thank you.) I took myself upstairs and showered, I thought I am still trying to impress her, so I selected a pair of black slim jeans and a black and grey checkered shirt. I fixed my hair into a pompadour style. I searched for my link with Katerina, she didn't have it blocked up anymore. 'Worth a shot.' I thought to Dexter. 'You back home?' I asked softly. 'Yes.' She responded instantly and rather bluntly if I might say so. 'Dinners ready.' I managed to say before she cut the link off. I rolled my eyes and headed downstairs into my private dining area, the table was already set and the food had already been placed down in the middle of the table, the drinks trolley had been brought to the table and someone lit some candles in the candelabra. I smiled and sat in my chair. *** Katerina I came downstairs and went straight into the kitchen. "Ah Luna." The chek Pierre greeted me with a smile. "Please follow me." He asked, walking to a door that led to the pack dining hall. "Where are we going?" I asked him following him through the door. "It a surprise." He smiled. "I don't like surprises," I told him. He didn't say anything he opened up another door on the other side of the pack dining hall and gestured for me to go in. I walked through and Blake was sat at a small dining table, he jumped up from his seat and gave me a small smile. "Hi." He spoke softly, the menacing and frightful tone he usually put on was gone. He looked glad. He walked to the chair next to him and pulled it out. "If I'd of known the dress code I wouldn't have worn joggers." I joked. "You look good in anything." He smiled as I sat in the chair, then he tucked me in. He returned to his seat and poured a whiskey for himself. "Whiskey, wine, water?" He asked. "Water," I replied. We sat quietly as we ate. Once finished, Blake poured himself his fourth Whiskey. "How was your run?" He asked me before taking a swig. "You know about that?" I asked him. "Nothing gets passed me." He spoke. I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm going to bed," I said as I rose from my chair. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where you went." He spoke through gritted teeth. I scoffed and walked out of the room.
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