Chapter 6

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Blake She tried to escape, why, why did she try to escape. I've done nothing to make her want to leave. Or have I? I don't know, I storm down the corridor to Calebs room, once I'm outside his door I pound on the door a few times. A few moments later he answered the door and he got a punch in the face instead of a 'Hello'. "What the hell was that for?" He exlaimed while rubbing his cheek. "You, she almost escaped because you didn't watch her." I bellowed in his face. He dropped his hand from his face and cringed at my anger. "I'm sorry Alpha, I didn't think she was going to try and make a run for it." He said in defense. I just huffed at him and walked off. "Really, I'm sorry Blake." Caleb shouts from behind before retreating back into his room. I roll my eyes and continue back to my room where I left Katerina, she better still be there. By the time I get back to my room I have calmed down a little but not enough, so I decide to take a shower once I get inside my room, I take another deepbreath then open my bedroom door, Katerina is still where I threw her. She flinches when I open the door and set my eyes on her. I step inside and shut the door behind me still watching her. She obviously knows better not to move because it looks like she's held her breath in from the second I opened the door. "You can breath now." I tell her while walking to the bathroom door. I hear her take a deepbreath out then in. I smile to myself then look at her with a grim look. "I'm going in the shower, get into bed." I tell her as I point over to my bed. She looks over to the bed then back at me, shocked to say the least. "You better be in bed by the time I'm finished." I remind her of my authority. She nods. I enter the bathroom and quickly strip and get in the shower. My werewolf hearing allows me to know she's gotten up from the floor and gotten into the bed. 'Good girl' I think to myself. Katerina I get into the Emperor sized bed after the Alpha enters the bathroom and gets into the shower. I look at the digital clock on the bedside table. 12 O'clock. It's that late really. I groan to myself and hold my breath as I hear the shower shut off. A few moments later the Alpha comes into the room with only a towel around his waist. Oh great, my eyes land on his abs and I feel my mouth open slightly. He notices and just chuckles at me. "Like what you see?" He asks teasing. I just close my mouth and turn away, causing him to laugh again. I roll my eyes. A couple of minutes later he gets into bed in a pair of grey sweatpants. 'Oh he looks good.' I think and curse myself at the same time. I watch him lay down in the bed and leaving the covers off, I look perplexed, maybe he's too warm, maybe he doesn't want to be under the covers incase he touches me. Meh, who knows. I shrug my shoulders then turn around. How the heck am I meant to sleep in the same bed as him. I roll my eyes once more and turn over again. I look at him as he lays there with his arms above his head and his eyes closed with a small smile on his perfectly plumped lips. Damn, I'm jealous, even his lips are way too perfect. "Erm, what is your name?" I ask sheepishly. 'Don't bite my head off, don't bite my head off.' I repeat in my head as I wait for an answer. "Huh?" Is all I get in response. I roll my eyes then ask again in a little less sheepish tone. He rolls onto his side looks me dead in the eyes and says, "Why do you want to know?" I just look at him dumbfounded. He smirks at my loss for words then rolls onto his back again. "Blake." He says. "Huh?" I ask, stupidly. "My name is Blake, now go to sleep." He replies more like ordering me. A small smile appears on my lips and I relax a little into the pillow. "What pack is this?" I ask, hoping I will get an answer. He looks at me, his eyes going dark. "I said go to sleep." He doesn't use his Alpha command but I can tell he's pissed off, so I just nod and turn over. Blake Urghh, shewolves. Never do as they are told. I watch Katerina nod in defeat then turn over to face away from me. I notice she is still wearing my hoodie and I smile. "I'll answer your questions tomorrow, just be a good girl and get some sleep." I tell her in the softest tone I can muster. "Okay." She whispers as she slightly turn her head towards me. I can't help but smile again. I roll my eyes at the effect she has on me by just submitting to a simple request. Goddess I'm going soft. But only for Katerina. 'Mine!' My wolf barks. My eyes widen from the sudden realisation. 'Down boy!' I shout back causing him to whine and retreat into the back of my mind. I roll over onto my side facing towards Katerina and fall asleep soon after. Katerina Be a good girl. Arghhh, who does he think he is. 'The Alpha that's who he thinks he is!' Lola reminds me in the back of my mind. 'I know, I know, atleast we got a name out of him. Blake, I like the name, Blake.' I reply. 'Oooo, is someone falling for the Alpha?' Lola teases, I just roll my eyes then close them to try and get some sleep. I must have fallen to sleep quite quickly because I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. I groan and turn over, I open one eye and sure enough Blake is sitting up in bed and grabbing his phone to answer it. "What!!!" He shouts down the phone causing me to jump a little. He looks over at me and smiles apologeticly before getting out of the bed and disappear through one of the doors. I sit up and stretch a little, then get out of bed and follow where Blake went as he left the door open slightly. I pop my head through a little and notice it's his office. He catches me lurking and shut the door on me. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom to take a quick shower, by the time that I am finished and dressed Blake walks in while I'm towel drying my hair. I stop what I'm doing and look at the floor, "Sorry, I thought I could.... Well...." He cuts me off, "It's okay." I look up and him and he's lent up again the far wall with his arms crossed over his chest. I give him a quick smile and turn back to what I am doing.... I can see him watching me through the wall mirror and it makes me instantly nervous, I take a deepbreath and resume what I'm doing. I look once again and he's still watching me. This time I had enough so I turn to face him and "Can I help you?" I snapped, bored. "I need a shower, and I don't think you want to watch." He states. I shake my head and back out of the bathroom, he watches my actions and laughs. When I get out the bathroom and shut the door. I hold my breath until I hear the shower go on, I exhale deeply and slump onto the floor against the door. 'Idiot.' Lola utters. I roll my eyes at her and she smirks back. 'And how in the heck was I supposed to know?' I question. 'Well it is his house, his room, so it must be his bathroom, am I right? Or am I right?' Lola says sarcastically. I get up from the floor and look around the room, I've spent the night in, to my surprise there's a book shelf near the TV, I hadn't even noticed it probably because Blake walked in just as I was about to start snooping.
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