Chapter 8

1541 Words
Blake I can't believe I just did that, what the hell is wrong with me. Why in the hell would I hurt me mate. My precious mate. I pace across my bedroom several times before sitting on the edge of my bed frustrated with myself. 'Dude, calm down and go apologise.' Dexter said calmly. 'Do you think she will talk to me?' I ask desperately. 'Only one way to find out.' Dexter replies. I take a few deepbreaths before searching for Katerina, when I found her, I could sense she was extremely upset. Oh goddess what have I done. 'Katerina, can you hear me?' I call through the mindlink, hoping to the moon goddess she replies and sure enough she did. 'Yes, yes I can hear you.' Pain strikes into my chest when she response with no emotion in her voice. I've truly f****d up this time. I decide to head down into the dungeons, when I get there I nearly hurled everywhere. Goddess the smell, how can she stand it, why did I send her down here. I walk along the cells against the back wall. 'Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.' I really didn't know what happened, I just snapped. I mean yeah I've snapped before but that was with men not with women. I wouldn't harm a single hair on their heads. I watched her sniff the air. looking for me maybe. I was right because she spotted me even though I was hidden by the shadows. I decide to step foward. She looked sorry for me, almost. Almost. "I'm sorry." I said sad. I repeated it with every step I took until I was standing at the door to the cell. "Please, come back upstairs." I pleaded. "Blake, look I'm really tired , I just wanna go to sleep." She replies while rubbing her eyes. I can see she is extremely exhausted when she stops rubbing her eyes and looks at me. Screw this I'm going in. She can bite me for it if she wants, I deserve it. I get to the stone bunk she is sat on and I pick her up with one arm around her back and the other under her knees then I carry her back up to my room. When I put her down on the bed, I check her over to make sure she is okay, then I sit beside her. She looks at me and gives me a small smile. "Katerina, I'm sorry." I tell her again for the millionth time. "Blake please stop." Katerina asks while placing her hand on my arm, I feel sparks fly from the touch. Katerina instantly pulls away obviously not liking it. "Okay, I'll stop but please touch my arm again." I ask looking deep into her eyes. She smiles and does it again. I look at her hand on my arm then into her eyes and I smile. "You can hit me if you want but I have to say it again. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for scaring you when we first met and I'm really, really sorry for putting you down in the dungeons, I have literally no idea how you could stand it." She giggles at the last bit as I look at her in distort. "Well, I've been in worse situations than this. I mean with the dungeons not, not the other things." She responded pulling her hand away and placing it in her lap. I hug her tightly and bury my face into her neck, she stiffens for a moments then relaxes into the hug and wraps her arms around me. I smile into her neck and she breaths out slowly. When I pull away I notice she is crying. "Oh goddess, what did I do?" I look over her frantically. She giggles softly and smiles "Nothing bad." I sigh in relief. "Seriously what did I do?" I ask. "Showed me something, I haven't had in a long time." She says happily. "What's that?" I ask earnestly. "Affection." She smiles and I smile back. Relief spreads through my body as the smile stays on her face. "Come, I want you to sleep." I scooch to the head of the bed and pat the space next to me. She climbs up and sits next to me while yawning. I pull her into a sideways hugs and kiss her forehead. "I know I promised to answer your questions but how about we do that tomorrow." She nods in response and I kiss her forehead again. I feel her take a deepbreath then snuggle into me. I could get used to this. We both fall asleep in each others arms, enjoying each others companys. Katerina I wake up with Blakes arms wrapped around my waist and his head snuggled into my neck. I smile as I bite my lip. "Blake?" I whisper. I hear a groan and he pulls away rubbing his eyes. I giggle and he groans again. Okay, he's not getting up anytime soon. I smile at how cute he looks asleep, I decide to get up and I realise I have nothing clean to wear or even a tooth brush, I frown. Well I could eat I guess, maybe wait for Blake to wake up and let him know I have nothing. I kind of want to go home, but I very much doubt he will let me. I don't know, I shake my head and shrug my shoulder. Alright, how about I explore the house after I have something to eat? Yeah, I could do that. I check Blake is still asleep one last time and exit the room. Alright, I'm out of the bedroom, and in the hallway. I think I remember how to get to the kitchen from here. I walk down the corridor and turn left then down another, then the smell of bacon hits me. Yep, going the right way, I turn left again and I find the stairs. Alright, achievement. I head down the stairs and go right, I walk into the living room and find Caleb sitting on the couch smiling at him phone. "Oh, hey Caleb." I greet him with a smile. He looks up from his phone and gives me a quick smile. "Alpha know you down here?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Actually, he's still asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. Plus, I'm starving." I tell him sitting on the couch next to him. He laughs and puts his phone in his pocket. "This way." He gets up and points to a door with his head. I get up and follow him into a huge kitchen, there's a chef? I placing food onto plates and putting them on the breakfast bar. "This is Pierre, he's our chef. He's currently making breakfast." Caleb says as he tries to take a piece of bacon from one of the plates but Pierre slaps his hand and says something in Italian. Caleb puts his hands up in surrender and laughs. I look at his quizzically. "Oh he told me to leave some for everybody else, we are the first to down here. Early bird I guess?" He looks at me. I nod. "Always have been." It's 6 A.M. "Blake will be down soon." Caleb announces and grabs a plate filling it up with bacon and sausages etc. Blake I wake up and Katerina is not beside me? She didn't, did she? She ran? I feel a little ache in my chest. I quickly jump up out of bed and run out of my room. I look up and down the corridor and don't see her anywhere. I run downstairs, nowhere. "KATERINA!" I scream as I storm towards the kitchen, when I step inside I see her sat chatting with Caleb. She turns around a little frightened and I sigh in relief. "What's wrong?" She asks turning her full body towards me. "I thought you ran off again." I reply walking towards her. She shakes her head and looks down. "Hey, I'm not mad." I tell her while kissing the top of her head. She looks up and gives me a small smile. "I was starving." She blurts out, then laughs. I chuckle back. "Understandable. Thanks Caleb for showing Katerina to the kitchen." I shoot Caleb a glance then look back at Katerina sitting on the bar stool. "I didn't want to wake you, so I thought I would try and find my way to the kitchen and I bumped into Caleb and he showed me." She explains quickly. I nod. "Erm, Blake?" Katerina asks, while biting her bottom lip. Oh goddess Katerina. I lower down and whisper in her ear, "If you keep doing that with your bottom lip, I'll take you right here, right now." Then I straighten back up, "But what's up?" I ask as I watch her cheeks go bright red. She chuckles then clears her throat. "I don't have any clothes.... Here atleast." She pouts. "Alright." I finish eating a piece of fruit, "Shopping? Or do you want to live in my hoodie? Because, I wouldn't mind that." I finish with a wink and she blushes even more. So frickin' cute!
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