Chapter 7

1853 Words
Katerina 'Oh wow!' I thought to myself, look at all these books, who knew the big bad Alpha of whatever pack this is would read such stories. Most of the books where about Werewolves and there was one on the packs that resided in Canada. But there was novels on love and adventure etc, etc. I scanned the titles when suddenly I felt a hot breath on the nape of my neck. I froze instantly, then came a chuckle and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Snooping are we?" Blake asked with amusment in his voice. I slowly turned around to face him and I instantly got lost in those big golden eyes. I relaxed a little and shook my head in denial. He chuckled again and straightened up to his full height. My eyes widened slightly as I didn't take in how tall he was until just now. 6 foot 4 of pure muscle. "I, I erm..." I looked down at the floor trying to find an excuse as to why I was looking around his room. I seriously didn't want to get into trouble again, screw that, I didn't want to go back to the dungeons. "I was just looking at the books, I thought maybe I could read a book while I waited for you to finish in the shower." I ended with looking at the bathroom door then back at my feet. The chuckle came again. Okay, I think he's pissed. "This is a good one." He replied and pushed a book into my hands. I looked at the book and then into his eyes. "Thanks." I whispered then gave him a small smile, he smiled back then pointed at a cozy chair in the corner of the room, "Why don't you sit there and read, I have to go to my office." He told me, and it sounded almost as if he had to rather than wanted to. I gave him a singular nod and went over to the chair and sat down with my feet crossed underneath my bum. He watched me closely then when satisfied, I guess, he left and headed into his office slamming the door shut. I looked at the title of the book 'A lover demise.' Okay, sounds rather grim, well I guess the Alpha is kind of grim too. But oh well, I suppose I could give it a try. I started to read the book and a few sentences in I was hooked. Well he's right this definitely is a good book. Blake I left Katerina to read one of my favourite books, she better stay put or she will be in big trouble if I catch her trying to make a run for it again. I narrow my eyes in slight anger, then Caleb walks into my office and snaps me out of my trance. "Blake, how are you?" Caleb asks, he probably noticed I looked a little off when he walked in. "Oh, fine thanks." I reply, tilting my head towards my bedroom door. Caleb makes a 'O' shape with his mouth in response. he comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, "So what are you going to do with her?" I step back and look him dead in the eyes. "You keep away buddy, or you'll have me to answer." I just came out of nowhere, and once I realised I clamped my mouth shut, I would have done it literally used a clamp if possible. Caleb just looks at me then burst out into a fit of giggles. I cross my arms over my chest and shift my weight onto one leg, and roll my eyes. A few minutes pass and I've had enough by this point. "Are you done?" I asked, half pissed off, half bored. Caleb stops and straightens up, he looks me dead in the eyes while clearing his throat. I can see he's trying his hardest not to start laughing again and that's pissing me off even more. "Ahh, sorry Blake. You've found your mate, haven't you?" He asks scratching the back of his head. I roll my eyes once more then straighten up and heave a sigh. "That obvious, huh?" I say in defeat, looking down at the floor. "It sure is, I merely asked what you were going to do with her and you just as well took my head off." He replies, while gesturing with his hands, the beheading. I shrugged in defeat. "Don't worry Blake.... Your secrets safe with me..." He chuckles, I look at him and c**k one of my eyebrows. He clears his throat again and heads over to the couch and sits down with his ankles crossed. I stalk towards my office chair and sit down. "So, anymore Rogue attacks?" I ask. He looks up from his phone and shakes his head, then goes back to his phone. I roll my eyes, alright this is pissing me off. I tap my thumb on my desk and he looks up again, I raise my one eyebrow at him and he gets the hint and put his phone away. "Anything you wanna tell me?" I ask leaning back in my chair and cross my ankles. It falls silent for a few minutes and all we can hear is Caleb's phone going off every three seconds. Literally, every... Three... SECONDS... Caleb chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head then runs his fingers through his hair. "Come on, out with it?" I tell him while flinging my arms up then letting them land on my lap. "Alright, erm, I found... Well, I found my mate." He says nervously. My jaw just dropped on the floor. I shake my head and close my mouth. "Go on then!" I tell him while pointing at the door. He looks all giddy then mouths 'thankyou' and runs out the door to goddess only knows where. I chuckle watching him do so then take a deepbreath. Guess it's time to face the wolf in the room, literally. I groan to myself, time to put your game face on Blake. Katerina Chapter 3 already, damn this book is good. Okay Blake, points for good taste in books. Blake walks in from his office and collapses onto his bed with a huff. "Erm, are you okay?" I ask while closing the book. He sits up and rubs his eyes then looks at me. "Fine, just fine." He response then lays back down on the bed. I roll my eyes and go back to reading the book I have in my hands. 5 minutes later, I hear movement on the other side of the room and chose to ignore it. I clear my throat and re-read the sentence I read before the bed springs started to creak. "Oh this is where is starts the get interesting." I suddenly hear next to my ear which causes me to jump off the chair and spin round to find Blake leaning over the back of the chair and looking at me with this huge grin on his face. "Did I scare you? I didn't mean to." He giggles. I just roll my eyes at him and put the book back on the book shelf. When I look back at him. He is pouting with him arms crossed over his chest. "What?" I asked confused. "I wanted to read with you." He whines. I groan and sit on the bed, crossing my legs under my bum. "Well how about next time you ask instead of sneaking up on me like that." I reply rather bluntly. Obviously, to bluntly for his liking because he stalks over to me, his eyes turning five shades darker than their usual self. When he gets infront of me he grabs the back of my hair and pulls down causing me to look up at his face and yelp in the process. "Do not speak to me like that." He growls then leans down closer into my face. I feel him hot breath on my nose. "This is my house and I am the Alpha, you will learn to respect me, even if it has to be the hard way." He continues, my eyes start to water from the pain of him pulling on my hair. "Yes.... Alpha...." I squeak as a tear rolls down my face. His eyes go back to normal, and he double takes my face, his eyes widen and he lets go off my hair. I bite my bottom lip waiting for more abuse but he steps back, looking confused. His breathing becomes quick and heavy, and he looks at his hands as if scared of them. "Katerina." He huffs, looking at my face. "Katerina, I'm... I'm sorry." He whispers. I sniffle then wipe the tears away from my face. "Can Caleb take me back to the dungeons please?" I ask, looking at the floor, feeling my eyes puff up from the crying. "Katerina.." Blake whispers again walking towards me. I wiggle back onto the bed and hide my face. He steps back and shakes his head. A few mintues later, there's a knock at the door. Caleb enters looks at Blake then at me. Without asking, Caleb picks me up and takes me out of the room bridal style. "You okay?" Caleb asks in a quiet voice while carrying me down the stairs. "I'm fine." I responed in a barely audible tone. Caleb carries on down the stairs and into the dungeons, quiet the whole time. I hide my face in his shoulder so no-one can see me, then I feel him put me down on something cold and hard. I thank him then lie down and shiver. I feel him put a blanket over me then leave. 'You okay pup?' Lola asks. 'Fine.' I reply bluntly. 'Hey, I don't think he meant to do that.' Lola pleads. I ignore her and rolled over onto my side. 'Katerina, can you hear me?' Blake calls through the mindlink. 'Yes, yes, I can hear you.' I reply while sniffing the air. Still in his room, I can tell because I've learnt to track due to being on my own for many years. 'Look, I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me.' I sniffed the air again. He's in the dungeons, this frightens me and I back myself up against the wall. I spot him standing across from my cell in the dark. His golden eyes glowing in the dark. He steps forward looking defeated and extremely upset. "I'm sorry." He kept repeating as he made his way to my cell door. "Please, come back upstairs." He pleads. "Blake, look I'm really tired, I just wanna go to sleep." I reply while rubbing my eyes. He open the cell door and comes in. When he gets to the stone bunk he leans down and wraps one arm around my back and the other under my knees. Alright, he's not giving up is he. I cuddle into him as he lifts me up and takes me back to his room.
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