Chapter 9

1758 Words
Katerina 'Shopping? Is he serious?' I thought to myself after Blake annouced that he would buy me clothes. I shaked my head at him 'No.' and he frowned. "No what?" He asked puzzled. "I don't want you to spend money on me. I have clothes where I live." I explained. "Well, we could go there to pick up your clothes if you like." Blake looked a little defeated. "I would like that yes, and also could we go to the cafe, I need to talk to my friend and my purse and phone are hidden in a tree just behind there?" I asked, looking into his eyes, practically pleading. I thought, if he's anything like my Father was with my Mother, I'm going to have a hard time going anywhere without running it past him first. You could see he was thinking very hard for a while, mulling over what could happen while allowing me to talk with my friend. Then he looked at me will a small smile and said, "Aslong as I am with you, I will go anywhere for you." 'Anywhere, huh?' I thought, mischievously. I nodded happily and gave him a huge smile. I saw the love flash over his eyes for a moment and then they went back to their hard, distant self. I tilted my head to the side and watched him as he ordered Caleb to watch the pack while we were away. Caleb bowed his head slightly then gave me a wink and left. I stood up and touched Blakes arm, feeling the sparks erupt instantly. I liked the feeling but it seemed Blake wasn't used to it yet as he pulled away with a sorry look on his face. "What pack is this?" I asked as we walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer. He looked at me with hard eyes as if I would run a mile once he told me. "Tell me please." I held one of his hands in mine. He looked at me and took a deepbreath. "I am the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Largests and most feared pack in Canada." He explained looking at the floor. I let go of his hand and took a step back. "Blood Moon, you say?" I asked holding my arms. He looks at me and nods. I smile at him and move closer. I can clearly see in his eyes he's confused at my reaction. "I'm not frightened." I reassure him in a whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck. I see a small smile spread across his lips and he asks me, "May I hug you?" I look at him funny, 'What kind of question is that? Of course, you can hug me.' I tell him through the mindlink. He smiles and embraces me into a hold morphing my body to his. We fit perfectly like two pieces in a puzzle. Sparks explode for where our bodies meet, in a complete frenzy, I inhale his scent as he does mine and I can feel him smiling brightly against my neck. 'Can we go now? I really want to shower and change out of these clothes.' I ask through the mindlink and I feel him nod and inhale my scent once more before pulling away. "Allow me to get dressed first." Blake says and he looks down at himself and I realise he is only in the sweatpants he put on last night and I slightly blush and his perfect set of abs. He runs off up the stairs to get dressed and I sit down on the sofa to the left of the foyer. A few minutes later he comes jogging down the stairs, when I get a proper look at him I see he has dark blue, perfectly fitted jeans on, a white t-shirt with a collar and a pair of shitkickers on. I raise my brows in aww and he gives me his million dollar smile. Goddess, I look like crap compaired to him. "Shall we?" He asks as he opens the front door. I smile and walk towards him the out the front door. "Wait here, I'll bring the car around." He commands in a light voice, I nod and smile as he walks off and around the corner of the packhouse to what probably is the garage or where he last parked his car. I hadn't noticed until now that there is a huge driveway heading south out of the woods, after all I thought it would just be a dirt road considering his mansion is situated smack bam in the middle of the forest. 'Alpha's and their money.' I thought as I rolled my eyes. Blake pulls around the corner in a huge black range rover and gets out of the drives side and walks around to open the passenger door for me. I walk down the steps and towards the car. "Why thank you sir." I tease as I get into the car. I hear a small laugh come from him and it sends shivers down my spine, you know, the good kind. He shuts the door after me and gets in. I quickly buckle my belt and nod that I am ready. We head down the driveway and are meeted by trees and bush either side of the car. "How deep into the forest are we?" I ask curious, I get a raised brow look, then he thinks about for a while before answering. "5 miles. Why?" He asks, his voice a little on edge. "It's just I thought this would be a dirt road and not tarmacked." I explain and get an "Ohh." in response. We get of the driveway and onto the main road, now I know where we are I tell him to go left, towards the cafe. He nods and goes left. "What pack were you a part of?" Blake asks while shifting gears and checking the interior mirror. I take a deepbreath and look out the window. "A dead one." I reply, not wanting to go into detail as I know better because I will only up blubbering in tears being reminded of that horrid day. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise. I just thought...." Blake trails off. "You thought I went against my Alpha didn't you? You thought I abandoned my pack?" I reply a little vexed. "No, I am a Lone Wolf, not a Rogue. There's a bid difference. Now mister. big bad Alpha, kindly get that into your head." I continue, my blood boiling. I mean he didn't say anything but he didn't have to I knew what he was thinking just by looking at him. He went to say something back then didn't. He sped up, obviously hurt by my outburst and I rolled my eyes at the gesture. One we parked outside the cafe I jumped out the car not bothering to wait for him to open the door for me. He looked at me a little pissed because I didn't allow him to open the door so I waited for him to walk around the car. "I'm coming in." He he said clenching his jaw. "Okay." I replied taking his hand in mine, he looked at me in amazment. "What?" I giggled. "Oh nothing." He told me tightening the grip on my hand, I smiled and pulled him towards the cafe. Once we were inside, still holding hands Bellatrix turns around licking something off a spoon and drops it when she lays her eyes on us, I laugh and she bows her head. I frown, confused. "Alpha." She announces still bowing her head. I just look dumbfounded and Blake chuckles. "B stand up." Blake chuckles again. "B?" I asked still confused as hell. I look at Bellatrix, whom is standing up and straightening her uniform and then at Blake who is watching her. "How's my baby cousin?" Blake asks as he walks towards her with his arms out. She smiles at him and gives him a hug. "Cousin?" I ask as I walk towards them. Blake lets go of Bella and steps back and look at me with a small smile. "You heard right. Little B here is my cousin. Human, of course." He explains while looking back at her. "I can still beat your arse, human or not." She challenges c*****g her eyebrow. Blake just laughs and sits down on one of the bar stools at the counter. "Erm, hello. I'm still here." I say, looking at Blake wide eyed. He pulls me onto his lap and kisses my cheek. "Sorry babe, B is my cousin, my uncle, her dad is mated to a human and she got the human genes instead of her fathers." He explained to me while gesturing to Bella. She smiles tilting her head to the side. "I may not be able to shift into a wolf but I still have the strength and senses of a shewolf. That's how I knew you were a Lone Wolf, Kat but I didn't say anything because I could sense the lose you've had when I first met you." She told me giving me a small smile. I just looked my jaw on the floor and my eyes wider than ever. 'How is that even possible? How did I not know.' I thought. She giggles at my face and lifts my jaw up to close my mouth with her forefinger. "I can also hear you, you need to close the mind-link lovey." She laughs. 'Crap' I think and she laughs even harder, causing me to roll my eyes at her. When she finishes her laughter fit she looks at me and Blake dead serious and asks a one worded question. "Mates?" Blake nods and I smile. She smiles like a cheshire cat and starts bouncing up and down like a total fangirl. I laugh at her and Blake seems amused by her reaction. Soon after his face goes back to his usual stoney look and he clears his throat. Bella stops and bows her head slightly in respect and to apologize. "Coffee?" She asks looking from Blake to me and back at Blake again. We both nod and she goes to work making our coffees. I'm still shocked I didn't even know they were related. How? 'Probably because she's human.' Lola explains a-matter of factly. 'She has inherited some of the werewolf traits though?' I question. 'Obviously, not the scent of one.' She states and I nod my head at her.
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