Chapter 14

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Blake "You're not going anywhere until you tell me where you have been?" I spoke through gritted teeth. She hadn't spoken to me since this morning. I'd had enough of it, I apologized over and over again and told her what really happened but she hadn't forgiven me. I hear her scoff and then she walks out of the room, I slam my glass on the table and throw the napkin from my lap onto the plate and storm after her. "Don't you walk away from me!" I scream at her from the bottom of the stairs. She stopped at the top step and turned around, her eyes had gone black and her face was scrunched up something fierce. She dangerously took a step down one at a time. "Say that again." She spoke, venom in every word. She got in front of me one step up, the perfect height to be level with me. Her eyes were pitch black and I could see she was trying her hardest not to shift in anger. "Say... That... Again.... Go on I dare you." She droned out every word. She poked a finger into my chest. "I do not take orders from you. If I want to walk away and go to bed I will, you know exactly where I went because you followed me. Didn't think I'd pick up your scent, huh?" I looked at her shocked. Another poke in the chest. "Yeah look shocked, I don't have to explain myself to you, so back off." She growled. Her eyes returned to their teal blue color before she cleared her throat and turned back around. I hear a whistle come from the left of me. I look over and Caleb is leaned on the frame of the dining hall door. I roll my eyes and watch Katerina disappear off up the stairs. Caleb walks next to me and follows my eyes. "You saw that?" I ask him embarrassed. He crosses his arms over his chest. "Every bit of it mate." He spoke amused. "Don't worry, she'll come around, it'll take time though." Caleb patted me on the shoulder then walked off up the stairs. I sighed and shook my head. 'Females.' I thought before I returned to my private dining area. Katerina 'Who does he think he is?' I scowled as I slam the door to my bedroom shut. 'I mean he drags me to his home, throws me in a dungeon, goes all lovey on me to just cheat, or not have the balls to kick the bitches out, then demands to know where I had been even though he followed me.' I walk back and forth in front of my bed ranting to no one in particular. 'Goddess you need to calm down, the guy is trying.' Lola replied completely bored. 'Trying what? To piss me off? Cause' it's working.' I chuckled angrily. I growled and sat on my bed. 'I mean then he pretends he didn't know where I went, like does he think I'm dumb.' Lola completely ignores me so I decide to contact Caleb. 'Caleb where's that asshat at?' I mindlink Caleb. 'Woah, that asshat is drinking his sorrows away in his office, why?' Caleb replied with a chuckle. 'Good, I'm going for a walk, you can tell him.' I cut off the mind link before Caleb could reply. Standing up from the bed and heading to my closet, I open it up and all my clothes have been placed here. 'Thank Goddess, at least I don't have to go into his room to get my clothes.' I rummage through the small selection I have and found some comfy leggings and a large hoodie. 'This will do, I'll remember to take them off if I decide to shift.' I remind myself. I quickly changed and headed out of my bedroom door, I could hear shuffling in Blake's office and then something shatter. I gulped and ran past quickly and down the stairs, not looking where I was going I bumped into someone. "Arghh." Was all I heard as I fell to my bum. "That hurt," I say as I look over to the person I'd bumped into. "You bitch..." I scowl at the one person I've been waiting to see since that day I caught Blake on the bed with two bitches. She flicked her hair behind her shoulder and rolled her eyes. "What's the matter little pet?" She mocked. Her lips curling into a conniving smile. "You're what's the matter you little whore." I spoke irritated as I stood up from the ground. "Excuse me?" She hisses and she stands up herself. "Yeah excuse you, did you not realize Blake has a mate or are you just desperate?" I circle around her, fists balled. "Please, why would he want someone as pathetic as you when he has me?" She sneered. 'Bite the bitch.' Lola chimed in, I could feel her anger. I circle her more watching her hold herself like she was the most wanted female on earth. "You do realize that's all you'll ever be to him, a f**k. He won't make you Luna heck he wouldn't even make you his mate.." I raised an eyebrow as her face changed from happy to angry. "You don't know a damn thing about mine and Blake's relationship. He told me I would be his Luna and he is my mate, you cow." She squealed. I chuckled at her. "Bitch." She screamed. I heaved a sigh and looked at my fingernails. She screamed again and launched for me, I sidestepped and she face planted the bottom step of the staircase. "Ooo, that's gonna make your face look worse than it was before." I chuckled. She growled and jumped up fists balled, she tried to land one on my nose but I caught her hand in mine and span it around, forcing it so much she dropped to her knees. "You do realize you were about to assault a royal?" I ask her mockingly, her face changes to a mixture of surprised and scared. "You're bulling." She stated. I hum and pull the side of my hoodie up exposing a birthmark on the side of my ribcage, the birthmark looking a perfect crescent moon. It was a birthmark only the royal wolves possessed. Her eyes widened and she exposed her neck, satisfied with the response I let go of her hand and stand up straight. "Now tell your friend about me. Okay, and don't you ever go near Blake again. Got that?" I spoke in a possessive tone, she nodded quickly. I smiled a sweet smile and walked off. Back to the mission at hand, going for a damn walk. I open the front door and the night air hits me I inhale deeply and smile. 'I miss the night air.' I thought as I took a step outside. I stepped down the concrete steps at the front of the house. 'Where are you going?' That voice in my head again, I let my blocks down for a damn second. Goddess. Don't get me wrong I love the sound of his voice but I also hate it at the same time. 'I'm going for a walk.' I bite my tongue at the invasion in my brain, I literally couldn't be bothered to argue anymore today. 'Can I come?' He asked trying to muster a sweet tone, I think. 'I thought you'd be passed out drunk by now." I counter. 'Nope, I'm sober." I rolled my eyes, I guess he was trying to be funny. I sigh. 'Sure, I'm outside.' I cut the link and sit at the bottom step. I stare up at the night sky, it was just like this the night my parents were killed, peaceful, warm the sky clear of clouds and the stars shining brightly until the pack was under attack. Then it became a blood bath, I was as if the Goddess became upset as well because of thunderclouds rolled in and lightning struck the ground. The whole time my Father protected me and my Mother with his life, and with his dying breath, he told me to run. No matter how much I pushed the look on his face when he did to the back of my mind I could never shake the fear I saw. He was frightened not only for his life but for mine and my Mother's. My mom refused to leave his side and that's how she died trying to protect her mate. I sighed sadly. "Hey, what's wrong?" Blake spoke from behind me. I honestly almost jumped out of my skin. "Erm, nothing just... Thinking." I responded clearing my throat before standing up and facing him. Blake walks down the steps a little wobbly. I giggle. "I thought you hadn't been drinking." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay, okay you got me, I think I had a few too many." He chuckles. "decisamente troppi." Blake said in a language I hadn't heard before. (Definitely too many.) "What's that language you just spoke?" I asked looking intrigued. "Oh, it's Italian." He gestured to start walking towards the forest. I stepped beside him and we started walking in silence for a short while. "So your Italian?" I asked him, as I watched our feet step in unison. "On my mother's side yes." He answered short while scratching the back of his head. "Don't wanna talk about it," I replied. From his tone, I could tell he wasn't comfortable speaking about his family or maybe it was just about his past. He sighed. We stepped into the forest and I smiled. "You like it out here?" Blake asked watching me. "I love it." I smiled again. He hummed and smiled. "So is Italian your first language or?" I asked. "Yeah I was taught how to speak Italian first, and then later English." He confessed. "Cool," I said. "Alright, now you answer a question for me," Blake spoke a little happier. "Shoot," I said. Looking up to him. "Hmm, let's see, what's your favorite color?" He asked looking dead serious. "Is that the best you can come up with?" I asked him laughing. He laughed with me and stumbled a little. "You sure you should be out here when your drunk?" I asked him, serious this time. He stood up tall and straightened his jacket, "I am not drunk." He said trying to look as sober as possible. I giggled and leaned up against a tree. He smiled and walked towards me. "I like your laugh." He stopped centimeters away from me. This time he did look sober. His eyes looked more focused than ever. He leaned in until his lips were level with mine. I looked into his eyes and there was something there that I had never seen before in him. I shook the thought out of my head when soon Blake planted his lips on mine. My eyes widened when the sparks started running from my lips and all over my body. Goddess his lips felt amazing against mine. I couldn't help it, I kissed him back, which he seemed to like from the soft growl that rumbled from his chest. He grabbed onto my thighs and lifted me up wrapping my legs around his waist. Kissing my jaw and down my neck, hitting that spot were my mark would be he nibbled at it. I groaned in pleasure. He came back to my face and kissed me again, this time with more need and full of passion. I became blind from the kissing until he moved his hand to undo my jacket. I grabbed his hand and pulled away from him. "We... We can't do this." I managed to get out through the heavy breathing. His face dropped, he seemed angry, maybe. He slowly put me down then turned away from me. He put a hand to his face and rubbed it. "Go back to the house Kat." He spoke softly. I hugged my arms, "What?" I whispered. He span around so fast I didn't even see it happen. "Go back to the house!!" He shouted, his eyes pitch black and his face twisted in anger. I jumped then stepped back before turning around and running. Blake I didn't know why I was so angry. It wasn't anger towards her, I was just angry. I shook my head as I watched her run away from me. I could hear her sobbing and see her clinging to herself. I sighed deeply. 'I've screwed up again' I thought to myself. I lent up against the tree that we had the makeout session on and held my fingers to the bridge of my nose. I closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply. Trying to calm down. My body was screaming at me to shift. I staggered forward and unzipped my jacket and threw it on the floor. I flicked off my shoes as I undid my jeans and shirt. I threw them down on the floor with my jacket before shifting. My large black front paws hit the ground with a thud and I shook my head. I set off running deeper into the woods. My vision blurred as I sped past trees and bushes. *Howl.* I heard a howl come from the left of me and I looked over. There was a small brown scarred up wolf. 'Rogue.' Dexter snarled in the back of my mind. I smiled and veered towards the wolf. It stood there staring at me. I snarled as I jumped onto him and grabbed his throat with my muzzle. The wolf snarled and snapped at me, catching my ear, causing little drops of blood to fall onto his fur. I tightened the hold on his throat but it didn't phase him. He struggled and wriggled and kicked until he became free. He jumped back and started circling me. I watched him with anger boosting my adrenaline. I snarled and bared my large canine teeth. He jumped at me and I side stepped to dodge him. He landed on the ground and threw himself around. I snarled at him again, we ran towards each other I grabbed for his right paw and he grabbed for my left. I bite down so hard I heard bones snap and tasted blood. He yelped and bit down on my paw. At this point, I saw red and pulled at his paw tearing it from his body. He yelped again I looked at him, his paw still between my teeth. He whined in pain and tried to limp away. I dropped the decapitated paw and stalked towards the little wolf. I bared my teeth and let out a menacing growl. He submitted and showed his neck. I bite down on it and snapped his neck in two. Leaving him to die. I howled at the moon and walked limping back to were I shifted and left my clothes. I got to the area and could still smell Katerina's scent faintly, it calmed me a little but not enough. I shifted back to human and put on my boxers and grabbed the rest of my clothes. I had blood smeared up my arms and dripping down the side of my face from my ear. The rogue had died shortly after I left it. I reported it to Caleb and he sent someone out to remove the body. I walked back to the house and opened the front door. Katerina was sat at the bottom step of the staircase when she looked up at me. Katerina Blake finally returned home and not fully clothed. He must have shifted and ran into a rogue. His face was menacing and the blood made it look even more terrifying. His eyes were still pitch black and he had dirty and sweat plastered all over his body. His chest rose and fell heavily. His hand was injured and bleeding. I gasped and stood up from the bottom step. "Are you okay?" I whispered. He grunted and walked straight past me and up the stairs. I turned around and watched him. My wolf whined at his dismissal towards me. I shook my head and ascended the stairs and into my own room. I could hear Blake's shower going as I sat on my bed and wondered why he ignored me. I hadn't even noticed his shower had stopped as I was deep in thought. *Knock knock.* The pounding came at the door. "Come in." I squeaked. Blake threw the door open and stepped in slamming it shut. I brought my knees to my chest and watched him. His face had softened but was still filled with anger. He grunted and walked towards me then sat on the bed right in front of my face. I could see him looking at my lips and then at my eyes. I became extremely nervous and began to shake. I had no idea what mood he was in and didn't really want to find out. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply. He relaxed massively, I decided in my best interest and his to wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly. He sighed into my neck. "Are you okay?" I whispered. Nothing, just shallow breathing. I cleared my throat and he pulled away. "Your sleeping in my room tonight." He spoke gruffly. "Am I?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He grunted and picked me up bridal style. "Hey." I spat. He growled softly and turned around existing my room. We stood at his bedroom door for a moment. He stared at the door handle intently. I looked at him wondering what was running through his mind. He grunted and opened the door. He walked over to his oversized bed and sat me down before turning and shutting his bedroom door. His wet hair covered his eyes partially but they had returned to their original golden color. He awkwardly watched me for a while before stepping towards the bed I shuffled over to the other side. He came and sat on the bed. "Good night." He said and laid down above the sheets. He closed his eyes and I sat at watched him briefly before laying down and facing away. "Good night," I whispered, before squeezing my eyes shut. Forcing myself to sleep. *** The next morning I woke up to the sound of the shower running. I yawned and stretched my limbs. Moaning tiredly. Blake walked in from the bathroom, fully dressed and smelling of aftershave. "I left the shower running for you." He interrupted my stretch. "You saying I smell?" I asked him jokingly. "No not at all, I just thought you would want a shower." He got defensive. I chuckled. "Thank you." I smiled and hopped out of the bed. I went over into my own room and got some blue skinny high waisted jeans and an oversized sweater. I made my way back over to Blake's room and took my shower and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and made my way out into Blake's room, I could hear him talking on the phone in the office. "Just get it done damn it." He shouted before slamming the phone on the desk. I walked in with my arms folded over my chest. "You okay?" I asked. He sighed and rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb. "I'm fine. baby." He sighed. "Baby. Are we on pet names already." I chuckled. This made him chuckle. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" He smiled and sat down on his office chair. "Forgiven, I guess." I stepped further into the office and swung my arms to my side. "I heard you gave Ashley a hard time yesterday." He spoke bluntly. "The b***h had it coming." I spat anger started to boil inside of me. He chuckled and gestured for me to come closer. I walked closer and he chuckled. "Come here." He tapped on his lap. I walked over slowly and sat on his lap, he snaked his arm around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder and breathed in deeply. "You calm me you know." He stated although it sounded like a question. I hummed a 'yeah' and he cuddled into me. "You calm me too, even though you have pissed me off before," I whispered. He chuckled and held me tight. "I'm sorry about last night, I don't know what happened. I don't know why I got pissed off, I should have understood that you wouldn't have wanted to go so far." He continued. I sighed and turned around on his lap. "Stop saying that, I just wasn't ready okay." I hugged him tightly then let go. He sighed a happy sigh and kissed my nose. *RING RING* His phone rang he rolled his eyes and answered it.
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