Chapter 15

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Blake I answered the phone while rolling my eyes. "Sì?" I answered. Katerina slipped off my lap and went and sat on the sofa. She smiled at me and looked over to the bookshelf. I moved the phone to my chest. "Read any book you want, I'll try to be quick," I said smiling. She nodded and got up from the sofa and made her way to the bookshelf, I put the phone back to my ear while watching her. The way she held herself with confidence even if she had little. She looked strong mentally and physically like nothing could bring her down. I zoned out watching her. "Stai ascoltando?" The man over the phone shouted. (Are you listening?) "Scusa, si." I answered pulling my eyes away from Katerina. (Sorry, yes.) "Vogliono vederla ora." My uncle spoke bluntly then hung up the phone. (They want to see her now.) I gulped and looked over at Katerina she was sat reading another favorite book of mine. 'A shade of blood.' "Kat." I swallowed. She hummed, not taking her eyes from the book. "There's someone downstairs who would like to meet you," I said standing up. She looked up from the book and placed it on the table giving me a questioned look. "Someone involving your parents," I said holding my arms behind my back. Her eyes widened and she stepped out from behind the table and towards me. "What do they want?" She asked looking scared. "I don't know but don't worry I will be with you." I held her hands in mine and smiled softly. She nodded. "Promise?" She whispered. I nodded and smiled before giving her a kiss on the cheek. We walked downstairs hand in hand and my uncle was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. He turned as he heard us near and smiled. My uncle was 55 years old with his salt and pepper hair and smile lines. "Alpha. Luna." He chimed as we reached the final step. "This way." He continued. He gestured with his hand towards the living room and made his way to the door. We followed behind and Katerina squeezed my hand slightly. I stroked the top of her hand with my thumb. The doors to the living room opened and we entered. There sat a man a little older than me and two men about the same age stood each side of him. He wore an expensive suit and dress shoes. The man looked from me to Katerina and smiled softly. "Alpha Blake, I presume." The man stood and walked around the coffee table to greet me and Katerina. He held out his hand and I took it in mine and we shook hands, he gave me a tight squeeze before letting go and turning to Katerina. "And you must me Princess Katerina." He took her hand a lightly kissed the back of it. "Please, it's just Katerina." She spoke smiling. He nodded his head in understanding and made his way back to the sofa he was sat on. I and Katerina sat on the opposite sofa facing the man. He waited for Katerina to sit before he sat. I think like the human Royals the people below them can only sit once they do. He was showing respect for his superiors. "I don't mean to intrude but I have a pressing matter involving you Katerina." He began. Katerina crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest. "What is this 'pressing' matter?" I asked. "Erm." He cleared his throat. "Orphaned children of the Royal families are supposed to be sent to the Royal castle upon the death of their parents or pack. Being they make their own way there or someone sends them." He looked up from the coffee table he was tapping his fingers on and directly at Katerina. She looked like she was thinking. "I wasn't informed of this. Is there a penalty for not following such law?" She asked leaning forward. Her Royal side had come out to play and I can understand why this man seemed to be running the show. "Absolutely not, it's not a law per se, more of a guideline. What I'm really here for is that the Queen Mother has requested an audience with yourself." The man explained. "I'm not really supposed to tell you that, I was more or less supposed to march you to the Royal Palace and let you find out there." He explained further. Katerina sat back clearly pondering over her options. "How long will I be gone?" She asked. "No more than a few days." The man answered quickly. "And can Blake come with me?" Katerina looked at me a smiled sweetly. "Sorry only Royals and the Queen Mother's servants are allowed in the castle and there grounds." The man frowned. "Huh, you being?" Katerina's eyebrow c****d. "Nothing more than a humble servant, your grace." The man smiled softly. "What is your name? And how can I trust you?" Katerina furrowed her brows looking the man up and down. The man looked a little older than me not by much and he didn't falter in height, he was maybe an inch smaller than my 6 foot 4 self and he was built the same as me. Muscles popping out of his shirt and busting at the seems of his jacket. He chuckled... "My name is Xavier and I guess this is the only way you can trust me." He pulled his shirt from out of his pants and pulled it up to his side. There on his ribcage was the Royal mark. He watched Katerina look at it long enough to recognize what it was before pulling his shirt back down. He made a gesture with his hands 'Well?'. "If your only a servant, why do you have the mark?" I asked utterly unconvinced. "Everyone in the pack or packs even the Queen Mother's servants bare the mark." Katerina butted in still staring at Xavier's side. I growled softly and she looked over at me, gulping slightly. "Okay I guess I have no other choice but to trust you," Katerina said finally. "Great." Xavier smiled. "When will we leave?" Katerina asked standing. "Tomorrow morning, I and my men have traveled a long way and I think we deserve a well-needed rest." Xavier stood. "Fair enough." Was all Katerina said. Xavier bowed ar her then at me and left the living room. Katerina left shortly behind him. 'WTF just happened?' I asked myself getting up from the sofa and chasing after Katerina. She was already in her room pulling out clothes for this trip that was planned without my say. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked her crossing my arms over my chest and huffing. She stopped and looked at me confused. "What does it look like I'm doing, packing." She said walking into her bathroom and coming back out with a toothbrush and hairbrush. "I didn't say you could leave." I spat. She stopped mid-stride. "And you would refuse the Queen Mother?" She asked bluntly. "Well no but..." I trailed off, she was right, you could refuse the Queen Mother, pretty sure us peasants end up in jail for things like that. I huffed and stormed out of the room and to my own. Rummaging through the bedside table I found my old phone, it was only a year old, in great condition, I just had to have the latest phones. I made my way back into Katerina's room. "Here." I handed her the phone. "What's this for?" She asked looking at the phone in her hand then at me. "I want you to stay in touch with me the whole time you are there and no excuses." I finished. Katerina smiled at me softly and opened her arms for a hug. I gladly hugged her tightly breathing in her scent like it was going to be the last time I was able to do it. She chuckled in my ear. "I'm not leaving until the morning and don't worry, I'm coming straight back." She looked up at me and smiled that sweet smile that made me melt inside. Katerina I yawned loudly as I walked out of the bathroom. "Tired?" Blake asked me from the bed. I nodded and stretched. "PJ's." I yawned again and disappeared off into the walk-in wardrobe. I got changed into my PJ's and made my way to Blake's bed. I collapsed face first onto the bed and mumbled "Comfy." into the pillow I had my face buried in. Blake chuckled and pulled the duvet over my legs. He wrapped his arm around my waist and buried his head into my neck. I sighed softly welcoming the sparks that ran through my body every time we touched. Blake mumbled something before squeezing me tighter. "Can't breath." I squeaked. Blake chuckled in my ear and his breath traveled down my neck making me shudder. He loosened his grip until I took a deep breath and chuckled myself. He kissed my neck softly and nibbled on my sweet spot, my breath hicked in my throat and the only way for me to begin breathing again was to cough. Blake pulled his face away from my neck and his eyes were hooded and dark. "Don't leave me." He whispered. I just looked bewildered. The big bad Alpha didn't want to be left alone for a few days. I arched an eyebrow and he read my face like a book, he huffed and rolled onto his back. "Fine." He breathed crossing his arms over his large chest. I chuckled and got up onto my knees, looking down at him from above. "Softie." I joked. "I'm not soft." Blake snapped. "Er, yes you are." I joked more. Blake looked at me dead serious and rose from his position until he was sat up. He stared at me for a moment with a blank expression. I gulped in anticipation, he chortled before grabbing my face with both hands and planting a passionate kiss on my lips. I gasped at the sudden contact and fell back with Blake on top of me. He kissed me sweetly while tasting my lips with his tongue, sweeping it across my bottom lip gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth slightly. He drove his tongue into my mouth and played with mine. He growled with hunger and I jerked in fright. He pulled away and looked at me unsure. "Sorry," I whispered. He smiled softly and placed a kiss on my forehead. "When you come back from your trip make no mistake I will make you mine," Blake spoke in a deathly but lustful tone and it only made me ache. He sniffed the air and caught the scent of my arousal, he smirked before rolling onto his side of the bed and closing his eyes, the smile still plastered on his lips. 'Damn it,' I thought. He had one over me now. I huffed and rolled over onto my side to face the large windows, draped in black thick curtains, the moon shone through the glass and made a large shadow across the bedroom floor. I hummed to myself and drifted off to sleep. The moon had always calmed me even when I was a little girl, it was my only solace for a long time when my parents were murdered. Now I think I may have two comforts one in the moon and the other in Blake. *** Blake Morning came quicker than I wanted it to in all honesty. The minutes ticked by as my mate made sure everything was packed for her journey to the Royal Palace. I sat and watched her from the head of the bed. Her beautiful ginger hair swaying as she moved and her Blue eyes dancing every time the sun caught them. She had a small smile placed on her perfectly pink plump lips. I cleared my throat as I realized she had caught me staring. "You packed the phone right?" I asked her looking at my own. "Yep." She responded waving the phone to show she had it. "Good," I spoke quickly and I put my phone away in my jeans pocket. She zipped up her suitcase and looked my way. She smiled softly and walked her way to me, I sat on the edge of the bed and she stepped between my legs looking down at me. "Is the big bad Alpha going to miss me?" She asked teasing showing her pet lip. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, truth be told I would miss her and I hoped she would miss me too. Here's to hoping I guess. She looked at me clearly waiting or an answer. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her down to sit on my lap. "Maybe...." I trailed off looking anywhere but at her. She scoffed and playfully tapped my shoulder. I chuckled and looked at her. I cupped her cheek with one hand and watched her lean into it. I pulled her face to mine and kissed her softly, she breathed deeply and mimicked my movements. Kissing me but with hunger, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled away and gave her a killer smirk. She tutted and removed herself from my lap. "You gonna walk me out?" She asked gathering her suitcase and a thin jacket. I sighed and stood up from the bed, the moment of truth, she's leaving. But it's only for a few days, she'll be back. I walked over to the bedroom door and opened it wide for her to step out first. "After you, Princess." I gave her a half smile as she scolded me. "Thank you, my Alpha." She purred. She knew exactly what she was doing and she knew it hit me in my stomach, making the hunger for her grow stronger. I growled lowly and she giggled as she exited the bedroom. "You're making it harder for me let you leave," I spoke as I stalked behind her. She only giggled in response. In a mere millisecond, I was in front of her, my canines had elongated, and I was baring my teeth. Katerina jerked in front of me and dropped her jacket on the floor. "Blake." She whispered. I felt my eyes turn from Golden to Black and my wolf was nearing the surface. 'Just one taste.' I and my wolf thought. Katerina was cemented to the ground unable to move, until I picked her up by her bum and slammed her into the wall, wrapping her legs around my waist. I held her up with one hand and the other protected the back of her head from the wall. She looked started then she realized I wasn't pissed off I was Goddess damn horny, and for her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck for support. It was undeniable the bond between us became stronger every day even without starting the mating ceremony. I stared at the crook of her neck where my mark was to sit for a little while. "Blake." Katerina hummed sweetly. Hmmm." I managed to tear myself away from her neck and look into her beautiful Blue eyes. "Yes, my little mate." That only made her blush. But it didn't falter her confidence she tapped her lips with her index finger. Invite received! I planted a long kiss on her lips and squeezed her bum cheek slightly, her breath hitched and she tightened her arms around my neck. We kissed for what seemed like seconds but in fact, was minutes. She pulled away gasping for air and her eyes had changed to black and matched my own. She looked up at the ceiling and tried to control her breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Meditating almost, I chuckled softly and slowly placed her back on the floor, Katerina clung to my shirt for support and finally brought her eyes back down to me, they had changed back to Blue and were sparkling. She was swaying slightly as if she was drunk from the kissing. "Come, the quicker you leave the quicker you get back and the quicker I can finish what we keep starting." My eyes glinted from the thought of marking my mate, a person a few weeks ago I thought I hated and would never want. I was brought up on the fact that mates made you weak and the only thing you really needed from the was an heir. Behind closed doors, my padre adored my madre, but only behind closed doors without prying eyes even mine, his own child. I loved my madre even after all the times my padre kicked me and whipped me, he tried his hardest to make me see that women were only useful for one thing but I couldn't, I couldn't only see my mother for that and now, my mate, she isn't some breeding dog that I will throw away once I have what I want, she deserves the world and more with what she has been through and what I have put her through. I held Katerina's hand in mine as we descended the stairs. Xavier was already at the front door waiting, he quickly looked at his watch and then over to us. He smiled as he got closer to him and bowed slightly towards me then to Katerina. "Good morning, I trust you slept well?" He asked Kat. She nodded and smiled. "I'll wait in the car while you say your goodbyes." Xavier turned on his feet and walked out of the door and down the steps leading to his black SUV. Katerina faced me and blushed slightly. I looked into her eyes and could see she was conflicted with leaving of staying. I placed my thumb under her chin and pulled her face up to look at me. "You're going to be fine, and you will come back to me," I stated softly. She smiled softly and nodded before reaching up on her tip toes and planted a kiss on my cheek. As she came back down I hugged her tightly and sniffed in her lush scent before she turned around and walked out of the door. When she reached the SUV she looked back one last time and blew a kiss my way. My heart sored from the small gesture, had it been anyone else it wouldn't have phased me but it was my mate, she must have liked me a little to do such a thing. I played along and caught the kiss and brought my fist to my chest, winking. She smiled and got into the SUV. I watched it pull away and along the dirt track, I watched even after it disappeared along the tree line, I watched and watched until I felt Katerina leave the border. My heart clenched and my stomach churned. The reaction my wolf was having just because she left my side, was probably the sickliest I felt, I bent over slightly and held an arm to my stomach. My Beta ran to my side. "You okay Blake?" He asked bending down to look at my twisted up face. "Just dandy." I chuckled as I struggled to stand up straight. Caleb helped me into the house, just before the door was to shut I had one last look at the dirt track leading away from the pack house. I sighed heavily and walked up to my office with Caleb close behind. ***
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