Chapter 16

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Katerina The SUV pulled away and the men and Xavier were silent for a long while until we crossed the border. I felt a twang in my heart and knew it was the bond between me and Blake. I breathed out slowly. "We are across the border." One of the men barked. Xavier nodded and lifted his sunglasses up to the top of his nose. "How long is the journey?" I asked as I pulled the phone Blake gave me out of the front pocket of my suitcase. "Not long," Xavier spoke bluntly. I texted Blake, 'Miss you already.' I smiled as it sent. I put the phone in my pocket and looked out the window. Trees, trees, more trees, ooo look boring old fields. I sighed and looked in front of me, from the center mirror in the car I could see the drivers eyes from behind his shades. They looked a funny color but I thought nothing of it and was distracted by the vibration in my pocket. I pulled the phone out, Blake; 'Come back then you won't miss me as much. ;)' I chuckled, 'No can do, I'll be home soon (eggplant emoji)' I chuckled softly then put the phone back into my pocket. It had been a few hours of driving before we stopped for a bite to eat and some rest. The men that traveled with Xavier stood with their backs facing the booth we were sat in. They were pretty much bodyguards and they gave off an aura that they were not to be messed with. I and Xavier ate in silence for a while until it was ready to leave. The whole car ride and sitting in the diner I caught Xavier on more than one occasion check me out. A little smile would play on his lips then it would disappear and his face would resemble stone, he never took his sunglasses off so I couldn't see his eyes nor what he was thinking. I sighed as we got back into the car, me and Blake had finished texting a while ago and he said he was training and that he would text me after. I looked out the window and we were heading back into trees and fields again. "We are almost here." Announced the other man in the front passenger seat. Xavier looked at me and smiled baring his canine teeth, I smiled back and looked out the window. That's all I remember going to look out of the car window. Then pain, pain shooting from the back of my head and down my spine. Black spots covered my vision until finally, it all went dark. Pitch Black, nothing, emptiness. I felt my weight being lifted up but I couldn't open my eyes to see who had picked me up. I felt dizzy and funny, and my legs hurt but why? I hadn't used them. There was something cold placed around each of my wrists and I could hear clinking like the sound of large chains. Then it went quiet again, deadly quiet. Nothingness... *** I opened my eyes and was met with darkness the only light was coming from the underneath of a door in the far corner of the room. I tried to lift my head to look around but couldn't, it hurt and felt like a tonne and a half. I winced as I tried again, and failed. I soon realized I was chained up, the chains hung from the ceiling or what I thought was the ceiling. They wrapped around my wrist and felt cold but also burned slightly. I sniffed the air and could only smell blood and sweat. "Urghh." I managed to squeak in disgust. My throat and mouth felt dry and I felt exhausted. "Hello?" I squeaked. "Anyone?" I coughed and spluttered. I was lifted up just enough not to be able to plant my feet firmly on the ground instead my toes graced the hard floor underneath me. I sighed heavily and passed out again. Hours later, maybe days, someone entered the room I was in. I was still unable to lift my head so I whispered, "Anyone there?" Only my voice echoed through the silence. I must have been hearing things, but I could swear I heard the door open and feet shuffling. I heaved a sigh. "Aye." The voice came from the far corner of the room, behind me. I flinched but the chains restricted any movement. "Aye who?" I asked. I saw a flicker of light move around me until it was near my face. "Me." The voice was but a whisper near my right ear. I jerked my head to the side to try and get a view of the person behind the voice. All I saw were blood Red eyes. The color of blood, like when it first leaves your veins, the irises were white instead of their usual black. I squinted to see if I could see the face these eyes were set in but to no avail. "Who is 'me'?" I asked tiredly, not taking my eyes off the blood Red ones. It was a man I knew that much and now I had seen a distinctive feature of his. There were not many people with unusual eye colors this was the second person I had met who had though. The first being Blake, his eyes were Golden and I mean the Golden color of a ring or a necklace. I heard the man shuffle around some more, then the flicker of light moved, it moved until it revealed a face. A face I had seen before but the eyes did not match the face. "Xavier?" I asked bewildered. He laughed, he laughed and laughed and then laughed some more. "No little wolf... Demon." He snarled. He was angry and he bared his teeth, another flinch came, no movement. "Demon?" I asked. "Yes." The man flashed his teeth. I looked at him and he knew from my facial expression what I was asking for. "Yes you know me as Xavier but that is not my name... My name is Demon van der Linde, Alpha of the Bloody Moon pack." He walked around as he explained himself then stopped in my line of sight. The Bloody Moon pack... The Bloody Moon PACK, they were a pack of rogues, believed to be worse than Blakes pack. Ruthless said to have no morals, merciless and downright bloodthirsty. They didn't kill to survive or to protect, they killed for fun and games. He chuckled as he saw the realization on my face. "You have a right to be scared, little wolf. But I won't hurt you..." He walked towards me until he was so close to my face I could feel his breath. "As long as you obey." He finished, baring his teeth once more before turned and exiting the room. I was left, in darkness again, my stomach growled and my throat felt like sandpaper. I was thirsty, hungry, tired, and covered in sweat. The room was dingy and hot, I could feel the cobblestones under my bare feet. The dungeons maybe? Quite possibly, I couldn't hear any other prisoners and I couldn't smell anyone, in fact, I had noticed that this Demon guy had no scent. Was he hiding it? Or did rogues not have a scent? I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. *** Blake Katerina had been gone the whole day and we hadn't spoken since this morning over text. The naughty little minx was flirting, telling me she couldn't wait to be under me, etc, etc. I chuckled as I read the texts over, I looked at the time, 10 p.m. Maybe she had gone straight to sleep when she had arrived at the Palace, or maybe there wasn't any signal. I had no clue so I placed my phone on the top of my desk and carried on with the paperwork I had allowed to build up over the past week. Caleb walked it texting on his phone as usual, ever since he met his mate he was never off the damn thing. "Am I going to meet the person that's got you attached to your phone?" I asked not looking up from the letter I was reading. "I don't know dude. Yours and this pack's reputation erm..." He trailed off. "She's scared?" I asked him, placing the letter into the paper shredder next to my desk. "Can you blame her? I mean we are the worst pack in the country, f**k everyone knows it. Look at you in a funny way and kkkk." He held his thumb to his throat and glided it along his skin like he was slitting his throat. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not that bad." I retorted. "Yeah, the only people you are nice to are me and your mate." He countered. I rubbed my face with the palm of my hand. He was right I was only nice to him, a man I had known my whole life and a she-wolf I had known a meer week, but she was my mate and I had wronged her when she had done nothing bad. I chuckled and he threw his shoulders up in an 'I told you so.' manner. Your right you told me so. I picked up another letter and opened it. Does nobody text or call or email nowadays, I mean come on, it the 21st century. I scowled as I read the letter. 'Dear Alpha Blake, blah, blah, blah...' Snore. *** Katerina "Katerina.." The voice came again, I jerked my head up and saw him stood at the door holding a candle in his hand. I squinted my eyes, yep still had red eyes, I wasn't dreaming that meaning I am not dreaming the situation I am currently in. He chuckled. "Demon." I managed to croak out. He stepped in and closed the door behind him the only light source other than the candle he held in his hand. "Thirsty little wolf?" He asked, almost sounding sincere. I nodded my head before letting it fall again. I heard a lighter spark a bunch of times and with every sound, the room had more light in it. I was right, I am in the dungeons, but there were no cells around me, maybe I was in a cell. I tried to pull my head back up but my neck began to cramp so I stopped. I felt the air shift as the man, Demon walked closer to me, it seemed colder in here than it was before. How was that possible? "I have a few questions for you and that may earn you a drink." He began. I hummed and he took that as a yes. "Are you mated?" He asked. I furrowed my brows. What? Why was he asking that? "Speak." He spat. "No." I managed to muster. He sighed and it seemed like a good sigh? I heard his feet shuffle and then a hand holding a cup of water appeared in front of my face. He touched my chin, his fingers were cold against my burning skin. He slowly lifted my head and brought the cup to my lips. I drank the water slowly savoring the taste. Once the cup was empty he took it away from my face and took his hand back. I managed to muster the strength to keep my head held high. He smiled showing off his pearly white teeth. "Next question. Have you found your mate?" He stood next to a little stool a little away from me and poured more water into the cup from a large jug. I gulped. "Little wolf..." He sang. "Yes, I have found him." I clenched my teeth together as I watched him think over my answer. He humphed and walked back over with the cup in hand. Again I drank. "I have a question. Why do you want to know?" I furrowed my brows as he walked away from and back to the stool. His Red eyes seemed to glow and then extinguish. Still blood Red. "You'll find out soon enough little wolf." He finally spoke looking directly into my eyes. The way he was looking at me made me feel uneasy. "How's your head?" Demon pointed a knuckle towards my head. I had almost forgotten, I turned my head around in a full circle clockwise then anti-clockwise. "Healed I think, it doesn't hurt," I stated. He nodded his head and grabbed the jug and cup from the stool. "I'll be back in the morning." He spoke as he walked towards the door. He looked back at me and smiled before leaving. He left all the candles burning away and I examined the room. Only one way out of here and that through the door he came from. I sighed. I still wore my black skinny jeans and white v neck top but my shoes and socks had been removed. I wondered why. I was in fact chained from the ceiling and I didn't have much movement, I couldn't even place my feet on the floor fully. The room seemed warmer now he had left and the candle sat burning away they provided more heat than I wanted. I craned my neck around and looked at the chains I was bound in. I tugged a little and they creaked. I tugged a little more, maybe I could pull them out of the ceiling. I pulled with all my might on one of the chains, it creaked and screamed at the resistance. Stones and dust started to fall from the ceiling. I stopped, resting a little before grabbing the chain again and pulling as hard as I could. *Creak, crash* The chain fell to the floor along with a large chunk of rock attached to the end. I smiled a small victory, now for my not so dominate hand, I had to make this one quick as there was no way no one heard that. I pulled with all my might and the chain creaked, this time I had my feet on the floor so I leaned back and pulled at the same time using my weight. *CRASH* Luckily for me, the chains were just looped around my arms and I was able to slip them from my wrists. I threw them to the ground and ran over to the door, I held my ear to the wooden doors and couldn't hear anything. I placed a hand on the doorknob and said a silent pray to the Moon Goddess. I turned the knob and click, the door swung open. I almost squealed in excitement. I smacked a hand over my mouth and cursed. I crouched down and looked left and right, up and down the hallway outside of the room. More silence. I searched for Blake in my mind but I couldn't find him. I frowned. 'Okay, Kat you can do this.' I pumped myself up before I crept out of the room and into the hallway. I sniffed the air, I couldn't smell anything. I decided to go left, I walked past many wooden doors until I hit a corner, I peaked around the edge and Demon was stood there talking to another man. They were stood at the bottom of some stairs. Stairs, stairs are good. "No one goes into that room, only me, understand?" Demon spoke with no emotion in his voice like he was void of anything. The man grunted in response and disappeared off into a room, I watch Demon watch the man before he turned on his heel and walked up the stairs and disappear, I counted to ten before creeping around the corner, I crawled on my hands and knees. Avoid that room I looked at the room the man had entered, I crouched at the bottom of the stairs and closed my eyes, using my inhuman hearing I could hear people talking but none of them were near the stairs. I opened my eyes and exhaled softly. I stood up slightly. I begin to ascend the stairs when the door the man entered opens slowly, I stop and hold my breath. Please, please, please. The man walked out of the room with sunglasses on, hey wait he was one of the men that Demon had with him. He looked at me and I inhaled sharply. He just looked, I couldn't tell what he was doing because of those damn glasses. "Tut, tut, tut." The man stepped back into the room when the voice came from behind me. I cursed myself and slowly turned around. Demon stood at the top of the stairs, ow I had a better look at him he wasn't wearing a suit anymore, he had black leather pants on and a black t-shirt to match and all black trainers. He slowly stepped down the stairs until he met the step I was crouched on. "And where were you going little wolf?" He mocked. I inwardly rolled my eyes before looking at him through my lashes. "The bathroom." He laughed, before snarling and grabbing a fist full of hair and dragging me down the stairs and back around the corner I came from. I screamed in pain and yelped. "Let go off me!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. "You want me to get off you?" He asked. "Fine, I'll get off you!" He snarled before throwing me against the far wall of the room I was locked in. He slammed the door shut and I heard the lock click. My hair covered my face and I could only see light flickering from the candles. I laid up against the wall for a few moments before deciding to get up. I placed my hand on the floor and pushed, as I did I winced in pain. Pain radiated down my spine. I bit my bottom lip and pushed further until I was sat up straight. My head throbbed in pain where Demon had grabbed me and my legs began to feel weak again. I decided it was in my best interest to stay put. ***
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