Chapter 17

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Blake It had been two days now since Katerina had left and I was getting antsy. "Dude, she's gonna be fine," Caleb spoke from over his phone. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" I asked him annoyed. He looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "I'm exactly where I am supposed to be, keeping an eye on your ass." Caleb smirked and went back to his phone. I rolled my eyes and began typing on my computer, with nothing to do except train and answer letters and emails, I had finished the mountain of paperwork. Now I was just fumbling. 'Royal Palace.' I typed it into the W.W.D and an image popped up. It was an image of the Palace, it was enormous and pearly white, with crescent moons decorating every window, the banners were night blue with a white crescent moon in the center. It looked old but new at the same time, it had probably been redecorated and reconstructed here and there. After all, werewolves had been around for thousands of years. I shook my head and closed the page. I tapped my thumb on the desk and Caleb looked over at me. "Come spar with me," I commanded and got up from my seat. I exited my office before Caleb could refuse or say a word. I heard him sigh and huff before the door to my office closed and I could feel him following close behind. We made our way to the training ground and I hope into one of the sparring rings, it was late in the afternoon so no one was around, lucky for Caleb as he knew I would beat his ass every time. I threw my shirt to the ground and tighten my belt around my waist. Caleb jumps in after me and rolls his eyes. He places his phone on the ground along with his jacket and shirt. I get into position. "We really gotta do this?" Caleb asks closing the gap between us and standing in position himself. I shrug one shoulder as I start to circle the ring, he huffs and mouths a fine as he watches me pace around him, sizing me up, feeling me out. I smirk as I look dead in his eyes which makes him uneasy, I quickly jab him in the ribs, he grunts before holding his side and cursing. I chuckle as I wait for him to regain himself, he curses once more before looking back up at me and holding his first in front of his face, this time bringing his elbows in to protect his sides. "You lose your training to easily." I mock him as he watches me closely. "You honestly think if I get into a fist fight with anyone it's gonna be controlled like this?" He raised an eyebrow as he tries to jab at me, I spin around dodging his blow and plant one in his back. "No, but it helps." I chuckle as he spins around and begins to follow me again. *** Katerina I think it was the next day, Demon had come in and removed the large chains and chained me up to the wall I was stuck on seen as my back wasn't healing as fast as it usually would. He gave me a cup of water and some bread. He didn't speak, didn't even smile, in fact, he didn't lay his eyes on me the entire time. Those blood Red eyes were thinking hard about something. But what was he thinking about? I sighed as I placed the cup in front of me. I wanted to know why I was here and what he wanted from me. I hoped I would get some answers today or tonight, whatever time it was. I was unsure as to whether it was day or night because there were no windows in the room I was looked in. I missed Blake, I wanted to be with Blake. 'Blake?' I asked through the mindlink. Nothing again. I must be too far away to be able to connect with him. If only he had marked me then he would know I was in danger and would have already found me and would be taking me home right now. I sighed heavily. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them, closing my eyes won't hurt. I drifted slowly off to sleep... *** Demon The women had almost escaped and it's a damn good job she didn't, luckily my bodyguards live down in the dungeons, a useful place to have them, especially when I underestimated the strength of my little wolf. I'd been down and reinstated a chain this time she was chained to the wall I threw her off. It pained me to hurt her but the only way she would learn to obey was to be punished for disobeying. "Alpha?" My Beta called. "Hmmm," I responded not looking up from my desk. "There has been no word on Alpha Blake looking for his mate." My Beta spoke with no emotion. 'My mate.' I thought but just looked up at him and nodded. *** Katerina "Wake up, little wolf." Demon's voice came from the direction of the door. My head jerked and I looked up at him, his red eyes were glowing this time as if he has finally thought of what he was thinking about earlier. He smiled baring his canines, I shivered. What was it with this guy and showing them off. I grunted and placed a hand over my throat. I couldn't speak the heat in here kept draining any fluids I had making me dehydrated within a matter of hours. He chuckled and filled my cup up, I looked at him, I think I almost looked grateful but the pain in my head reminded me of what he was. He stepped back until he reached the door again before I took my cup and drank the water. "It's too hot in here." I gasped. "Well, if you be a good little wolf, I may move you, to somewhere with air conditioning." He spoke calmly even though his eyes said differently. He walked closer to me once more and I watched every move he made. He smiled again, this guy loved smiling or was he just always in a good mood. "Why am I here?" I asked then slammed a hand to my mouth. He chuckled and sat down on the cobbles in front of me. "Because I willed it so." He looked at his hand or more specifically the ring on his middle finger. "What do you want from me?" I asked I was starting to get pissed off with his riddles and 'be a good little wolf's'. "I don't want anything from you..." He began, he crawled over to me until his face was inches from mine. He brought his thumb up and caressed my cheek, I looked away in disgust. "I want you." He finished before laughing menacingly and standing up. The guy reminded me of Kai Parker but had the looks of Enzo. (The vampire diaries, if you have never watched them look them up, Kai murdered his entire family and Enzo is just smokin' hot. So think of Demon being a mixture of the two. And if you wanna know I'm team Klaus Mikaelson.) "You can't have me." I spat, my rage began to boil over the rim. "Oh... And why is that?" He asked his eyes became darker. "Because I have my own mate and you should go and find yours." It was the only thing I could think that he wanted, me to be his mate. That was it right 'I want you.' pretty sure in werewolf term it means he's gonna try and mate me. His face twisted in anger and his eyes instantly turned black, they didn't take the time like Blakes did when he got angry, they just flipped like a switch. He stalked closer to me but I kept my game face on. I didn't even have time to blink before he swang an open hand at me slapping me so hard the sound from the connecting skin echoed throughout the room. My face burned from the contact and I fell to the floor. He grabbed me by my chin and brought me to sit up again, he held tight onto my chin and forced me to look at him. His eyes had changed back to red but his face had not relaxed. "You are mine." He spat before pushing me away and standing up. "Then why are you hurting me?" I asked, spitting blood onto the floor. "Huh, if I'm yours then why are you hitting me and throwing me against walls?" The slap had only fuelled my anger more. He growled and balled his fists. "You are disobeying me until you submit and admit you are mine then that is the treatment you will get." He spat, staring at the wall to the left of me. Tears pricked my under eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I watched him as his shoulders relaxed and his fists became hands again. He poured me another cup of water and then sat with his back against the door. I looked at him then at the cup then at him again. "Drink." He commanded. I scoffed and looked away. "I said drink!" He used his Alpha tone, though it did not work on me. "You do realize that doesn't work on me." I looked back to where he was but he wasn't there, in fact, he was right in front of my face, holding the cup in his left hand. I sighed and took the cup from his hand and drank the cold water. "There you happy?" I asked him putting the cup on the floor beside myself. He nodded and smiled softly. "You're mine." He whispered, bringing a hand to my face, only I pulled away and looked elsewhere, anywhere but into his eyes. Through the corner of my eye, I saw his hand ball into a fist and he bit down on his bottom lip closing his eyes, breathing deeply in then exhaling slowly. "I'll be back later with food." He announced in an emotionless tone before getting up and leaving. I relaxed when I heard the door shut and lock, I slumped my shoulders and looked at the door. 'I'm not getting out of here am I?' I asked myself. I hadn't heard my wolf since the day I left Blake and the pack, she was whining because she didn't want to leave her mate behind. I closed my eyes and pictured Blake, he was smiling and his golden eyes were locked onto something, I imagined it was me he was looking at and that I was blowing him a kiss like I did before I got into that damn SUV. He was happy and I was not, I was stuck in a dusty hot dungeon room with no direct sunlight and a man with blood red eyes as my only human contact. I sat there staring into space, trying to relive as many memories or Blake and I and even Caleb and Trixie. Anything that was happy. I did this for what seemed like hours until the sound of my stomach growling pulled me away from my thoughts. I grabbed my stomach with both my hands and whined. As if on cue the door to the room I was in opened and there stood Demon with a tray and a bag. He came inside and placed a tray of food in front of me. Then he began replacing the candles around the room, they had managed to last a day and a half before they started to extinguish. I didn't touch the food in fear he may hit me for eating without his permission, so I watched him. When he finished he looked at me and smiled a little, no teeth this time. "Go ahead eat." He spoke as he lit the last candle and sat against the door, he put the bag he carried by his side and watched me. I sat forward and looked at the food, I must have done something to merit having a sandwich and a little piece of cake. I looked back at him and he nodded. I took one half of the sandwich and ate it quickly. All the while he sat there in silence watching me. I went to pick the other half of the sandwich up when Demon cleared his throat. I looked up at him. "Are you mated?" He asked me, again. I shook my head. He nodded telling me to continue eating. "You have a mate?" He asked I nodded. "Who is your mate?" He asked sitting forward. I swallowed the last bite of the sandwich. "Blake." I looked at Demon and his eyes flashed. He stood up from his spot and walked over to me. "Wrong." That was all he said, he walked over to where he was sat and took something out of the bag he had brought with him. I couldn't see what it was as it was small enough to hide in his hand. He walked back over to me looking at the object in his hand. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Then I saw a glint of what was in his hand it was a knuckle duster, he put it on his hand and felt the weight of it before... He punched me full force in the ribs then kicked the tray out of the way. "I am your mate." A kicked to the knee came after, I yelped in pain. I shook my head, he punched again, I felt something crack in my side and was sure he had broken a rib, I looked into his eyes and they were pitch black. "Please, stop," I begged. "Who is your mate?" He asked hissing. "Blake," I whispered. "Wrong answer." He spat, kicked my other knee this time and slapped me across the face. "Who is your mate?" He asked again. I held my arms up in surrender and he stood up straight. "Answer me, and answer correctly this time." He snarled. "Blake is my MATE!" I shouted. He growled loudly and menacingly. He removed the chain from my legs and quickly grabbed me by my hair. He dragged me to the center of the room and cuffed me too long chains on the ceiling. He growled and panted. "I am your mate." He growled again. "No," I growled this time. He only laughed, I felt him grab the back of my shirt and he ripped it off me, leaving me bare with just my bra intact. I saw him walk over to the door and retrieve the bag. He dropped it in front of me and knelt down to retrieve something else from inside of it. "I have been patient with you and gave you a chance to see that I am your mate, not this Blake or anyone else. Now my patience has worn thin and you will learn." He stood up from the floor with a large leather whip in his hand, the tip of the whip shinned in the candlelight indicating it had something sharp on the end. My eyes widen with fright. *Caution, this scene contains strong language and scenes of a violent nature.* He circled around me until he was behind me. "Let's try this again, shall we? Who is your mate?" He asked again. I growled. "Well, it's definitely not you." I spat and looked at the floor. He sighs, like one of those 'for f**k sake' sighs. He steps back giving himself enough distance from my body, that's when I feel it. I scream loud and painfully, he actually whipped me, I felt the tip of the whip tear into my skin, I could feel hot liquid drip down my back and hit the floor. "I am your mate." He spat. "Say it! I am your mate." He gathered the whip in his hand ready to throw another blow. "No!" I roared. The pain in my back ignited the little adrenaline I had left, I ball my fists and scream, "No, I am not your f*****g mate!" He hit me again, this time the whip wrapped around my shoulder and tore at my collarbone, I scream bloody murder and flick my head to the ceiling, clenching and baring my teeth. I feel my eyes glow and turn black. "Tell me something Xavier or Demon or whatever the f**k your name is, why in goddesses name would I say you're my mate? Huh?" I seethe, shaking in anger, I feel the bones in my hand begin to crack. I was so angry I started to turn. He laughed. "Are we a little wound up?" He walks around to face my front, I drop my head down to look at him. His eyes flicker in amusement. I laugh softly, he didn't expect that and his smile disappears from his face. He examines my body from a distance and notices my hand had started to grow fur and my fingers now start to resemble a paw. "Now little wolf, there's no use in turning, it won't get you very far." He spoke calm and level. I sighed in defeat, he was right, I turn and I'd still be stuck in the chains only with broken wrists. My arms would double in size exceeding the gap of the cuffs around my wrist causing my wrists to snap. I look up to my hand and watch it morphe back to normal. "Good little wolf." He smirks. "Shall we try this again?" He makes it out to be a question but I already know he's going to continue. I watch him walk back around me and pick up the whip from which he dropped it. "I'll ask again, who is your mate?" I don't answer, it's no use, I know who my mate his but this dipshit won't get it through his thick head. *Crack* The whip hits me in the center of my back causing my spine to almost break from the force. I clench my teeth once again "Answer me!" He growls. Another blow to my back and another, then another. "I am your mate, Katerina. Say it and I'll make the pain go away." I bite my lip, I won't say it, he'd have to kill me. I know who my mate is. I close my eyes and picture my mate, Blake. There he is again smiling, smiling at me, kissing my forehead. There a little girl with us, she's about 2 years old, she has ginger hair and golden eyes. Is she? She's mine. I gasp and open my eyes. Another blow, this one wraps around my side and tears at my stomach. I scream I let out ragged breaths. Blood is dripping onto the floor like a small river now. "Who is your mate, Katerina?" He asks again, no emotion. Void of feelings. I feel tears fall from my face and onto my chest. I became weak from the pain and my body just hung there. The pain will go away, was he telling the truth or was he lying? "Don't make me ask again," I growl emitted from his chest. "You," I whisper. "I can't hear you." He sings bored. "You." I breathe. He walks around me and closes to my face, his eyes were a dim color of red like he was calm. "Who is your mate, Katerina?" He asked. I look up into his eyes. "You are," I whisper. He smiles. "Are you mated?" He asks. I shake my head. "Who is your mate?" "You are." I choke. He looks into my eyes like he's looking for something. Anything, anything to make him hit me again. He finds nothing, it's like my brain snapped and started to believe he was my mate. "Say Demon you are my mate." He moves his hands like the words have spread out in the air like a huge display. I look at him confused. He brings his hands down behind his back and looks at me, a thin line where his lips should be and his eyes brighten once more, I flinch at the thought of the whip slicing my back again. I cough and clear my throat. "Demon you are my mate." It comes out croaky. My throat was bone dry. He smiles. He leaves, more tears leave my eyes. I start to shake, the pain was becoming too much. The last thing I saw was a man covered in white overalls come running in. I passed out. *** Blake It had been a week since Katerina left. I rang her phone over and over again. No answer. In frustration, I throw my phone across the room and into the tv mounted on the other side. Has she ran away, has she left me? No, she just started to like me, love me even. I don't know, she knew she was safe here, with me. She wouldn't run again, would she? ***
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