Chapter 2

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Katerina That huge black wolf saw me, just when I thought I got away he lays he's golden eyes on me. I'm so screwed. He backs me up against a tree, He's snarling at me. Then his facial expression goes blank and his eyes glaze over. I know that look all to well, he's communicating with his wolf. Now is my chance. As I look around for a possible escape I find none, then I look at him again, still talking to his wolf. 'MATE... MATE' Lola squeals in the back of my mind 'WHAT?' I say shocked. 'He's our mate, Oh my goddess, I can't believe we found our mate!' She squeals again. I'm shocked and confused. Nope this is not happening I see his eyes come out of the glazed over look, this is my chance. I nip his nose and he steps back, I quickly jump around him and run, I don't even think about it I just run. I run and run and run. Then I get this sensation in the back of my mind, someone is trying to communicate with me? I let them in. 'GET BACK HERE NOW!' is all I get. Male voice, must be that wolf I just nipped. 'Who are you?' 'That doesn't matter I ordered you to get back here... NOW!' I shake my head and block the male out, no way am I going back there. I get back to the large tree trunk and shift into human form, he only knows what my wolf looks like so I am safe until he gets close enough to get a whiff of my scent. I quickly throw my clothes on and grab my purse then get the hell out of dodge. *Back home* I sit on the couch and take a deep breath "No, no, no, no... This can't be happening. Why me?" 'What do you mean why me, why did I have to get stuck with you, can't even accept your own mate, instead you nip him and run off.' Lola seems pissed off and I see her walk off into the far depth of my mind. And then block me out. I roll my eyes, sure and you'll be the one that gets punished for not being a part of a pack which then they class you as Rogue, I think to myself. I shake my head and slump down into the couch. Blake 'That b***h!' 'Hey, don't talk about our mate like that!' Dexter growls. I just roll my eyes at him. 'I ordered her to come back!' 'Oh yeah, you really think she is gonna come back, she's probably scared stiff by just your presence alone.' Dexter explained 'Good.' I huffed. I sniffed the air, well she isn't in this part of the forest now, I'll come back tomorrow, she won't get away that easily, I say to myself as I lick the small wound of the end of my nose. Then I turn around and run back to the packhouse, as I get to the frontdoor I shift back to human form and walk through the door, naked, as naked as the day I was born, I don't care, the ladies love it and the men well they're just jealous. I chuckle to myself as I walk up the stairs. "Ashley!" I shout. She runs to the bottom of the stairs, "Yes, alpha?" "My office, 5 minutes." I order. "Of course alpha." She purrs back. Such a slut. Perfect to relieve stress, and anger. I'm so pissed off right now. I walk up the stairs with a demonic smile on my face. Katerina Sleep quickly finds me and pulls me into dreamland. I dream the usual my parents, happy, smilely, then is goes dark, and I see flashing images of the day they were murdered along with every single pack member. They told me to run, to hide, but I stood at the lining of the forest and watched. I didn't do anything just watched, I was frozen to the spot, couldn't move. The it goes black for a while and I see myself in wolf form, I can hear growling, then all of a sudden I'm pinned down by this huge black wolf. Oh my goddess it's him, he clenches down on my throat with his razor sharp teeth and rips my throat out. All the life drains out of me, I watch me blood trickle from my throat and mix into the mud. I jump up awake, in a cold sweat. I can't run into him again, he'll kill me.... 'How do you know that?' Lola snaps at me. 'Because I do.' I roll my eyes. I quickly jump up from the couch and stretch. 6:00 A.M 'Great what can I do?' 'Erm, how about another run?' 'Absolutely not, I might run into him.... Again..' 'Fine, your loss.' And with that Lola walks to the back of mind once again.... "Shewolves" I sarcastically say while putting on a black string vest. Blake My eyes snap open, the same time every morning. Ashley's back is to me as she sleeps with a smile on her face... I look at my iPhone screen 6:30 A.M, time to head to the pack gym. I quickly get out of bed without disturbing Ashley, throw on some grey sweats and black T-shirt. I sit on the edge of the bed while fastening my laces on my running shoes. "Baby, where are you going?" Ashley moans half asleep. "Gym." I reply as I walk out the bedroom door. Once at the gym I quickly warm up and then start with simple arm weights. My second in-command walks up to me with his arms behind his back and stands at the end of the gym mats. "Alpha?" He asks, slightly bowing his head "Formalities Caleb, really?" I look up from my weights and smirk at my Beta. "Fine, Blake.." "Better, any luck on the Rogue from last night?" I asked attentively. I notice Caleb take a deep breath and shift on his feet quickly before saying, "She isn't on the wolf database, Blake, she's either the last of a pack or persumed dead." I scoffed, and a low growl escaped my mouth. Caleb became uneasy. "I want her found." I snapped as I went back to focusing on my weights. "Yes Alpha." Caleb managed to blurt out then scurried off. I smile to myself as I walk over to the running machines and switch one on, I set it to a fast pace and start running. I will find you Rogue... Then I will kill you.
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