finding info

1123 Words
Gina POV I'm sat on the garden chair with my eyes closed, enjoying the sun on my face, soaking myself with warmth. I love sitting here it's so peaceful "please sit down Chris" I say as I can feel him stood at my side watching for danger all around us "Thankyou Luna, I'm good standing though" he said "fine but one of these days I'll get you to sit with me" I smiled knowing it was only a matter of time but he didn't reply "how's your family" I ask because I know he missed his family so much when he was away "they are great thankyou Luna" "I'm so happy to hear that Chris they must have missed you while you were away" I looked at him as he smiled. He was truly happy to be home. "My mate has asked if it would be possible to maybe have a meeting with you" "of course, is everything ok and do you know what it's about" he paled slightly "she asked me not to say because she wants to discuss it first" his reply was strange but I nodded my head "it will be nice to finally meet your mate" I said as I did feel guilty for him being absent for over 3weeks "I'll be free in an hour if she can spare time then" and his smile said it all "of course" his eyes glazed over before clearing "she will be here then and thankyou" he smiled and the phrase Di said a few days ago is definitely true "a happy mate is always a good thing". "Hi darling, are you ok?" Di said, walking up to me. She is always so nice to me and always makes time if I need her. Who am I kidding? I'll always need her. "Hi, how's your morning been?" I ask, but I soon wish I didn't.. I have learnt that being open about everything in a pack is a good thing well they seem to think so, maybe it's just because I'm still getting used to everything and I've never been around anyone happy and open and now I'm surrounded by the pack. Who thinks nothing of shifting back from wolf form totally starkers. "It's been a wonderful morning darling, that's what happens when you get to enjoy your mate and lots of orgasms" she smiled at me like she just commented on the weather "I'm not sure what to say to that but as long as you're happy" I said trying not to make a face. "I was hoping you might know Emma, I'm not sure of her surname, maybe 8years old" I'm not sure how to describe her "does she have Brown hair, small frame and a lovely nature" she asks and I'm sure she is describing the same girl "sounds like her, I was hoping we could go see her parents" but her face drops with sadness "we can't, her parents Rob and Charlene have both died. They were in the next pack over visiting Charlenes dad who was dying when the pack was attacked by Rogues unfortunately the 2 of them were amongst the dead" I hadn't realised how sad that little girl must be. My eyes were filling with tears. That poor girl "who is caring for her then" Im curious as whoever it is, is doing a puss poor job "she is in the orphanage, she has no other family and so she is cared for there" but it makes me frown "how many live there" but she shakes her head "she is the only child there, she has been there" she paused as she was thinking "I want to say 8 months" "wow well I need to investigate there because she is definitely not being cared for. If you have time we could go together" I ask hopeful she will agree which she does "can you let your mate know it will be a couple of hours please Chris" I ask as we are walking towards the orphanage. "We built the orphanage for our pups that might need it, we always hoped we wouldn't but me and Charles have always been ones to have everything set up just incase" Di explained wirh a frown probably not understanding why we are investigating. "That's a great way to be because we never know what can happen" I agree with her and I know she was a living Luna and I hope I could be as good as the Luna she was "We hold our own within the pack territory, we are formidable and so no-one gets passed the border so we had never had any reason to use it until Emma" she explained further "what was Emma like before she went there" I need to ask because she may have been shy and withdrawn already "she was so lively, Charlene used to call her miss chatterbox. Charlene was one of the cooks and I'd often see them both around the pack house, Emma used to love singing and playing with her toys" so she has drastically changed then, maybe it's because her parents died but that wouldn't explain the bruises. "can I ask what we are investigating" Di asked curiously "When I went to drop off Alia at school, I could hear a couple of other girls picking on Emma, I asked if she could be brought out of the class. When I saw her I knew something was off, in the short time I've been here everyone looks well kept and fed, no-one has ever looked like her" "Wait what" she cut me off but I could see it came as a surprise to her "yes she is thin, dirty and had bruises" I explain further and she is fuming. Now we were walking with purpose she was livid and I could understand why. We came to a house that looked gorgeous. It was a white house with a wrap around porch and had a couple of kids' stuff in the garden, a swing and slide. It wasn't what I had pictured. Di walks straight in as we follow and finds the house sort of clean, and the woman sat on the sofa with her feet up relaxing. "Julie, we have come for an inspection, see if everything is running ok or if there is any repairs" Di said as the woman scrambled off the settee "of course Luna" she said shoving a peice of food in her mouth. "Are there any issues at all you need to report?" Di asked, and the woman shook her head. "No.. no Luna" she was now stood infront of us baring her neck but I noticed her hands tremor slightly.
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