but why..

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Gina POV Looking at the woman stood in front of us makes me on edge. I can see her slight shifting and nervousness but I don't say anything just yet and yes I know I'm new here but I cannot and will not turn a blind eye to any kind of abuse, especially to a child under any circumstances. I look at Chris, and I can tell he's noticed her too. He's watching her movements closely, not that I think she would do anything drastic. "How have you all settled" Di asks looking around the living room "we have settle ok" She answered quietly "who lives here" I ask because I'm looking around and there is not one photo to be seen "Julie and her mate kev, they moved in here when we asked for volunteers. They have been caring for Emma since" Di smiled, but her words didn't put Julie at ease. Something is definitely off. We moved from the room to the kitchen it looked fine until I turned and could see the lock high up on a door "What's in here" I asked pointing my thumb at it over my shoulder but she didn't answer, she completely blanked me 'disrespectful b***h' Dakote growled pissed off but I held it back 'not yet but soon' but I will only bite my tongue for so long. I looked at Chris and cut off his growl, I nodded my head for him to break the lock which he did "next time answer the Luna" he growled at the woman, I could hear her heart leap with fear "my apoligies Luna, I did not hear you" but she kept her head down as Chris opened the door and it was a pantry, stocked full and also a fridge. "Why is this locked?" Di frowned, I knew exactly why it was locked, but I stayed quiet, giving julie ample time to answer, "I.. I erm.." "Out with it" Chris growled getting impatient but she just put her head down more, if that is even pissible "can you show me to Emma room" I ask because I know she doesn't have an answer without telling us the truth. She led the way upstairs, taking us to a lovely room filled with pink and frills, a proper little girls room, but it was wrong. I stepped in, and it looked perfect, too perfect. The bed was made , and a couple of teddies sat on the pink pillow and a photo in a frame on a set of drawers, but there were no toys lying about on the floor. There was nothing out of place at all, but what the strangest thing was the room was free of any scents. Emma sleeping and playing in her her scent would be here, but there's nothing. "No this isn't her room, where is her room" I ask again but she shakes her head "this is her room" but she's lying causing me to growl "DON'T LIE TO ME AGAIN, WHERE IS HER ROOM. WHERE DOES SHE SLEEP" this time my patience is wearing thin and she visibly shrinks back and starts shaking "her scent isn't in here, do you think this would really trick us" Chris says just as pissed off as me. She points to a door across the hallway, I walk to it but it's locked "what the f**k is happening here" Di asks confused "I.. I'm.." "Key now" I growl out and she fumbles in her pocket passing me a single key. I turn it in the lock and when I open it my heart breaks. It's like my old home. A dirty thin mattress if you could call it that and a dirty small rag, no light or toys just darkness and cold. My temper gets the better of me and I lift her by her throat, I'm fuming "Luna, we need to call a meeting" Chris says trying to calm me but I don't listen, it's like a fog of anger is covering me. I stand there growling as I can feel Dakotes Claws break through my fingertips and her teeth elongated through my gums. 'wr need to deal with this peice of s**t now' Dakote was just as angry as me. 'We kill her and her mate' Dakote growled out again "Please just breath through it" I heard Di say but my growls were getting louder. I've felt anger before but nothing like this, seeing that cupboard takes me back to my childhood, all the years living like a slave, beaten and starved so I know what that poor girl has been through "You dare treat anyone like this, an innocent child" I growled out causing her to whimper as I squeezed her neck harder. Dakotes claws cutting into her neck "love. Take deep breaths, we will deal with her my love" I heard Axel say as I felt his arms circle my waist. I relaxed instantly dropping that peice of s**t to the floor but her gasping gor breath was irritating me "Chris take her to the dungeons for questioning" Axel ordered "and the same for Kev" Di sneered at the woman. After a few minutes I'd calmed down enough to turn and wrap my arms around Axel. Enjoying his touch. "What happened" he asked confused "it seems Julie and Kev have been mistreating Emma"Di explained and Axel looked as pissed as I felt "why hasn't anyone come forward before" he sounded shocked that this has been happening "he's the head teacher son, they obviously didn't suspect just like us" hold on a f*****g minute "wait what the f**k, Mr Brown" I was even more angry if that was possible "yes we thought it would be a great mix as they don't have pups of their own" Di explained and it all clicked into place, his nervousness when I asked for Emma and his relief when I didn't mention anything about it to him.
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