
Saved by her Alpha

female lead
magical world
coming of age

Gina is almost turning 18 years old. She is mistreated by her family and prays she will escape after her birthday. she knows she will have to wait until then because if she got found, they would drag her back to her miserable life as she is not an adult just yet. Before she can make her escape, she learns that her father has plans to sell her to who she thinks is the mafia boss and her times running out.

She has decided to give it her all to escape before being taken, but will her frail and bloody body give her enough strength.

she ends up being thrown into a world she has never known. A world that she thought of only in fairy tales.

She had no idea that the supernatural world existed, and now she is thrown in the deep end with a huge responsibility.

Axel is travelling for his pack. He is the Alpha and has longed for his mate.

He needs to attend a meeting at a neighbouring pack, and on his travels, he picks the scent up of his mate, but can he find her and save her in time.

it's a race against time, time she doesn't have.

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TW physical abuse Gina POV For as long as I can remember, I've been alone. Don't get me wrong, I have a family, but it's a s**t family, so I may as well be alone. It's hell here, and I hate it. I've grown to resent them all, and all I can do is wish for a way out or even death. I'm laid in bed if that's what you can call it, I sleep on a sticky, smelly old tattered rug in our pantry, not a pantry filled with food but a pantry that is used for rubbish. I have a thin very holey blanket to try and keep me warm but it's so cold the air feels like it's nipping my skin, this has been my sleeping space for as long as I remember well it's not just my sleeping space but also the place I take most of my punishments and beatings. I can't even remember the last time I had a proper cooked meal, and that's why I'm skin and bone. My blue eyes are dull, and my blonde hair is matted with muck and blood. My skin is covered in purple, black, yellow, and brown bruises, and my back is still bleeding from my latest whipping. I'm almost at my 18th birthday, and I've got a plan ready to make my escape. I will no longer be this defenceless girl ever again. I've spent years trying to be the perfect daughter to my parents and a great sister to my 2 older brothers but it's clear that no matter what I do it's never good enough and never will be. I always believed that if I did everything better, if I tried to be more prepared by doing meals and cleaning, the beatings would stop, but it's just no use. If I don't save myself, I'll never get out of here. I must have nodded off because the noise from the door opening makes me jump up. Half asleep but also ready for anything. I don't get much sleep from fear of if I do. It's Callum, my oldest brother. He's 23, 5'6"tall, brown hair, and brown eyes that are directed at me in disgust. "You dare sleep b***h when I want a drink" he was pissed and his hand connected with my cheek knocking my head to the side. f**k. Another week, Another week, Another week was all I kept chanting in my head to push myself to not murmur, not cry out in pain. He took me by my hair and dragged me out but I knew better than to make a sound. I can feel my hair pulling free of my scalp and I bit my bottom lip to stop the cry escaping. He threw me on the floor and my back hit the cupboard doors, my wounds feel like the scabs have split and I can feel the blood trickling down my back "get up and get me a drink NOW" he shouted and I stood shaking with fear but also anger. I got a glass from the top cupboard and filled it with water before passing it to him, please be ok, please be ok. I stay as still as possible trying not to provoke him at all. He takes a sip and his face twists in anger and I know I've messed up. He tips the whole glass of water over my head, my scalp stings and the cuts on my back sting but I try to stand still. "Are you trying to poison me, what the f**k was that" he spits through his teeth but I know not to speak until being told to, I face the floor as always as I'm not 'good enough' to look them in the eye "answer me b***h" and my brain is trying to come up with an answer that won't anger him more but I must have taken too long to respond as I feel the glass shatter over my head, slicing into my scalp and I bite my tongue so hard it starts to bleed. I know if I make a sound it will get worse. I do reach up to where my head hurts most but before I can feel my head he has my wrist in his hand and it feels like it's going to break. The thing with Callum is that he likes to hear me cry out in pain, I'm not sure why but he enjoys it, what kind of sicko enjoys things like this. There's 2 reasons why I won't make a sound.. 1- I know whatever it is that's causing my pain will increase to a point that will be unbearable and 2- I won't give any of them the satisfaction of hearing me in pain especially Callum. "WHAT THE f**k HAPPENED" dad walked in enraged but not at what Callum has done but probably because of something I have done. "This b***h tried to serve me warm water" Callum sneered at me and for that comment I got a punch to the face off dad. The one man I'm supposed to be able to rely on most betrays me daily. "YOU DARE GIVE MY SON THAT s**t" he said now pulling my hair so I'm facing him. "ANSWER ME NOW YOU WORTHLESS b***h" and my heart sinks. Everytime I go through this I hope and pray he will stop it all and actually be my dad. "I'm sorry I'll do better" I say in a whisper, willing my tears not to betray me too. I got dragged the few steps back to my space, he gave me another punch knocking me to the floor and then repeatedly kicked me in my back, ribs and stomach "YOU WILL STAY IN HERE UNTIL I SAY OTHERWISE" he screamed and locked me in. This is my sad and pathetic life. My Hell..

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