
1355 Words
Gina POV I've been here for just over a week and I've loved it, everyone is super sweet and if I'm honest I was so worried about being introduced as their Luna because I have no idea about any of it but Di has been great. I can tell she is well loved and respected, and I'd love to be an inch of what she is to them. She has been showing me what the Luna role is. It's loving and caring for the pack. Be there for support and guidance when I'm needed. There's more to it, but they are the greatest bits of the role for me. I also love going to the creche and school and spending time with the pups. With the help from Di and Dakote, I'm finally getting it. Nate and Alia have also been accepted into the pack, so they are now officially pack members. I could see how happy she was to be a pack member, to feel like she finally belonged. I've spent so much time with Di, Sue, and Paula. Paula had been learning the Beta female role also. I've done nothing but laugh and feel relaxed. Axel has been so loving and patient with me, and he said that as soon as I feel ready, we will announce me as Queen. I know he's worried about announcing it, but truth be told, I'm not bothered about announcing it just yet, either. There's so much I need to do before we get to that point. Nate has been by my side constantly, which is starting to drive me crazy in a good way, but he needs to get out there and also live his life a bit. Alia is starting school today. She is so nervous, but we are going to introduce it slowly. She is going to go for a few hours this week, and then, hopefully, by next week, she will be ready for full days. I've enrolled Nate at school also, he needs to be with people his own age but he isn't happy about it. He's not 18 for another 6 months, and I think this will do him good. He needs friends, and education is important. We are currently walking to school, and both of them look worried, and Nate looks pissed. We make it to the front of the school "you will both be fine, just be yourselves and you will have friends in no time" Alia hugs me and begs me to walk her in and I can't say no. "Go ahead I just need a quick word with Nate" I say as she slowly walks to the door but doesn't enter "you will be fine" I smile but his frown deepens "what if you need me and I'm not there" ok so now I know what exactly is bothering him "nothing is going to happen, plus Chris is with me today" I say pointing back at Chris "how about we compromise, you go to school lets say 3days and the other 4 you can be with me" he thinks for a few seconds and he finally smiles "ok deal but for the record I have learnt more that school can teach me" he says and I give him a hug. He needs to have a life, and I refuse to keep him locked away without choice, I'd never do that that anyone. He's spent his life training for me, and I don't want him to miss out on any more of his childhood. "I know but this is experiencing something normal and make friends, if you don't make atleast one I'll up the days" I laugh "I will" he sulks "can you please keep an eye on Alia too" I ask looking at our sweet girl looking so worried "of course, that goes without saying" he smiled at her "thankyou, come on we are going to be late" I say walking to Alia. I take her hand, and we walk in. It's amazing, and I would have loved to go to school, so maybe that is part of why I want them to come. We walk to an office where the Head teacher is waiting for us "Luna what a great pleasure to see you" He said baring his neck "hello Mr Brown, I thought I'd walk them in on their first day" I smiled "of course. Mis Staples could you please show Nate to his class" and the woman walks out with a nice smile "good morning Luna" she also bares her neck "good morning" I smiled back "please follow me Nate" she says and walks off as he sulks walking behind her causing me to laugh. "Have fun," I shout, to which he puts his hand up but doesn't look back, making me laugh more. "Ok Alia you can follow me and I'll show you the way" but she held on tighter to me "would it be ok to walk with you, I'd love to see her classroom" I ask stroking Alias hair "of course Luna" he smiled and led the way. We walk up to a closed door, and I can hear what everyone is talking and laughing about. What I picked up on most was that it sounded like a small group of girls, maybe 3, whispering insults to a girl called Emma and then laughing. I could hear her heartbeat pick up. "Before we go in, could I have a quick word with Emma please Mr Brown" he looks taken back, but he has no idea why. He doesn't know I'm Queen and have better hearing than a werewolf. "Emma.. is there a problem, Luna? " he asks, but he starts getting a little flustered "no not at all, unless you think there is, " I ask, but he shakes his head no. He goes into class and, after a few minutes, returns with a red-headed little girl. Her green eyes are weary. She looks unkempt, thin and dirty "Emma is it" she keeps her eyes down she nods but still has her head down, I get on my knees infront of her with Alia at my side "hi Emma" I say and we wait for her to answer, her heart is screaming so when she says a quiet hi I quickly let her know she is fine "it's nice to meet you. Can I ask a question" I say and place my hand gently onto her shoulder which she flinches in pain "are you ok" I ask and she nods her head and I know she isn't but I don't press her "I was wondering if you could maybe show Alia around, she could really use a friend" at that her head snapped up and I see the bruise on her neck but I don't show interest in it because I know she will cover up and go inside herself. "Alia, would you like to be friends with Emma, I think you both need a friend." I smile, and Alia has understanding in her eyes. She knows as well as I do the signs. "Hi Emma, we can be best friends," Alia said, and Emma smiled so wide with tears in her eyes. "Ok, great, you 2 have fun." I stand, and Mr. Brown smiles and looks releived, taking both girls inside the class. It's so strange to see Emma like she is because the whole pack is well cared for, and it's the first time I've seen anyone look like they are mistreated. We wait for Mr Brown to come back out and walk back to the school entrance. "Thank you, Mr Brown. Have a good day," I say as me and Chris exit the school. "Do you know anything about Emma, Chris" I ask but he shakes his head "no Luna, sorry" I nod my head "could you link Di and ask if she can meet me in the garden please" I ask "done Luna, she is on her way" he said and we walk the rest of the way in silence. If anyone knows about Emma Di, will.
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