
988 Words
Gina POV I feel nothing, nothing at all. I see nothing. It's so dark that I feel like I'm floating. I'm just floating in nothingness. Darkness surrounds me. It's so quiet that all I can hear is my own heart beating. I struggle to keep my eyes open.. I'm dying. I know I am. I'm not panicked. I'm not scared. I'm ready to leave my shitty life. The only hope I have is that the girls escaped and they are looking after Alia. Darkness takes me. I wake, and I'm not surrounded in darkness anymore, I'm not floating. I'm laid on the floor. It's dark but not enough for me to see nothing. I feel the familiar binding of the black vines, pinning me down. I'm so sick and tired of being held down, tired of being treated how everyone else wants to treat me. I'm ready to give in and leave everything behind me. I stop struggling and lay still letting the vines twist and slither over my whole body. "Fight," I hear a whisper of a voice. I'm obviously starting to hallucinate, so I pay no attention to it. "Fight," I hear it again, but I'm fed up with fighting. "Fight," the voice says again. It's a calming, soft voice, but it's getting louder and louder. It just kept repeating. "Fight..fight..fight." Each time I heard it, the more fire I felt built inside of me. Hotter and hotter. A movement from beside me made my mind up. The wolf was back again, covered in the same vines as me. All I could see was the pink eye and white fur. As I heard it whining, I knew I had to fight. I needed to save the beautiful soul. The fire was building and building. Getting beaten by my family, getting punished, starved, and beaten black and blue. Being pushed around, sold, and being treated like s**t. Like a f*****g meal ticket. The girls being taken away from their loving families. Alia. Sweet Alia being treated the way I was. The more I thought about it the more angry I got. I see the green eyes. The eyes that bring me comfort and strength. I feel a hot cover all over my body, it feels good. My anger is mixed with hope that I get from the eyes. I feel my tears and taking a deep breath I release it all. All my anger, sorrow and pain. My scream hits an invisible force as I feel everything shatter and the vines die. I finally feel peace, I just lay here taking a moment with my eyes closed with tears streaming down my face. I feel a softness envelope me and then a wet tongue licked my face, licked my tears away. I opened my eyes and the massive white wolf was curled around me. I finally felt free 'me too' I heard in my head but darkness soon takes me. I can hear animals around me, birds singing, water splashing and wolves howling. I can still feel the soft fur of the wolf surrounding me. I know I've definitely gone to heaven now. I open my eyes and it's soo bright I clench them shut quickly. It takes me a few tries before I can open them properly. I sit up taking everything in. The wolf is sleeping. I know this is heaven because I've never seen anything as beautiful as this place before. It was just nature, massive trees on all sides, a lake in the middle of the clearing and surrounding the lake was animals but what had my attention there was someone stood in the middle. How's that possible I stand to get a better look. The water looks like water but also different at the same time. It shimmers and pulsates slightly like it has a heartbeat. It's subtle but I can see it. I walk slowly to the edge of the lake and notice it isn't blue like I was expecting, its a kaleidoscope of constantly changing colours and patterns. My eyes didn't want to look away. I soon did though as the woman stood in the middle of the lake took my attention. She had her back to me but her dark black as night hair was dancing in the breeze. It was twinkling when light hit it, it looked magical. Her long dark green dress was beautiful and that is when she turned to face me. WOW. She was beautiful. She started walking towards me and I panicked slightly. The thing that worked me up was she wasn't walking in the water at all, she was walking on top of the water. She wasn't getting wet or anything. I suppose anything is possible in a dream or death. I didn't move an inch because even though it was totally out there, I also felt peace and calmness from her. As she stopped infront of me her eyes held nothing but kindness. Her eyes were out of this word. There was no white. Her eyes were like pictures. The longer I looked in her eyes I could see Forests, trees swaying in a light wind. Her hair was black with strands of gold. She wore a intricate and beautiful crown upon her head, made of wood and leaves. "Your finally here, I've waited for so long child" she smiled and I smile back but couldn't get my words back. "I see you have met Dakota, she has been locked away for so long" she smiled at the sleeping wolf. "Where am I, Have I died" I ask looking around us but she laughs "no child you are not dead. You are at the haven" I don't understand anything she is saying and she can probably tell looking at my face. "I don't understand.. who are you" I ask quietly but her smile never fades "I'm selene, the moon goddess" she explains.
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